1 Don't play a strictly dominated strategy.(永远不要选择劣势策略)
2 Rational choices could lead to bad coucomes.()
3 Put youself in other people's shoes(学会换位思考)----搞清楚对方作出不同选择期望的收益,自己不同选择相应的收益,当你没有优势策略时候,可以参照对方会做出的选择。
4 You Can not get what you want, till you know what you what.(汝欲得之,必先知之)
5 找出劣势策略,在肯定对手也不会选择这个劣势策略的情形下,delete it 。然后去看是不是在排除之后,是不是又出现了新的劣势策略?
6 The reson we write a model is to try and capture and test intuitions.(建立模型的目的是为了检验和激发我们的灵感),
Of cource, these abstracts from very important parts of the reality.And the next step to do is what?Enrich the model.
To add more into the model , and see if you get a different result , and if so why?
So you start with a basic model, then you add in, you enrich the model, and you see if the results change, That help to explain why you get different result in different settings.(从一个基本的模型开始,然后你不断的添加限制条件,丰富这个模型,然后你观察结果是否变化,这能解释为什么你在不同的情况下结果是不同的)
Models are always abstractions,you want to use them to see what is missing? and then add this back in, and to see if they make a difference, if so how , if so why?
7 Do not choose a strategy that is never a best response to any belief.(不要选择从不会成为最佳策略的策略)
8 不要选择永远不会成为最优策略的策略。(不论对方选择某个选项的概率是多少,它都不会是相应的最好策略)(点球game and 双人合作game)
9 在策略选择中的纳什均衡定义:A concept of game theory where the optimal outcome of a game is one where no player has an incentive to deviate from his or her chosen strategy after considering an opponent's choice.Overall, an individual can receive no incremental benefit from changing actions, assuming other players remain constant in their strategies. A game may have multiple Nash equilibria or none at all.
纳什均衡的动机:好多意义 (待续...)
10 在Bank Run或者invest game这种game中,算是一个coordination Game,这个游戏里有2个纳什平衡,一个纳什平衡是better solution。有什么办法能让大家的选择结果导致整个的结果趋向于better solution呢?
Answer is:Communication。