Boost::Function 是对函数指针的对象化封装,在概念上与广义上的回调函数类似。相对于函数指针,function除了使用自由函数,还可以使用函数对象,甚至是类的成员函数,这个就很强大了哈
#include <boost/function.hpp> #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class TestA { public: void method() { cout<<"TestA: method: no arguments"<<endl; } void method(int a, int b) { cout<<"TestA: method: with arguments" <<"value of a is:"<<a <<"value of b is "<<b <<endl; } }; void sum(int a, int b) { int sum = a + b; cout<<"sum: "<<sum<<endl; } int main() { boost::function<void()> f; TestA test; f = boost::bind(&TestA::method, &test); f(); f = boost::bind(&TestA::method, &test, 1, 2); f(); f = boost::bind(&sum, 1, 2); f(); }
在实现自定义的线程类时,曾经这么干过:定义虚函数run(),用户自定义的CustomThread::Thread后,自己实现run()函数就OK了。 当时觉得这么做也不错。
#include <pthread.h> #include <string> #include <boost/function.hpp> #include <boost/bind.hpp> using namespace std; class Thread { typedef boost::function<void()> ThreadFun; public: Thread(const ThreadFun& threadFun,const string& threadName = string()); pid_t getThreadId(); string getThreadName(); int start(); private: static void* startThread(void* thread); private: pthread_t m_thread; //线程句柄 pid_t m_tid; //线程ID string m_strThreadName; //线程名称 bool m_bStarted; //线程是否启动 ThreadFun m_func; //线程处理函数 };
#include "thread.h" Thread::Thread(const Thread::ThreadFun& threadFun, const string& threadName): m_func(threadFun), m_strThreadName(threadName) { } int Thread::start() { m_tid = pthread_create(&m_thread, NULL, &startThread, this); return 0; } void* Thread::startThread(void* obj) { Thread* thread = static_cast<Thread*>(obj); thread->m_func(); return NULL; } pid_t Thread::getThreadId() { return m_tid; }; string Thread::getThreadName() { return m_strThreadName; }
void ThreadProcess() { int count = 100; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (i % 10 == 0) cout<<"\n"; cout<<i<<"\t"; } } int main() { boost::function<void()> f; f = boost::bind(&ThreadProcess); Thread thread(f, "ThreadTest"); thread.start(); sleep(1000*1000); return 0; }