Ipopt is an open-source solver for large-scale nonlinear continuous optimization. It can be used from modeling environments, such as AMPL, GAMS, or Matlab, and it is also available as callable library with interfaces to C++, C, and Fortran. Ipopt uses an interior point method, together with a filter linear search procedure. 简单来说,这是一个求解大规模连续非线性规划问题的求解器,IPOPT使用的算法是内点法。这个软件支持AMPL和GAMS的模型,也支持Matlab,并且提供了C++,C和Fortran的接口。

Project Manager: andreasw at watson dot ibm dot com (作者就是IBM的人)

Project Home Page: https://projects.coin-or.org/Ipopt(软件发布主页)

Project license: Common Public License 1.0

Third-party Software: (这里是第三方软件的列表)

Package Required/Optional
Blas Required (any implementation)
Lapack Optional (any implementation)
Ampl Solver Library Optional
A sparse linear solver (MA27, MA57, WSMP, Pardiso, MUMPS) Required (at least one)


Programming Language: C++

Development Status:

Activity Status: Active
Maturity Level: 4
Stable Version Number:
Stable Release Number:


Builds and Passes Unit Test On:

Operating System Compiler
Microsoft Windows MSVC++/cl
Microsoft Windows CYGWIN/cl
Microsoft Windows CYGWIN/g++
Microsoft Windows MSys/g++
Linux g++
Linux Intel icpc
Mac OSX g++
Solaris x86 gcc
Solaris x86 sunpro
Ipod Linux (no kidding!) g++


Project Categories:

Optimization deterministic nonlinear