without base relocation /fixed:no


在使用Intel Vtune 软件进行程序性能分析时,可能会遇到下面一个错误:

The following modules were created without base relocation:F:\……\***.exe

Base relocations are required in order to obtain call graph data.

If your application is developed using

Microsoft Visual C++ or Microsoft visual Bsic,

add the flag "/fixed:no" to the link command line

or set the environment variable "LINK=/fixed:no"

Restart the Development Environment and rebuild your application.



我用的是vs2005,在Project -> properties -> Configuration properties ->Linker ->Command Line -> Additonal options 目录下,输入/fixed:no ,点击应用,然后重新生成解决方案,重新Load ***.exe文件就OK了。



对初级使用者来说,Vtune使用起来还是很傻瓜的,几乎不需要设置太多东西,只要新建一个Quick Performance Analyzer Project ,然后加载可执行文件 **.exe 就可以了。然后生成一堆图表和数据,那就是我们想要的东西了……

