Business of HASE Priority Pass

Value of PP Card Flag



(CD: Default value)

§No PP card application, ie no PP card issuance/embossing/packing (it is a default value of this flag).


§New application (for the 1st issuance).

§Manual capturing required.

§Once approved, PP card issuing/embossing/packing/dispatching will be carried out by the system.  Given, the associated RMB card’s status is “K”, “U”, “N”, “S”, or “M”.  (Special handling for CR8 status = K)

§Accept written application only.

§The Expiry date will be 1 year after the date of PP card issuance.

§Report Details: see attached.  Frequency = Monthly.

Blank report is also required if there is no record.

Report Attribute Name


Card Maint Type


Type of Application


(ie Card Flag Value = “NEW”)

New application


(ie Card Flag Value = “REP”)

Card issuance NOT due to annual renewal


(ie Card Flag Value = “REN”)

Annual renewal


PP Card Open Date

PP card approval date

PP Expiry Date

Card Maint Type Value

PP Expiry Date


12-m after PP Card Open Date


Old PP Expiry Date


12-m after old PP Expiry Date



§Card is either collected at branch or delivered by registered mail (refer to CR8) and no activation is required.



§For NEW application, if the associated RMB card status = K, then, system will prompt message, “PP Card Flag is changed to POS since RMB card has not been activated.”.

§Once approved.  No embossing file will be generated by the system.

§Instead, the system will daily generate a report to detail the PP card info and its associate RMB card status.  Once the associate RMB card status has been changed to “U”, “N”, “S” or “M”, staff is required to go thru the PP “NEW” application again.



§Card replacement due to annual renewal.

§Auto renewal will be triggered at the end of the 10 calendar months after the date of PP Open Date.

§Given the PP card and the associated RMB card are still active (for RMB card, status = “K”, “U”  “N”, “S” or “M”.

§PP card issuing/embossing/packing/dispatching will be automatically carried out by the system.

§Same original PP card no. will be remained unchanged.

§New expiry date will be 1 year after the old PP Expiry Date.

§No activation is required.

§New card is either collected at branch or delivered by registered mail (refer to CR8).

§Report Details: PP Card Opening Monthly Report (see above).



§Card transfer due to report loss/damaged.  Scenario 1) Both CR8 and PP Card are reported loss/damaged; Scenario 2) Only CR8 is reported loss/damaged; Scenario 3) Only PP Card is reported loss/damaged.  For Scenarios 1 & 2, Its CR8 will also be required to perform transfer at the same time. New card number will be given. So when customer requests transfer, card center need to perform transfer action twice: one on CR8, one on PP card.  For Scenario 3, no change on CR8 and staff is required to perform transfer of the PP card only.

§Manual capturing required.

§Written instruction is required for card replacement.  Exception for report lost/stolen/theft: Phone-in instruction is acceptable given normal customer’s identity verification has been satisfied.

§If approved, PP card issuing/embossing/packing/dispatching will be carried out by the system.

§The status of associated RMB card should be active, ie. Status = “K”, “U”,  “N”, “S” or “M”.

§New PP card no. will be generated.

§Report Details: (1) PP Card Monthly Transfer Report.  Frequency: Monthly; (2) PP Card Open Monthly Report (see above)


Blank report is also required if there is no record.

§New PP card is either collected at branch or delivered by registered mail (refer to CR8) and no activation is required.


(Deletion /


§Deletion or cancellation.

§By manual capturing.

§Written instruction is required.

§PP card issuing/embossing/packing/dispatching is not required.

§The cancelled/deleted PP card no. will not be reused again even CR8 customer later applies PP card again.

§Report Details: PP Cancellation Daily Report (data is required to send to PPAP).  Frequency:  Daily.


Report Attribute Name


Cardholder Name


PP Number


PP Expiry Date


Date of Cancellation



Blank report is also required if there is no record.



o    If the status of the associated CR8 is changed to L, O, F, C, R, T, during the validity of the PP Card, then, the system should alert BU by means of report to stop the PP Card. (CD: About operation procedure, Card Centre should perform the maintenance as below for both CR8 and PP card at the same time.

Status Change to …


PP Card


Transfer or Cancel

Transfer or Cancel


Transfer or Cancel

Transfer or Cancel


Transfer or Cancel

Transfer or Cancel








No maintenance on CR8

Suggest to perform “Cancel”

        Since it is manual operation, a report can be used for monitoring.

        Since R can be maintained by different parties, or by system auto change, therefore, suggest to              have daily report which is to be sent to maintenance team to perform the respective action. It has to be discussed with maintenance team.)

