
同squidclient一样,varnish同样也提供了一个工具 ———— varnishstat 用于查看varnish的缓存状态 ,并且后者显的更为专一 。熟悉每个参数所表示的意义,对varnish的优化和调优是很有帮助的 。


usage: varnishstat [-1lV] [-f field_list] [-n varnish_name] [-w delay]
    -1                           # Print the statistics to stdout.
    -f field_list                # Comma separated list of fields to display.
                                 # If it starts with '^' it is used as an exclusion list
    -l                           # Lists the available fields to use with the -f option
    -n varnish_name              # The varnishd instance to get logs from
    -V                           # Display the version number and exit
    -w delay                     # Wait delay seconds between updates.  Default is 1 second. Can also be be used with -1, -x or -j for repeated output.
    -x                           # Print statistics to stdout as XML.
    -j                           # Print statistics to stdout as JSON.

由上面的使用参数不难看出,varnishstat的还是十分人性化的。其带的各种参数也为各种监控工具提供了很便利的接口。例如,我们可以很方便的利用-1 、-f参数很方便的写脚本给监控工具提供结果。像-x -j参数可以很方便的通过html调用和写入数据库。




默认不加任何参数打开varnishstat时显示的内容如上图所示,默认会1秒刷新一次数据。Hitrate ratio由三个数字组成,第一个数字范围0-10,第二个数字范围0-100,第三个数字范围0-1000。分别表示过去N秒内的Hitrate avg。如果打开的时间足够长,以上三个数字就会逐渐变成10,100,1000。Hitrate avg里的内容是命中率,需要乘以100转换成百分比 

