Run cassandra in eclipse

system: ubuntu linux

eclipse: 3.5

You can followed steps described here RunningCassandraInEclipse.

If there are new errors introduced, you can reference steps as follows (my short summary):

1. Check out:

svn checkout cassandra-trunk

2. Create and empty java project (cassandra-trunk for example)

copy all the files in the project cassandra-trunk to the working copy you just checked out.

3. Delete this project.

4. In Eclipse menu: File - import  - general - existing project to workspace, browse to the working copy 

and import project cassandra-trunk

5. Menu: Project - properties - java build path

        In tab source : remove /src and add src/java 

6. Menu: Project - properties - java build path

        In tab libraries: add all jars in lib

7. Right click on the build.xml (in your project root) select "run As" - "ant build"

8. Refresh the project tree then add interface/thrift/gen-java to src path do the same with interface/avro/gen-java, src/gen-java (refresh the src folder in your project root if needed)

9. Build again (if there are restricted access errors in your java file then configure the java compile preference for this project. Project - properties - Errors/Warnings - Deprecated and restricted API: select warning for the Forbidden reference)

10. configure the run arguments:

Click "Run" -> "Run Configurations..." Select org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CassandraDaemon as your Main class, make sure that your cassandra project is selected in the "Project" field. Under the Arguments tab you can specify VM arguments. Below is my complete Vm arguments list:



-ea -Xmx1G

Make sure to change the storage-config property so it defines the path to your storage-conf.xml file.

That should be it. After running the newly created run configuration you should see something like this in the console view.

DEBUG 22:01:25,524 Estimating compactions for HintsColumnFamily

DEBUG 22:01:25,524 Estimating compactions for Migrations

DEBUG 22:01:25,525 Estimating compactions for Schema

DEBUG 22:01:25,526 Checking to see if compaction of LocationInfo would be useful

DEBUG 22:01:25,526 Checking to see if compaction of HintsColumnFamily would be useful

DEBUG 22:01:25,527 Checking to see if compaction of Migrations would be useful

DEBUG 22:01:25,527 Checking to see if compaction of Schema would be useful

 INFO 22:01:25,537 Saved Token found: 1816769162446994796948805497871322369

 INFO 22:01:25,537 Saved ClusterName found: Test Cluster

 INFO 22:01:25,568 Starting up server gossip

DEBUG 22:01:25,597 attempting to connect to /

 INFO 22:01:25,691 Binding thrift service to localhost/

Try running the cassandra-cli as per CassandraCli, and you should be able to connect to localhost/9160.
