关于解压缩与ios cocoa




-(IBAction)unarchiveFile:(id)sender{    if(self.filePath == nil)
{        NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"Error"                                         defaultButton:@"OK"                                       alternateButton:nil                                           otherButton:nil                             informativeTextWithFormat:@"You need to select a file path"];        [alert runModal];  //Alert the user and backout of the method if the file path hasn't been       
 return;    }   
 NSOpenPanel *oPanel = [[NSOpenPanel alloc] init]; //this lets the user choose where to extract the file to.     [oPanel setCanChooseFiles:NO];   
 [oPanel setCanChooseDirectories:YES];    [oPanel setCanCreateDirectories:YES]; 
//May as well do this, UX and all.    
NSInteger choice = [oPanel runModal];    if(choice == NSOKButton){        NSString *extractPath = [[NSString alloc] initWithString: [[oPanel URL]path]];        NSArray *arguments = [NSArray arrayWithObject:self.filePath];        NSTask *unzipTask = [[NSTask alloc] init];        [unzipTask setLaunchPath:@"/usr/bin/unzip"]; //this is where the unzip application is on the system.        [unzipTask setCurrentDirectoryPath:extractPath]; //this means we only have to pass one argument, the path to the zip.        [unzipTask setArguments:arguments];        [unzipTask launch];    }}
NSOPENPanel/ 用于打开文件/选择后canchoosefile,然后判断选择的正确性/choice=[oPanel runModal].

建立一个task后,我们可以执行参数(先要设置参数);最后调用unziptask launch,但如何确保执行成功的。

You can only use an instance of NSTask once. Yeah. Once you’ve run your NSTask, you need to create a new one.。。。




I am developing an application in which I am getting a zipped XML file from web service. Now I need to unzip it and I have to parse it. How can I unzip an XML file coming from web service




i can read html files now but how to download a zip file and extract it locally so that i can use that in my app plz 


ZipArchive is an Objective-C class to compress or uncompress zip files, which is base on open source code "MiniZip".

It can be used for iPhone application development, and cocoa on Mac OSX as well.

