count the number of 2s

Write a method to count the number of 2s between 0 and n.

一本书的页码从自然数1 开始顺序编码直到自然数n。书的页码按照通常的习惯编排,每个页码都不含多余的前导数字0。例如,第6 页用数字6 表示,而不是06 或006 等。数字计数问题要求对给定书的总页码n,计算出书的全部页码中分别用到多少次数字0,1, 2,…,9。


public static int count2sR(int n) {
	// base case
	if (n==0) return0;

	// 513 = 5*100 +13;  [power = 100, first = 5, remainder =13]
	int power = 1;

	int first = n/power;
	int remainder = n%power;

	// count 2s from the first digit
	int nTwosFirst = 0;
	if(first>2) nTwosFirst+=power;
	else if (first==2) nTwosFirst += remainder+1;

	// count 2s from all other digits
	int nTwosOther = first* count2sR(power-1) + count2sR(remainder);

	return nTwosFirst + nTwosOther;

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