Completion Dispatcher可以是单线程的。当HTTP请求到达时,单个Completion Dispatcher线程解析请求,读取文件,并发送响应给客户。因为响应是被异步发送的,多个响应就有可能同时被发送。而且,同步的文件读取可以被异步的文件读取取代,以进一步增加并发的潜力。如果文件读取是被异步完成的,HTTP Handler所执行的唯一的同步操作就只剩下了HTTP协议请求解析。
* @class ACE_Service_Handler
* @brief This base class defines the interface for the
* ACE_Asynch_Acceptor to call into when new connection are
* accepted.
* Subclasses of this class will fill in appropriate methods to
* define application specific behavior.
这个是创建服务器 处理器的必须的目标类。此类中的open()挂钩方法会在新连接建立时被调用。
* @class ACE_Asynch_Read_Stream
* @brief This class is a factory for starting off asynchronous reads
* on a stream. This class forwards all methods to its
* implementation class.
* Once {open} is called, multiple asynchronous {read}s can
* started using this class. An ACE_Asynch_Read_Stream::Result
* will be passed back to the {handler} when the asynchronous
* reads completes through the {ACE_Handler::handle_read_stream}
* callback.
* @class Result
* @brief This is the class which will be passed back to the
* {handler} when the asynchronous read completes. This class
* forwards all the methods to the implementation classes.
* This class has all the information necessary for the
* {handler} to uniquiely identify the completion of the
* asynchronous read.
#include "ace/Message_Queue.h" #include "ace/Asynch_IO.h" #include "ace/OS.h" #include "ace/Proactor.h" #include "ace/Asynch_Acceptor.h" class HA_Proactive_Service : public ACE_Service_Handler { public: ~HA_Proactive_Service () { if (this->handle () != ACE_INVALID_HANDLE) ACE_OS::closesocket (this->handle ()); } virtual void open (ACE_HANDLE h, ACE_Message_Block&) { // handle方法是从ACE_Service_Handler的父类ACE_Handler继承而得 // 这个方法为hook方法,在新建立连接的时候被调用 // 这个方法会保存新的socket句柄 this->handle (h); // 在保存完socket以后,必须用open初始化I/O工厂对象reader_,为发起I/O做准备 /**这个是open方法的参数与注释 * Initializes the factory with information which will be used with * each asynchronous call. * * @arg handler The ACE_Handler that will be called to handle completions * for operations initiated using this factory. * @arg handle The handle that future read operations will use. * If handle == @c ACE_INVALID_HANDLE, * ACE_Handler::handle() will be called on @ handler * to get the correct handle. * * @retval 0 for success. * @retval -1 for failure; consult @c errno for further information. */ // int open (ACE_Handler &handler, // ACE_HANDLE handle = ACE_INVALID_HANDLE, // const void *completion_key = 0, // ACE_Proactor *proactor = 0); // 其中,第一个参数表示工厂操作的完成处理器,当完成I/O操作的时候Proactor框架会 // 回调这个对象,这也是处理器叫做完成处理器的原因 // ACE_Service_Handler是ACE_Handler的后代,即是读操作也是写操作的完成处理器所以 // *this被用作处理器的参数 // 没有句柄传入,I/O工厂会调用ACE_Service_Handler::handler()方法来取得ACE_HANDLE // ACE_Proactor也是默认的,使用的为一个进程范围内的一个ACE_Proactor对象 // 开始这里写错成&&,而&&第一部分是真的话不会进行下一部分判断也就是写工厂没有初始化 if ((this->reader_.open (*this) != 0) || (this->writer_.open(*this) != 0)) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("%p\n"), ACE_TEXT ("HA_Proactive_Service open"))); delete this; } // open方法的最后一件事情就是调用I/O对象的read()方法来在socket上发起一个异步读操作 ACE_Message_Block *mb; ACE_NEW_NORETURN(mb, ACE_Message_Block(1024)); if (this->reader_.read (*mb, mb->space ()) != 0) { ACE_OS::printf("Begin read fail\n"); delete this; } } // 异步读完成后会调用此函数,此函数为ACE_Handler中的接口 // result为为I/O工厂的类对象,用于保存读取的结果 virtual void handle_read_stream(const ACE_Asynch_Read_Stream::Result &result) { ACE_Message_Block &mb = result.message_block (); if (!result.success () || result.bytes_transferred () == 0) { mb.release (); delete this; } else { // 为字符串添加结束标记'\0'并打印出来 ACE_OS::printf("rev:\t%s\n",mb.rd_ptr()); // 给客户端写回时间 time_t now = ACE_OS::gettimeofday().sec(); char *time = ctime(&now); //获取当前时间的字符串格式 mb.copy(time); ACE_OS::printf(mb.rd_ptr()); if (this->writer_.write(mb, mb.length()) !=0) { ACE_OS::printf("Begin write fail\n"); mb.release(); } else { // 发起一个新的读操作(上面open方法的最后一件事情) ACE_Message_Block *nmb; ACE_NEW_NORETURN(nmb, ACE_Message_Block(1024)); this->reader_.read (*nmb, nmb->space ()); } } } virtual void handle_write_stream(const ACE_Asynch_Write_Stream::Result &result) { result.message_block().release(); } private: ACE_Asynch_Read_Stream reader_; ACE_Asynch_Write_Stream writer_; }; int ACE_TMAIN(int, ACE_TCHAR *[]) { int port=3000; ACE_Asynch_Acceptor<HA_Proactive_Service> acceptor; /** * @c open starts one or more asynchronous accept requests on a * @a address. Each accept operation may optionally read an * initial buffer from the new connection when accepted. */ // 初始化接收器对象,并开始接受连接 // 不是上面提到的任何一个方法 if (acceptor.open (ACE_INET_Addr (port)) == -1) return -1; // while(true) // ACE_Proactor::instance ()->handle_events (); // 或者 ACE_Proactor::instance()->proactor_run_event_loop(); return 0; }
// client.cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std; #include "ace/INET_Addr.h" #include "ace/SOCK_Stream.h" #include "ace/SOCK_Connector.h" #include "ace/Log_Msg.h" #include "common/MD5.h" int ACE_TMAIN(int, ACE_TCHAR *[]) { ACE_INET_Addr srvr(3000, ACE_LOCALHOST); ACE_SOCK_Connector connector; ACE_SOCK_Stream peer; if(-1 == connector.connect(peer, srvr)) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT("%p\n"), ACE_TEXT("connect")), 1); } int bc; char buf[64]; for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) { peer.send_n("uptime\n", 7); bc = peer.recv(buf, sizeof(buf)); write(1, buf, bc); ACE_OS::sleep(1); } peer.close(); return 0; }