

1 settype


view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. public Intent setData(Uri data) { 
  2.         mData = data; 
  3.         mType = null
  4.         return this
  5.     } 
view plain
  1. public Intent setData(Uri data) { 
  2.         mData = data; 
  3.         mType = null
  4.         return this
  5.     } 


2 setdata

该函数的参数是uri,所以要将数据通过该函数传递时,记得要把数据转化为uri,如Uri.fromFile(new File("/mnt/sdcard/"))。


view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. public Intent setType(String type) { 
  2.         mData = null
  3.         mType = type; 
  4.         return this
  5.     } 
view plain
  1. public Intent setType(String type) { 
  2.         mData = null
  3.         mType = type; 
  4.         return this
  5.     } 

3 所以要同时设置data和type的话只能用函数setdataandtype了

view plain copy to clipboard print ?
  1. public Intent setDataAndType(Uri data, String type) { 
  2.         mData = data; 
  3.         mType = type; 
  4.         return this
  5.     } 
view plain
  1. public Intent setDataAndType(Uri data, String type) { 
  2.         mData = data; 
  3.         mType = type; 
  4.         return this
  5.     } 
