// TODO: Move to `DistributedPlan` /** Specifies how data is partitioned across different nodes in the cluster. */ def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = UnknownPartitioning(0) // TODO: WRONG WIDTH! /** Specifies any partition requirements on the input data for this operator. */ def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] = Seq.fill(children.size)(UnspecifiedDistribution) def execute(): RDD[Row] def executeCollect(): Array[Row] = execute().collect()
Row是一行output对应的数据,提供getXXX(i: Int)方法
trait Row extends Seq[Any] with Serializable
支持数据类型包括Int, Long, Double, Float, Boolean, Short, Byte, String。支持按序数(ordinal)读取某一个列的值。读取前需要做isNullAt(i: Int)的判断。
对应的有一个MutableRow类,提供setXXX(i: Int, value: Any)方法。可以修改(set)某序数上的值
class GenericRow(protected[catalyst] val values: Array[Any]) extends Row
ExistingRdd用于把绑定了case class的rdd的数据,转变为RDD[Row],同时反射提取出case class的属性(output)。转化过程的单例类和伴生对象如下:
object ExistingRdd { def convertToCatalyst(a: Any): Any = a match { case s: Seq[Any] => s.map(convertToCatalyst) case p: Product => new GenericRow(p.productIterator.map(convertToCatalyst).toArray) case other => other } // 把RDD[A]映射成为RDD[Row],map A中每一行数据 def productToRowRdd[A <: Product](data: RDD[A]): RDD[Row] = { // TODO: Reuse the row, don't use map on the product iterator. Maybe code gen? data.map(r => new GenericRow(r.productIterator.map(convertToCatalyst).toArray): Row) } def fromProductRdd[A <: Product : TypeTag](productRdd: RDD[A]) = { ExistingRdd(ScalaReflection.attributesFor[A], productToRowRdd(productRdd)) } } case class ExistingRdd(output: Seq[Attribute], rdd: RDD[Row]) extends LeafNode { def execute() = rdd }
/* Implicit conversions */ import org.apache.spark.rdd.PartitionLocalRDDFunctions._
Groups input data by`groupingExpressions` and computes the `aggregateExpressions` for each group.
@param child theinput data source.
case class Aggregate( partial: Boolean, groupingExpressions: Seq[Expression], aggregateExpressions: Seq[NamedExpression], child: SparkPlan)(@transient sc: SparkContext)
override def requiredChildDistribution = if (partial) { // true, 未知的分布 UnspecifiedDistribution :: Nil } else { // 如果为空,则分布情况是全部的tuple在一个single partition里 if (groupingExpressions == Nil) { AllTuples :: Nil // 否则是集群分布的,分布规则来自groupExpressions } else { ClusteredDistribution(groupingExpressions) :: Nil } }
def execute() = attachTree(this, "execute") { // 这里进行了一次隐式转换,生成了PartitionLocalRDDFunctions val grouped = child.execute().mapPartitions { iter => val buildGrouping = new Projection(groupingExpressions) iter.map(row => (buildGrouping(row), row.copy())) }.groupByKeyLocally() // 这里生成的结果是RDD[(K, Seq[V])] val result = grouped.map { case (group, rows) => // 这一步会把aggregateExpressions对应到具体的spark方法都找出来 // 具体做法是遍历aggregateExpressions,各自newInstance val aggImplementations = createAggregateImplementations() // Pull out all the functions so we can feed each row into them. val aggFunctions = aggImplementations.flatMap(_ collect { case f: AggregateFunction => f }) rows.foreach { row => aggFunctions.foreach(_.update(row)) } buildRow(aggImplementations.map(_.apply(group))) } // TODO: THIS BREAKS PIPELINING, DOUBLE COMPUTES THE ANSWER, AND USES TOO MUCH MEMORY... if (groupingExpressions.isEmpty && result.count == 0) { // When there is no output to the Aggregate operator, we still output an empty row. val aggImplementations = createAggregateImplementations() sc.makeRDD(buildRow(aggImplementations.map(_.apply(null))) :: Nil) } else { result } }
AggregateExpression继承体系如下,这部分代码在Catalyst expressions包的aggregates.scala里:
他的第一类实现AggregateFunction,带一个update(input: Row)操作。子类的update操作是实际对Row执行变化。
DebugNode是把传进来child SparkPlan调用execute()执行,然后把结果childRdd逐个输出查看
case class DebugNode(child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryNode
case class Exchange(newPartitioning: Partitioning, child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryNode
