
           在编写OpenGL程序时,当使用到glut库时,编译能够成功,但是在执行的时候,就会 出现__imp____glutInitWithExit@12和无法解析的外部符号和__imp____glutCreateWindowWithExit@8无法解析。

   这个问题的解决:在#include <GL/glut.h>之前(一定要在其前)加上下列代码:


Win32 has an annoying issue where there are multiple C run-time
libraries (CRTs). If the executable is linked with a different CRT
from the GLUT DLL, the GLUT DLL will not share the same CRT static
data seen by the executable. In particular, atexit callbacks registered
in the executable will not be called if GLUT calls its (different)
exit routine). GLUT is typically built with the
"/MD" option (the CRT with multithreading DLL support), but the Visual
C++ linker default is "/ML" (the single threaded CRT).
One workaround to this issue is requiring users to always link with
the same CRT as GLUT is compiled with. That requires users supply a
non-standard option. GLUT 3.7 has its own built-in workaround where
the executable's "exit" function pointer is covertly passed to GLUT.
GLUT then calls the executable's exit function pointer to ensure that
any "atexit" calls registered by the application are called if GLUT
needs to exit.

Note that the __glut*WithExit routines should NEVER be called directly.
To avoid the atexit workaround, #define GLUT_DISABLE_ATEXIT_HACK. */

    我理解把它当成Glut 库使用时的一个瑕疵。只要我们使用了OpenGL使用库(glut),都会出现这样的问题。

所以需要定义#define GLUT_DISABLE_ATEXIT_HACK,解决此瑕疵。