2、varnishstat -1详细分析

[root@back ~]# /App/varnish/bin/varnishstat -1
client_conn           29407268        43.06 Client connections accepted
client_drop                  1         0.00 Connection dropped, no sess/wrk
#client_req 代表到目前为止,浏览器向反向代理服务器发送的HTTP请求累积次数,由于可能使用长连接,所以它可能会大于上边的Client connections accepted。
client_req            29407152        43.06 Client requests received
cache_hit             26187535        38.34 Cache hits
cache_hitpass              614         0.00 Cache hits for pass
cache_miss             3212034         4.70 Cache misses #在缓存区中查找但是没有命中缓存的次数
backend_conn            105734         0.15 Backend conn. success
backend_unhealthy            0         0.00 Backend conn. not attempted
backend_busy                 0         0.00 Backend conn. too many
backend_fail             18709         0.03 Backend conn. failures #后端请求失败数,越小越好
backend_reuse          3097249         4.53 Backend conn. reuses
backend_toolate          37578         0.06 Backend conn. was closed #后端服务器已关闭的连接数
backend_recycle        3134831         4.59 Backend conn. recycles
backend_retry             2582         0.00 Backend conn. retry #重新尝试连接后端服务器的次数
fetch_head                   0         0.00 Fetch head
fetch_length             27797         0.04 Fetch with Length
fetch_chunked          3147029         4.61 Fetch chunked
fetch_eof                    0         0.00 Fetch EOF
fetch_bad                    0         0.00 Fetch had bad headers
fetch_close               6895         0.01 Fetch wanted close
fetch_oldhttp                0         0.00 Fetch pre HTTP/1.1 closed
fetch_zero                   0         0.00 Fetch zero len
fetch_failed                 0         0.00 Fetch failed
fetch_1xx                    0         0.00 Fetch no body (1xx)
fetch_204                    0         0.00 Fetch no body (204)
fetch_304                   10         0.00 Fetch no body (304)
n_sess_mem                9261          .   N struct sess_mem
n_sess                       0          .   N struct sess
n_object                  1067          .   N struct object    #当前被cache的条目
n_vampireobject              0          .   N unresurrected objects
n_objectcore              1074          .   N struct objectcore
n_objecthead              1532          .   N struct objecthead
n_waitinglist           101664          .   N struct waitinglist
n_vbc                        4          .   N struct vbc
n_wrk                       10          .   N worker threads #当前工作线程数
n_wrk_create             10851         0.02 N worker threads created #创建了多少线程
n_wrk_failed                 0         0.00 N worker threads not created #尝试创建线程但失败,值最好为0
n_wrk_max                 7529         0.01 N worker threads limited  #由于线程上限限制或者线程池反应延迟导致不能成功创建的线程数
n_wrk_lqueue                 0         0.00 work request queue length
n_wrk_queued             89033         0.13 N queued work requests
n_wrk_drop                 501         0.00 N dropped work requests #塞满后扔掉
n_backend                    1          .   N backends
n_expired              3173642          .   N expired objects #代表过期的缓存内容个数,和ttl设置有关
n_lru_nuked                  0          .   N LRU nuked objects #由于cache空间满而不得不扔掉的cache条目,如果这个数字是0,就没必要增加cache的大小了
n_lru_moved            5483101          .   N LRU moved objects #代表被淘汰的缓存内容个数
losthdr                      2         0.00 HTTP header overflows
n_objsendfile                0         0.00 Objects sent with sendfile
n_objwrite            29345982        42.97 Objects sent with write
n_objoverflow                0         0.00 Objects overflowing workspace
s_sess                29407400        43.06 Total Sessions
s_req                 29407152        43.06 Total Requests
s_pipe                       0         0.00 Total pipe
s_pass                    7081         0.01 Total pass
s_fetch                3181731         4.66 Total fetch
s_hdrbytes          8439436717     12356.55 Total header bytes #代表缓存区中所有缓存内容的HTTP头信息长度
s_bodybytes        80473095940    117824.19 Total body bytes #代表缓存区中所有缓存内容的正文长度
sess_closed           29406781        43.06 Session Closed
sess_pipeline                0         0.00 Session Pipeline
sess_readahead               0         0.00 Session Read Ahead
sess_linger                145         0.00 Session Linger
sess_herd                10118         0.01 Session herd
shm_records         1434412402      2100.19 SHM records
shm_writes           124888270       182.85 SHM writes
shm_flushes                  0         0.00 SHM flushes due to overflow
shm_cont                425735         0.62 SHM MTX contention
shm_cycles                 627         0.00 SHM cycles through buffer
sms_nreq                 37386         0.05 SMS allocator requests
sms_nobj                     0          .   SMS outstanding allocations
sms_nbytes                   0          .   SMS outstanding bytes
sms_balloc            15664764          .   SMS bytes allocated
sms_bfree             15664764          .   SMS bytes freed
backend_req            3202957         4.69 Backend requests made
n_vcl                        5         0.00 N vcl total
n_vcl_avail                  5         0.00 N vcl available
n_vcl_discard                0         0.00 N vcl discarded
n_ban                        1          .   N total active bans
n_ban_gone                   1          .   N total gone bans
n_ban_add                    1         0.00 N new bans added
n_ban_retire                 0         0.00 N old bans deleted
n_ban_obj_test               0         0.00 N objects tested
n_ban_re_test                0         0.00 N regexps tested against
n_ban_dups                   0         0.00 N duplicate bans removed
hcb_nolock            29397883        43.04 HCB Lookups without lock
hcb_lock               2304053         3.37 HCB Lookups with lock
hcb_insert             2303884         3.37 HCB Inserts
esi_errors                   0         0.00 ESI parse errors (unlock)
esi_warnings                 0         0.00 ESI parse warnings (unlock)
accept_fail                  0         0.00 Accept failures
client_drop_late           500         0.00 Connection dropped late
uptime                  682993         1.00 Client uptime
dir_dns_lookups              0         0.00 DNS director lookups
dir_dns_failed               0         0.00 DNS director failed lookups
dir_dns_hit                  0         0.00 DNS director cached lookups hit
dir_dns_cache_full           0         0.00 DNS director full dnscache
vmods                        0          .   Loaded VMODs
n_gzip                       0         0.00 Gzip operations
n_gunzip                     0         0.00 Gunzip operations
LCK.sms.creat                1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.sms.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.sms.locks           112158         0.16 Lock Operations
LCK.sms.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.smp.creat                0         0.00 Created locks