                  Blank report is also required if there is no record.


o    Value of the “Last Maintenance Date” = DDMMYYYY, which is used to record the approval date of the PP Card Flag status such as “NEW”, “REN”, “REP”, “POS” & “DEL”.  For status “NIL”, the date is not required.

o    In the capturing/enquiry screen, there is the current value of PP Card Flag which is used to indicate the current status of PP card issuance.  Moreover, in the capturing screen, there shall be a field for user to input the proposed new “PP Card Flag” value subject to the cases of renewal/replacement/cancellation and it shall be gone thru the appropriate authorization screen.

o    The new plastic card, the PP card, will ride on all latest HCC processing of RMB card such as card embossing/packing, card carrier printing, card maintenance, authorization,etc.  It also follows the existing operational procedures of the associated RMB card in issuing/embossing/packing/dispatching process.

o    Activity reports:-

§  Reports: Apart from the reports mentioned in different sections, 2 additional monthly reports:

§  <Blank report is also required if there is no record>

o    PP card will not possess features like statement message, card statement posting, individual statement and consolidated statement generation, monthly activity report, outstanding balance calculation logic, fees and charge calculation etc.

o     PP Card follows the same delivery channel with associated card except PP Card is not required “Activation” instead it will be collected at branch or delivered by registered mail (unclaimed mail will be passed to BU to arrange cancellation). Please refer to FR1.2 for details.

o    Other PP card related fields set up at HCC (to be grouped under the associated RMB card), e.g.

o     i)     Cardholder Name, Card No, Date of Issuance, Expiry Date (1 year after issuance), PP Penalty Waiver (tbc), etc



o    PP will monthly (app. 11th/12th of each month) bill the Bank the Visit Rates in one lump sum in USD and present the details of Visit Rates incurred by the PP cardholders in an Excel file (see attached Monthly Visit Rate Details (by PP).  The Excel file is prepared based on per visit per row principle.  Billing and reimbursement are described as follows:-

§    <Manual>The invoice issued by Priority Pass (A.P.) Ltd (“PPAP”) is denominated in USD and the Bank is required to pay the same amount to the USD account of PPAP maintained with Standard Chartered HK. (refer to the attached sample invoice).

§    SID will manually upload the data file to the BO sever and the system is required to manipulate/convert the data (collected from PPAP) from transactional aspect to customer aspect (by means of the unique PP card no.).  So that the charges incurred by Cardholder and the accompanying Guest of a particular Cardholder can be identified.

§    Charges incurred by Cardholder will be borne by the Bank and the charges incurred by Guest will be borne by the respective Cardholder.

§    Report Details:

§    For cases of “DEL”, PPAP might quote the PP card no. which has already been deleted form the system and it is required to bill the charges to the associated RMB card.

§    <Manual>AAD is required to debit the Bank’s ledger account for the charges incurred by Cardholder himself/herself and credit the same in USD in a USD Suspense Account (HKD/USD exchange rate will be applied).

§    <Manual>AAD is required to debit the Cardholder’s RMB card for the charges incurred by the Guest of the respective Cardholder and credit the same in USD in a USD Suspense Account (RMB/USD exchange rate will be applied).

§    <Manual>SID will arrange to pay the bill to “PPAP” in USD by debiting the USD Suspense account and issue a USD cashier order or USD CHATS payment instruction.

§    Apart from the Visit Rate, there is another fee item called “PP Penalty”. (The amount to be confirmed and is subject to change, if necessary.)

§    The PP Penalty may be erected on the PP Expiry Date (for cases of auto renewal, it is meant the old PP Expiry Date) or the PP Cancellation Date, whichever is the earlier.  System will check whether the criteria for waiver of PP Penalty is erected or not.

·                  Waive PP Penalty is subject to the fulfillment of certain criteria: i) total amount of RMB card spending/purchase/cash advance during the PP Validity Period ie from PP Card Open Date to PP Expiry Date or from PP Card Open Date Open to PP Cancellation Date, say RMBX within the PP Validity Period orii) total transaction count of RMB card spending/purchase/cash advance during the PP Validity Period, say Y counts during the PP Validity Period.(For cases of a) PP card report loss/damaged: a1) If new PP card issue after report, the PP card usage & RMB card spending for both the old and new cards shall be consolidated in calculation. a2) If no new PP card issue, the PP card usage & RMB card spending shall be calculated up to the PP Cancellation Date.  For cases of b) RMB card report loss/damaged, the corresponding PP card shall be deleted also.  b1) If new PP card issue after report, the PP card usage and RMB card spending both the old and new cards shall be consolidated in calculation.  b2) If no new PP card issue, the PP card usage & RMB card spending shall be calculated up to the PP Cancellation Date.  In practice, only one criteria is used and communicated to the customers.)

·                  Collection of PP Penalty will be done on monthly basis.  The system will generate the required info to AAD which will post the charges to the respective RMB cards.

o    Logic for collection of PP Penalty (on the old PP Expiry Date of the PP Card)

§  check PP old Expiry Date < Current Date, then,

§  check PP usage during the PP Validity Period.  No PP usage, no PP Penalty,

§  check Associated RMB Card Status is “K”, “U”, “N”, “M”, “S”, “F”, “R“, then,

§  check Associated RMB Card Purchase / Cash Advance during the PP Validity Period,

§  check fulfillment criteria for Waive PP Penalty erected or not, then,

§  Waive PP Penalty or the system will monthly generate a file containing the info for AAD to debit the Fee from the associated RMB Commercial Card (the Fee will be subject to changes if necessary).