def execute() = attachTree(this , "execute") { newPartitioning match { case HashPartitioning(expressions, numPartitions) => // 把expression作用到rdd每个partition的每个row上 val rdd = child.execute().mapPartitions { iter => val hashExpressions = new MutableProjection(expressions) val mutablePair = new MutablePair[Row, Row]() // 相当于Tuple2 iter.map(r => mutablePair.update(hashExpressions(r), r)) } val part = new HashPartitioner(numPartitions) // 生成ShuffledRDD val shuffled = new ShuffledRDD[Row, Row, MutablePair[Row, Row]](rdd, part) shuffled.setSerializer(new SparkSqlSerializer(new SparkConf(false))) shuffled.map(_._2) // 输出Tuple2里的第二个值 case RangePartitioning(sortingExpressions, numPartitions) => // TODO: RangePartitioner should take an Ordering. implicit val ordering = new RowOrdering(sortingExpressions) val rdd = child.execute().mapPartitions { iter => val mutablePair = new MutablePair[Row, Null](null, null) iter.map(row => mutablePair.update(row, null)) } val part = new RangePartitioner(numPartitions, rdd, ascending = true) val shuffled = new ShuffledRDD[Row, Null, MutablePair[Row, Null]](rdd, part) shuffled.setSerializer(new SparkSqlSerializer(new SparkConf(false))) shuffled.map(_._1) case SinglePartition => child.execute().coalesce(1, shuffle = true) case _ => sys.error(s"Exchange not implemented for $newPartitioning") // TODO: Handle BroadcastPartitioning. } }
case class Filter(condition: Expression, child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryNode def execute() = child.execute().mapPartitions { iter => iter.filter(condition.apply(_).asInstanceOf[Boolean]) }
case class Generate( generator: Generator, join: Boolean, outer: Boolean, child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryNode
Explode类做法是将输入的input array里的每一个value(可能是ArrayType,可能是MapType),变成一个GenericRow(Array(v)),输出就是一个
def execute() = { if (join) { child.execute().mapPartitions { iter => val nullValues = Seq.fill(generator.output.size)(Literal(null)) // Used to produce rows with no matches when outer = true. val outerProjection = new Projection(child.output ++ nullValues, child.output) val joinProjection = new Projection(child.output ++ generator.output, child.output ++ generator.output) val joinedRow = new JoinedRow iter.flatMap {row => val outputRows = generator(row) if (outer && outputRows.isEmpty) { outerProjection(row) :: Nil } else { outputRows.map(or => joinProjection(joinedRow(row, or))) } } } } else { child.execute().mapPartitions(iter => iter.flatMap(generator)) } }
case class Project(projectList: Seq[NamedExpression], child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryNode
def execute() = child.execute().mapPartitions { iter => @transient val reusableProjection = new MutableProjection(projectList) iter.map(reusableProjection) }
MutableProjection类是Row => Row的继承类,它构造的时候接收一个Seq[Expression],还允许接收一个inputSchema: Seq[Attribute]。MutableProjection用于根据表达式(和Schema,如果有Schema的话)把Row映射成新的Row,改变内部的column。
case class Sample(fraction: Double, withReplacement: Boolean, seed: Int, child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryNode def execute() = child.execute().sample(withReplacement, fraction, seed)
def sample(withReplacement: Boolean, fraction: Double, seed: Int): RDD[T] = { require(fraction >= 0.0, "Invalid fraction value: " + fraction) if (withReplacement) { new PartitionwiseSampledRDD[T, T](this, new PoissonSampler[T](fraction), seed) } else { new PartitionwiseSampledRDD[T, T](this, new BernoulliSampler[T](fraction), seed) } }
case class Sort( sortOrder: Seq[SortOrder], global: Boolean, child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryNode
override def requiredChildDistribution = if (global) OrderedDistribution(sortOrder) :: Nil else UnspecifiedDistribution :: Nil
SortOrder类是UnaryExpression的实现,定义了tuple排序的策略(递增或递减)。该类只是为child expression们声明了排序策略。之所以继承Expression,是为了能影响到子树。
case class SortOrder(child: Expression, direction: SortDirection) extends UnaryExpression
// RowOrdering继承Ordering[Row] @transient lazy val ordering = new RowOrdering(sortOrder) def execute() = attachTree(this, "sort") { // TODO: Optimize sorting operation? child.execute() .mapPartitions(iterator => iterator.map(_.copy()).toArray.sorted(ordering).iterator, preservesPartitioning = true) }
case class StopAfter(limit: Int, child: SparkPlan)(@transient sc: SparkContext) extends UnaryNode
override def executeCollect() = child.execute().map(_.copy()).take(limit) def execute() = sc.makeRDD(executeCollect(), 1) // 设置并行度为1
makeRDD实质上调用的是new ParallelCollectionRDD[T]的操作,此处的seq为tabke()返回的Array[T],而numSlices为1:
/** Distribute a local Scala collection to form an RDD. */ def parallelize[T: ClassTag](seq: Seq[T], numSlices: Int = defaultParallelism): RDD[T] = { new ParallelCollectionRDD[T](this, seq, numSlices, Map[Int, Seq[String]]()) }