LCK.smp.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.smp.locks                0         0.00 Lock Operations
LCK.smp.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.sma.creat                2         0.00 Created locks
LCK.sma.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.sma.locks         15953254        23.36 Lock Operations
LCK.sma.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.smf.creat                0         0.00 Created locks
LCK.smf.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.smf.locks                0         0.00 Lock Operations
LCK.smf.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.hsl.creat                0         0.00 Created locks
LCK.hsl.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.hsl.locks                0         0.00 Lock Operations
LCK.hsl.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.hcb.creat                1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.hcb.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.hcb.locks          4610661         6.75 Lock Operations
LCK.hcb.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.hcl.creat                0         0.00 Created locks
LCK.hcl.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.hcl.locks                0         0.00 Lock Operations
LCK.hcl.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.vcl.creat                1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.vcl.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.vcl.locks           367008         0.54 Lock Operations
LCK.vcl.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.stat.creat               1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.stat.destroy             0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.stat.locks        29416662        43.07 Lock Operations
LCK.stat.colls               0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.sessmem.creat            1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.sessmem.destroy            0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.sessmem.locks       29423687        43.08 Lock Operations
LCK.sessmem.colls              0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.wstat.creat                1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.wstat.destroy              0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.wstat.locks          1392900         2.04 Lock Operations
LCK.wstat.colls                0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.herder.creat               1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.herder.destroy             0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.herder.locks           49701         0.07 Lock Operations
LCK.herder.colls               0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.wq.creat                   2         0.00 Created locks
LCK.wq.destroy                 0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.wq.locks            60646593        88.80 Lock Operations
LCK.wq.colls                   0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.objhdr.creat         2312624         3.39 Created locks
LCK.objhdr.destroy       2311197         3.38 Destroyed locks
LCK.objhdr.locks       125013176       183.04 Lock Operations
LCK.objhdr.colls               0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.exp.creat                  1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.exp.destroy                0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.exp.locks            7030656        10.29 Lock Operations
LCK.exp.colls                  0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.lru.creat                  2         0.00 Created locks
LCK.lru.destroy                0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.lru.locks            3174709         4.65 Lock Operations
LCK.lru.colls                  0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.cli.creat                  1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.cli.destroy                0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.cli.locks                138         0.00 Lock Operations
LCK.cli.colls                  0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.ban.creat                  1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.ban.destroy                0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.ban.locks            7030659        10.29 Lock Operations
LCK.ban.colls                  0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.vbp.creat                  1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.vbp.destroy                0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.vbp.locks                  0         0.00 Lock Operations
LCK.vbp.colls                  0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.vbe.creat                  1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.vbe.destroy                0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.vbe.locks             248892         0.36 Lock Operations
LCK.vbe.colls                  0         0.00 Collisions
LCK.backend.creat              1         0.00 Created locks
LCK.backend.destroy            0         0.00 Destroyed locks
LCK.backend.locks        6642998         9.73 Lock Operations
LCK.backend.colls              0         0.00 Collisions
SMA.s0.c_req             6386718         9.35 Allocator requests
SMA.s0.c_fail                  0         0.00 Allocator failures
SMA.s0.c_bytes      416270568314    609479.99 Bytes allocated
SMA.s0.c_freed      416266623952    609474.22 Bytes freed
SMA.s0.g_alloc              2134          .   Allocations outstanding
SMA.s0.g_bytes           3944362          .   Bytes outstanding #目前占用的内存大小
SMA.s0.g_space        6438506582          .   Bytes available #可用内存大小
SMA.Transient.c_req        14033         0.02 Allocator requests
SMA.Transient.c_fail           0         0.00 Allocator failures
SMA.Transient.c_bytes    908921608      1330.79 Bytes allocated
SMA.Transient.c_freed    908921608      1330.79 Bytes freed
SMA.Transient.g_alloc            0          .   Allocations outstanding
SMA.Transient.g_bytes            0          .   Bytes outstanding
SMA.Transient.g_space            0          .   Bytes available

如上所示,经常需要关注项我都在后面加了中文注解 。特别需要注意的是,命中率是通过以下公式进行计算的。

cache_hit_percent = ( cache_hit / ( cache_hit + cache_miss ) ) * 100


/App/varnish/bin/varnishstat -f SMA.s0.c_bytes -f SMA.s0.c_freed -f SMA.s0.g_alloc -f SMA.s0.g_bytes -f SMA.s0.g_space -f SMA.s0.c_req

/App/varnish/bin/varnishstat -f SMA.s0.c_bytes,SMA.s0.c_freed,SMA.s0.g_alloc,SMA.s0.g_bytes,SMA.s0.g_space,SMA.s0.c_req

具体监控里,根据个人应用和需要的不同,灵活的设置以上参数。我在nagios上监控的参数主要有四个:cache_hit_percent、n_object、SMA.s0.g_bytes、SMA.s0.g_space 。
