



public abstract class DispatchAction extends Action {


         public ActionForward execute(mapping, form, request, response) throws Exception {


                  // Get the parameter. This could be overridden in subclasses.


                   String parameter = getParameter(mapping, form, request, response);


                 // Get the method's name. This could be overridden in subclasses.


                String name = getMethodName(mapping, form, request, response, parameter);


                // Prevent recursive calls


                if ("execute".equals(name) || "perform".equals(name)){

                            throw new ServletException(message);



                   // Invoke the named method, and return the result

                   return dispatchMethod(mapping, form, request, response, name);





         protected ActionForward dispatchMethod(mapping, form, request, response, String name) throws Exception {


                // Make sure we have a valid method name to call.

                // This may be null if the user hacks the query string.


               if (name == null) {

                      return this.unspecified(mapping, form, request, response); //在这里抛出异常



              // Identify the method object to be dispatched to


                Method method = null;

                try {

                       method = getMethod(name);

               } catch(......) {......}


                ActionForward forward = null;

                 try {//把相应的参数传递过去

                      Object args[] = {mapping, form, request, response};

                      //this 是当前的UserAction

                        forward = (ActionForward) method.invoke(this, args);

                } catch(......) {......}


                  // Return the returned ActionForward instance

                  return (forward);



