cocos2dx 下的CCRect




class CC_DLL CCRect : public CCObject
    CCPoint origin;
    CCSize  size;

    CCRect(float x, float y, float width, float height);    
    CCRect(const CCRect& other);
    //意思是: = 操作就是从另一个CCRect的值赋给自己?
    CCRect& operator= (const CCRect& other); 
    //设置其origin 以及 size
    void setRect(float x, float y, float width, float height);
    virtual CCObject* copyWithZone(CCZone* pZone);
    float getMinX() const; /// return the leftmost x-value of current rect
    float getMidX() const; /// return the midpoint x-value of current rect
    float getMaxX() const; /// return the rightmost x-value of current rect
    float getMinY() const; /// return the bottommost y-value of current rect
    float getMidY() const; /// return the midpoint y-value of current rect
    float getMaxY() const; /// return the topmost y-value of current rect
    bool equals(const CCRect& rect) const;  
    bool containsPoint(const CCPoint& point) const;
    bool intersectsRect(const CCRect& rect) const;
    /** @deprecated use CCRect::equals(const CCRect&) instead, like r1.equals(r2) */
    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static bool CCRectEqualToRect(const CCRect& rect1, const CCRect& rect2);
    /** @deprecated use CCRect::containsPoint(const CCPoint&) instead, like rect.containsPoint(point) */
    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static bool CCRectContainsPoint(const CCRect& rect, const CCPoint& point);
    /** @deprecated use CCRect::intersectsRect(const CCRect&) instead, like r1.intersectsRect(r2) */
    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE static bool CCRectIntersectsRect(const CCRect& rectA, const CCRect& rectB);

#define CCRectMake(x, y, width, height) CCRect((float)(x), (float)(y), (float)(width), (float)(height))

/* The "zero" rectangle -- equivalent to CCRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0). */ 
//定义CCRectZero,等同构造一个origin size都为0的CCRect
const CCRect CCRectZero = CCRectMake(0,0,0,0);

你可能感兴趣的:(cocos2dx 下的CCRect)