
The standardization of C++ was started in 1989 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which is a group of national standards
organizations, such as ANSI in the United States. To date, this work has resulted in four milestones, which are more or less C++ standards available
on different platforms throughout the world:

1. C++98, approved in 1998, was the first C++ standard. Its official title is Information Technology — Programming Languages — C++, and its
document number is ISO/IEC 14882:1998.

2. C++03, a so-called “technical corrigendum” (“TC”), contains minor bug fixes to C++98. Its document number is ISO/IEC 14882:2003. Thus,
both C++98 and C++03 refer to the “first C++ standard.”

3. TR1 contains library extensions for the first standard. Its official title is Information Technology — Programming Languages — Technical
Report on C++ Library Extensions, and its document number is ISO/IEC TR 19768:2007. The extensions specified here were all part of a
namespace std::tr1.

4. C++11, approved in 2011, is the second C++ standard. C++11 has significant improvements in both the language and the library, for which
the extensions of TR1 have become part of namespace std). The official title is again Information Technology — Programming Languages —
C++, but a new document number is used: ISO/IEC 14882:2011.

This books covers C++11, which long had the working title “C++0x,” with the expectation that it would be done no later than 2009.1 So, both
C++11 and C++0x mean the same thing. Throughout the book, I use the term C++11.
Because some platforms and environments still do not support all of C++11 (both language features and libraries), I mention whether a feature or
behavior is available only since C++11.



