Thought Mastery ——英语学习小技巧之三

When controlling  our thoughts ,we  change and shift our motivation and emotion. But how?


A lot of times we have negative pictures in our head and we don't realize how powerful they are, how much they affect us ,how they change the way we act  and feel.


So we need to look at the pictures  that we make in our head and change  them if  they are negative.  You can add sound , happy, smiling , even a  little music in the background. It's ok. Change  them into happy and colorful pictures.  Then put yourself into  the picture, step into it so you're  happy .


Try to do this 100 times. You're programming your brain just like a computer to think in a more positive way. So you can totally change the way you feel about English learning. Change the old ,negative memories, beliefs and feelings about English. It will give you so much more energy .


Positive  emotions will cause you to learn  English  much faster. Believe it or not, the psychology is more important than the  method.