case class TopK(limit: Int, sortOrder: Seq[SortOrder], child: SparkPlan) (@transient sc: SparkContext) extends UnaryNode
@transient lazy val ordering = new RowOrdering(sortOrder) override def executeCollect() = child.execute().map(_.copy()).takeOrdered(limit)(ordering) def execute() = sc.makeRDD(executeCollect(), 1)
def top(num: Int)(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): Array[T] = { mapPartitions { items => val queue = new BoundedPriorityQueue[T](num) queue ++= items Iterator.single(queue) }.reduce { (queue1, queue2) => queue1 ++= queue2 queue1 }.toArray.sorted(ord.reverse) }
BoundedPriorityQueue是Spark util包里的一个数据结构,包装了PriorityQueue,他的优化点在于限制了优先队列的大小,比如在添加元素的时候,如果超出size了,就会进行对堆进行比较和替换。适合TopK的场景。
所以每个partition在排序前,只会产生一个num大小的BPQ(最后只需要选Top num个),合并之后才做真正的排序,最后选出前num个。
case class BroadcastNestedLoopJoin( streamed: SparkPlan, broadcast: SparkPlan, joinType: JoinType, condition: Option[Expression]) (@transient sc: SparkContext) extends BinaryNode
def execute() = { // 先将需要广播的SparkPlan执行后进行一次broadcast操作 val broadcastedRelation = sc.broadcast(broadcast.execute().map(_.copy()).collect().toIndexedSeq) val streamedPlusMatches = streamed.execute().mapPartitions { streamedIter => val matchedRows = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Row] val includedBroadcastTuples = new mutable.BitSet(broadcastedRelation.value.size) val joinedRow = new JoinedRow streamedIter.foreach { streamedRow => var i = 0 var matched = false while (i < broadcastedRelation.value.size) { // TODO: One bitset per partition instead of per row. val broadcastedRow = broadcastedRelation.value(i) if (boundCondition(joinedRow(streamedRow, broadcastedRow)).asInstanceOf[Boolean]) { matchedRows += buildRow(streamedRow ++ broadcastedRow) matched = true includedBroadcastTuples += i } i += 1 } if (!matched && (joinType == LeftOuter || joinType == FullOuter)) { matchedRows += buildRow(streamedRow ++ Array.fill(right.output.size)(null)) } } Iterator((matchedRows, includedBroadcastTuples)) } val includedBroadcastTuples = streamedPlusMatches.map(_._2) val allIncludedBroadcastTuples = if (includedBroadcastTuples.count == 0) { new scala.collection.mutable.BitSet(broadcastedRelation.value.size) } else { streamedPlusMatches.map(_._2).reduce(_ ++ _) } val rightOuterMatches: Seq[Row] = if (joinType == RightOuter || joinType == FullOuter) { broadcastedRelation.value.zipWithIndex.filter { case (row, i) => !allIncludedBroadcastTuples.contains(i) }.map { // TODO: Use projection. case (row, _) => buildRow(Vector.fill(left.output.size)(null) ++ row) } } else { Vector() } // TODO: Breaks lineage. sc.union( streamedPlusMatches.flatMap(_._1), sc.makeRDD(rightOuterMatches)) }
case class CartesianProduct(left: SparkPlan, right: SparkPlan) extends BinaryNode
def execute() = left.execute().map(_.copy()).cartesian(right.execute().map(_.copy())).map { case (l: Row, r: Row) => buildRow(l ++ r) }
case class SparkEquiInnerJoin( leftKeys: Seq[Expression], rightKeys: Seq[Expression], left: SparkPlan, right: SparkPlan) extends BinaryNode
基本上看代码就可以了,没有什么可以说明的,做local join的时候借助的是PartitionLocalRDDFunctions里的方法。
def execute() = attachTree(this, "execute") { val leftWithKeys = left.execute().mapPartitions { iter => val generateLeftKeys = new Projection(leftKeys, left.output) // 传入了Schema iter.map(row => (generateLeftKeys(row), row.copy())) } val rightWithKeys = right.execute().mapPartitions { iter => val generateRightKeys = new Projection(rightKeys, right.output) iter.map(row => (generateRightKeys(row), row.copy())) } // Do the join. // joinLocally是PartitionLocalRDDFunctions的方法 val joined = filterNulls(leftWithKeys).joinLocally(filterNulls(rightWithKeys)) // Drop join keys and merge input tuples. joined.map { case (_, (leftTuple, rightTuple)) => buildRow(leftTuple ++ rightTuple) } } /** * Filters any rows where the any of the join keys is null, ensuring three-valued * logic for the equi-join conditions. */ protected def filterNulls(rdd: RDD[(Row, Row)]) = rdd.filter { case (key: Seq[_], _) => !key.exists(_ == null) }
def joinLocally[W](other: RDD[(K, W)]): RDD[(K, (V, W))] = { cogroupLocally(other).flatMapValues { case (vs, ws) => for (v <- vs.iterator; w <- ws.iterator) yield (v, w) } }
case class Union(children: Seq[SparkPlan])(@transient sc: SparkContext) extends SparkPlan
def execute() = sc.union(children.map(_.execute()))