UIKit Framework Reference


UIKit Framework Reference

The UIKit framework provides the classes needed to construct and manage an application’s user interface for iOS. It provides an application object, event handling, drawing model, windows, views, and controls specifically designed for a touch screen interface. Figure I-1 illustrates the classes in this framework.


Header file directories

    Class References
  1. NSBundle UIKit Additions
  2. NSCoder UIKit Additions
  3. NSIndexPath UIKit Additions
  4. NSObject UIKit Additions
  5. NSString UIKit Additions
  6. NSValue UIKit Additions
  7. UIAcceleration
  8. UIAccelerometer
  9. UIAccessibilityElement
  10. UIActionSheet
  11. UIActivityIndicatorView
  12. UIAlertView
  13. UIApplication
  14. UIBarButtonItem
  15. UIBarItem
  16. UIBezierPath
  17. UIButton
  18. UIColor
  19. UIControl
  20. UIDatePicker
  21. UIDevice
  22. UIDocument
  23. UIDocumentInteractionController
  24. UIEvent
  25. UIFont
  26. UIGestureRecognizer
  27. UIImage
  28. UIImagePickerController
  29. UIImageView
  30. UILabel
  31. UILocalizedIndexedCollation
  32. UILocalNotification
  33. UILongPressGestureRecognizer
  34. UIManagedDocument
  35. UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter
  36. UIMenuController
  37. UIMenuItem
  38. UINavigationBar
  39. UINavigationController
  40. UINavigationItem
  41. UINib
  42. UIPageControl
  43. UIPageViewController
  44. UIPanGestureRecognizer
  45. UIPasteboard
  46. UIPickerView
  47. UIPinchGestureRecognizer
  48. UIPopoverBackgroundView
  49. UIPopoverController
  50. UIPrintFormatter
  51. UIPrintInfo
  52. UIPrintInteractionController
  53. UIPrintPageRenderer
  54. UIPrintPaper
  55. UIProgressView
  56. UIReferenceLibraryViewController
  57. UIResponder
  58. UIRotationGestureRecognizer
  59. UIScreen
  60. UIScreenMode
  61. UIScrollView
  62. UISearchBar
  63. UISearchDisplayController
  64. UISegmentedControl
  65. UISimpleTextPrintFormatter
  66. UISlider
  67. UISplitViewController
  68. UIStepper
  69. UIStoryboard
  70. UIStoryboardPopoverSegue
  71. UIStoryboardSegue
  72. UISwipeGestureRecognizer
  73. UISwitch
  74. UITabBar
  75. UITabBarController
  76. UITabBarItem
  77. UITableView
  78. UITableViewCell
  79. UITableViewController
  80. UITapGestureRecognizer
  81. UITextField
  82. UITextInputMode
  83. UITextInputStringTokenizer
  84. UITextPosition
  85. UITextRange
  86. UITextView
  87. UIToolbar
  88. UITouch
  89. UIVideoEditorController
  90. UIView
  91. UIViewController
  92. UIViewPrintFormatter
  93. UIWebView
  94. UIWindow
    Protocol References
  1. UIAccelerometerDelegate
  2. UIAccessibility
  3. UIAccessibilityAction
  4. UIAccessibilityContainer
  5. UIAccessibilityFocus
  6. UIActionSheetDelegate
  7. UIAlertViewDelegate
  8. UIAppearance
  9. UIAppearanceContainer
  10. UIApplicationDelegate
  11. UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate
  12. UIGestureRecognizerDelegate
  13. UIImagePickerControllerDelegate
  14. UIKeyInput
  15. UINavigationBarDelegate
  16. UINavigationControllerDelegate
  17. UIPageViewControllerDataSource
  18. UIPageViewControllerDelegate
  19. UIPickerViewAccessibilityDelegate
  20. UIPickerViewDataSource
  21. UIPickerViewDelegate
  22. UIPopoverControllerDelegate
  23. UIPrintInteractionControllerDelegate
  24. UIResponderStandardEditActions
  25. UIScrollViewDelegate
  26. UISearchBarDelegate
  27. UISearchDisplayDelegate
  28. UISplitViewControllerDelegate
  29. UITabBarControllerDelegate
  30. UITabBarDelegate
  31. UITableViewDataSource
  32. UITableViewDelegate
  33. UITextFieldDelegate
  34. UITextInput
  35. UITextInputDelegate
  36. UITextInputTokenizer
  37. UITextInputTraits
  38. UITextViewDelegate
  39. UIVideoEditorControllerDelegate
  40. UIWebViewDelegate
    Other References
  1. UIKit Data Types
  2. UIKit Constants
  3. UIKit Function
  4. Revision History