§  Report Details: <Blank report is required is there is no record>

o    Logic for collection of PP Penalty (for cases of Cancellation / Deletion of the PP Card)

§  check Date of Cancellation / Deletion < PP Expiry Date, then,

§  check PP usage during PP Validity Period,

§  check Associated RMB Card Status is “K”, “U”, “N”, “M”, “S”, “F”, “R“, then,

§  check Associated RMB Card Purchase / Cash Advance during PP Validity Period,

§  check fulfillment criteria for waive PP Penalty erected or not during the PP Validity Period, then,

§  waive PP Penalty or the system will generate a file containing the info for AAD to debit the Fee from the associated RMB Card (the Fee will be subject to changes, if necessary).

§  Report Details: see above.

o    Logic for collection of PP Penalty (for cases of Cancellation / Deletion of the RMB Card during the validity of PP Card)

§  If the status of the associated CR8 is changed to L, O, F, C, R, T, during the validity of the PP Card, then, the system should alert BU by means of report to stop the PP Card.

§  check PP usage during PP Validity Period

§  check Associated RMB Card Purchase / Cash Advance during PP Validity Period,

§  check fulfillment criteria for waive PP Penalty erected or not, then,

§  waive PP Penalty or the system will generate a file containing the info for AAD to debit the Fee from the associated RMB Card (the Fee will be subject to changes, if necessary)

§  Report Details: see above

o    Data input to card plastic adapt the latest PP requirement.

o    No connection to individual credit limit assigned to respective cardholder by his/her company.

o    Card Payment feature: Not available.

o    Cash Dollar/Rebate feature: Not available.

o    ATM functions: Not available.

o    Phone Banking/IVRS: Not available.

o    B2G: Not available.



Additional Information

[Provide examples and any background information applicable to the feature/function].




TBD Items

[Provide details of any areas of uncertainty or possible future impact on the requirement]


FR 1.1  Feature/Function Title – Card Embossing at HCC



Identify the stakeholder(s) requiring the feature/function]




[Select one from: Critical / Desired / Non Essential]


Requirement details

[Provide details of the requirement and any business rules that are applicable to the feature/function]

o    The product will ride on all latest HCC processing of RMB Commercial Card such as card embossing, card carrier printing, card maintenance, authorization, activity report or journals,  etc.

o    Embossing data (to be shown on the Card face): i) Cardholder Name, ii) Card No., iii) Expiry Date (MM/YY) (1 year after PP Card Open Date for New Application or the old PP Expiry Date for card replacement ).(Pls refer to iii) Specification of PP Card Face).

o    For details of the card face, please refer to the Specification of PP Card Face (refer to Additional Information iii attached)

o    Auto card renewal after 10 months of card issuance for PP membership card provided that the associated RMB Commercial Card status = “K”, “U”,  “N”, “S” or “M”

o    Support new application ./ card replacement when PP Card Flag value = NEW/REN/REP

o    If RMB Card status = “U”, “N”, “S” or “M”, embossing file will be generated upon the completion of PP application NEW/REN/REP.

o    If RMB Card status = “K”, NEW/REN/REP PP application is not allowed.  Only “POS” PP application is allowed and the system will daily generate a report to detail the PP card info and its associate RMB card status.  Once the associate RMB card status has been changed to “U”, “N”, “S” or “M”, staff is required to go thru the PP approval screen for “NEW”.

o    Card delivery method and logistics shall follow respective RMB Commercial Card

o    New Application

o    Replacement

o    Card Collection Advice

o    Support card delivery by both mailing and branch collection.

o    Registered mail shall be used for mailing.

Example: If CR8 is LB, PP card is also LB. If CR8 is RM, PP card is also RM.

In Commercial Card Delivery Phase 3, some embossing reports about commercial cards, RM has been split into LM – Local Mail and AM – Air Mail.

Current Logic:

1) If Address = HK address,  LM – Local Mail  (it is local surface mail)

2) If Address = Overseas address, AM – Air Mail (it is overseas registered mail)


One additional value is introduced particularly for PP card: LR – Local Register.

Revised logic:


PP Card




RM + Local Address => LM – Local Mail

LR – Local Register

RM + Overseas Address => AM – Air Mail

AM – Air Mail

Affected reports:



o    PP Card is a magnetic strip card with 2 tracks at it back. (Pls refer to iv) Specification of Magnetic Tracks of PP Card)

o    Track 1:- for Cardholder Name:

§  Format: “%PP/Salutation/First Name//Surname?

§  Whereas, % - Start indicator

? - End indicator

/ - Separator

§  Example: “%PP/MS./MEI LI//CHEN?”

Notes:-  1) Two “//” between First Name and Surname, 2) All capital letters are required.


o    Track 2:- for PP Membership Card No and PP Expiry Date

§  Format: “;PP Membership Card Number=MMYYYY?”

§  Whereas, ; - Start point

PP Membership Card Number (16-digit)

MMYYYY: Expiry Date

= - Separator

? - End indicator

§  Example: “;8662509212345678=062014?”

Note: i) No space between numeric, ii) all numeric for Track 2

o    No PIN set up


Additional Information
