本文将学习三个图形函数——stem, staris,pie.
%% pie用于描绘平面饼图 X = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; pie(X)
%% 画饼状图 Expenses = [20 10 40 12 20 19 5 15]; ExpenseCategories = {'Food','Medical','Lodging','Incidentals','Transport','Utilities','Gifts','Shopping'}; MostLeastExpensive = (Expenses==max(Expenses)|Expenses==min(Expenses)); h=pie(gca,Expenses,MostLeastExpensive,ExpenseCategories);
%% stem用于画离散的数据序列 x = linspace(0,2,100); x1 = x(1:13:end); x2 = x(1:5:end); y = exp(.3*x).*cos(-2*x); yy = round(rand(1,length(x1)));yy(find(yy==0))=-1; y1 = exp(.3*x1).*cos(-2*x1)+yy.*rand(1,length(x1)); yy = round(rand(1,length(x2)));yy(find(yy==0))=-1; y2 = exp(.3*x2).*cos(-2*x2)+yy.*rand(1,length(x2)); plot(x,y); hold on; h1 = stem(x1,y1); h2 = stem(x2,y2); % Choose marker size and style of your choice set(h1,'MarkerFaceColor','green','Marker','o','Markersize',7,'Color',[0 0 0]); set(h2,'MarkerFaceColor','red','Marker','square','Color',[0 0 0]); xlabel('x');ylabel('signal'); title({'Discretizing continuous signal, by sampling at certain intervals','Measurement noise yields imperfect recordings'});
load algoResultsData.mat h=stairs([MethodPerformanceNumbers nan(5,1)]'); legendMatrix = {'Fresh Tissue','FFPE','Blood','DNA','Simulated'}; for i = 1:5; set(h(i),'linewidth',2); % thicken the lines % add total # of samples in this category tolegend legendMatrix{i} = [legendMatrix{i} ', Total# = ' num2str(CategoryTotals(i))]; end
这篇只是简单的用了三个函数。另外还有pie3,scatter,bar, plot, plotyy这些函数,大家可以去help里面学习下。
pie3s([2 4 3 5],'Explode',[0 1 1 0],'Labels',{'North','South','East','West'})
pie3s 代码:
function pie3s( varargin ) %PIE3S: 3-D pie chart with added shininess % % PIE3S(X) draws a 3-D pie plot of the data in the vector X. The values % in X are normalized via X/SUM(X) to determine the area of each slice of % pie. If SUM(X) <= 1.0, the values in X directly specify the area of % the pie slices. Only a partial pie will be drawn if SUM(X) < 1. % % PIE3S(X,PARAM,VALUE,...) allows additional options to be set. PARAM % must be one of: % 'Explode' Specify which elements of the pie should be pulled out. % The corresponding value must be a vector of ones and % zeros with size equal to X. % 'Labels' Specify labels for each pie slice. The corresponding % value must be a cell array of strings with one string % per elemet of X. % 'Bevel' Set the bevelling of the 3D surface. The corresponding % value must be one of: % 'In': rounded concave bevel % 'Out': rounded convex bevel [default] % 'Flat': straight bevel % 'Step': straight bevel % 'Elliptical': a broad ellipse of a bevel % 'None': no bevel % % PIE3S(AX,...) plots into axes AX instead of GCA. % % Examples: % >> pie3s([2 4 3 5],'Explode',[0 1 1 0],'Labels',{'North','South','East','West'}) % % >> pie3s([2 4 3 5],'Bevel','In','Explode',[0 1 0 0]) % % >> pie3s([2 4 3 5],'Bevel','Elliptical','Explode',[0 0 0 1]) % >> legend('North','South','East','West') % % See also: PIE, PIE3. % Copyright 2009-2010 The MathWorks Inc. % $Revision: 40$ % $Date: 2010-05-18$ % Check arguments error( nargchk( 1, inf, nargin ) ); % Strip off the axes if present if isa( varargin{1}, 'matlab.graphics.axis.Axes' ) ... || (isa( varargin{1}, 'double' ) && isscalar( varargin{1} ) ... && ishandle( varargin{1} ) ... && strcmp( get( varargin{1}, 'Type' ), 'axes' )) axh = varargin{1}; varargin(1) = []; else axh = gca(); end % We always clear the axes to avoid problems with lighting and shading cla( axh ); % Get the X vector if isempty( varargin ) || ~isnumeric( varargin{1} ) || ~all( varargin{1}>0 ) error( 'PIE3S:BadData', 'Input vector X must be a vector of positive numbers' ); else data = varargin{1}; varargin(1) = []; end % Normalise data if sum( data ) > 1 data = data / sum( data ); end % Set some defaults for the optional parameters bevelType = 'Out'; txtLabels = repmat( {''}, size( data ) ); explode = false( size( data ) ); bite = false( size( data ) ); % Now parse the rest as parameter-value pairs if ~isempty( varargin ); params = varargin(1:2:end); values = varargin(2:2:end); if numel( params ) ~= numel( values ) error( 'PIE3S:BadSyntax', 'Optional inputs must be specified as parameter, value pairs.' ); end if any( ~cellfun( 'isclass', params, 'char' ) ) error( 'PIE3S:BadParameter', 'Optional parameter names must be character arrays' ); end for ii=1:numel( params ) switch upper( params{ii} ) case 'LABELS' txtLabels = values{ii}; case 'BEVEL' bevelType = values{ii}; case 'EXPLODE' explode = (values{ii} ~= 0); case 'BITE' bite = (values{ii} ~= 0); otherwise error( 'PIE3S:BadOption', 'Optional parameter ''%s'' was not recognized', params{ii} ); end end end % Check whether we're over-plotting bgcol = get( ancestor( axh, 'figure' ), 'Color' ); % OK, let's do some plotting! theta0 = pi/2; maxpts = 360; height = .35; bevelSize = 0.1; num_z_levels = 20; % Set into zbuffer to avoid RGB warnings set( ancestor( axh, 'figure' ), 'Renderer', 'zbuffer' ); for ii=1:length(data) n = max(1,ceil(maxpts*data(ii))); myTheta = 2*pi * linspace(0,data(ii),n+1)'; if bite(ii) [r,theta] = takeBite( myTheta ); theta = theta + theta0; else r = [0;ones(n+1,1);0]; thetaMean = mean( myTheta ); theta = theta0 + [thetaMean;myTheta;thetaMean]; end [xtext,ytext] = pol2cart(theta0 + data(ii)*pi,1.25); % Create the outer coords slice_z = linspace(0,height,num_z_levels); xx = zeros( numel( theta ), num_z_levels ); yy = zeros( size( xx ) ); zz = zeros( size( xx ) ); for jj=1:num_z_levels [xx(:,jj),yy(:,jj),zz(:,jj)] = iCreateSlice( height, bevelSize, bevelType, theta, r, slice_z(jj) ); end if explode(ii) [xexplode,yexplode] = pol2cart(theta0 + data(ii)*pi,.1); xtext = xtext + xexplode; ytext = ytext + yexplode; xx = xx + xexplode; yy = yy + yexplode; end theta0 = max(theta); if data(ii)<.01, lab = '< 1'; else lab = int2str(round(data(ii)*100)); end xx0 = xx(1,1)*ones(size(xx,1),1); yy0 = yy(1,1)*ones(size(yy,1),1); zz0 = zz(1,1)*ones(size(zz,1),1); zz1 = zz(1,end)*ones(size(zz,1),1); colour = ii*ones( size(xx,1), size(xx,2)+2 ); % Create the patches pieSegment = surface( ... [xx0,xx,xx0], ... [yy0,yy,yy0], ... [zz0,zz,zz1], ... colour, ... 'Tag', 'Pie3S:Segment', ... 'Parent', axh); % Creat some shadows slice = round(num_z_levels/2); sx = xx(:,slice); sy = yy(:,slice); sz = -0.25*ones( size( xx, 1 ), 1 ); shadows = iAddShadow( axh, sx, sy, sz, bgcol ); % position text so that labels near the front don't overlap the patches z = 0.8 * height * ones(size(xtext)); if ~isempty(txtLabels) label = text( xtext, ytext, z, txtLabels{ii}, ... 'FontSize', 12, ... 'FontWeight', 'bold', ... 'HorizontalAlignment','center', ... 'Parent', axh, ... 'Clipping', 'off', ... 'Tag', 'Pie3S:Label' ); else label = text( xtext, ytext, z, [lab,'%'], ... 'FontSize', 12, ... 'FontWeight', 'bold', ... 'HorizontalAlignment','center', ... 'Parent', axh, ... 'Clipping', 'off', ... 'Tag', 'Pie3S:Label' ); end end % Set the lighting etc to get a nice visual effect maxNum = max( 2, numel( data ) ); set( axh, 'CLim', [1 maxNum] ); axis( axh, 'off', 'image', [-1.2 1.2 -1.2 1.2] ) view( axh, [-30 45] ) lighting( 'phong' ) shading( 'flat' ) camlight( 'left' ) % light( 'Parent', axh, 'Position', [40 40 15], 'Style', 'local' ); %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% function [x,y,z] = iCreateSlice( height, bevel, type, theta, r, z_in ) %iCreateSlice: calculate the X, Y and Z arrays for a single slice through %one pie segment. This includes bevelling assert( isscalar( z_in ) ); assert( z_in>=0 && z_in<=height ); z = z_in*ones(size(theta)); if strcmpi( type, 'Elliptical' ) % Special case for elliptical zRel = (2*z_in - height) / height; ratio = (1 - zRel^2); [x,y] = pol2cart(theta,ratio*r); else % The others all work the same way, just adding a little decoration % near to the egdes if z_in>=bevel && z_in<=(height-bevel) % On the full size section [x,y] = pol2cart(theta,r); else if z_in>(height-bevel) z_in = height-z_in; end switch upper( type ) case 'IN' ratio = sqrt(bevel^2 - z_in^2); case 'OUT' ratio = bevel - sqrt(bevel^2 - (bevel-z_in)^2); case 'FLAT' ratio = bevel - z_in; case 'STEP' ratio = bevel/2; case 'NONE' ratio = 0; otherwise error( id('BadBevelType'), 'BevelType must be one of: ''none'', ''flat'', ''in'', ''out''' ); end [x,y] = pol2cart(theta,(1-2*ratio)*r); [x0,y0] = pol2cart(theta(1),ratio); x = x + x0; y = y + y0; end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% function patches = iAddShadow( ax, x, y, z, bgcol ) % Create some grey patches below a pie segment num_patches = 4; scaling = 1.02; patches = -1*ones( 1, num_patches ); shade = 0.25; mid_x = (max( x )+min( x ))/2; mid_y = (max( y )+min( y ))/2; % Move the initial shadow in a bit x = (x-mid_x)/(scaling^2) + mid_x; y = (y-mid_y)/(scaling^2) + mid_y; % plot3( mid_x, mid_y, mean(z), 'r+' ) N = numel( x ); for ii=1:num_patches patches(ii) = patch( ... 'XData', x, ... 'YData', y, ... 'ZData', z, ... 'FaceVertexCData', repmat(0.7,[N,3]), ... 'EdgeColor', shade*bgcol, ... 'AmbientStrength', shade*bgcol(1), ... 'Tag', 'Pie3S:Shadow', ... 'Parent', ax); % Exclude it from the legend set(get(get(patches(ii),'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),'IconDisplayStyle','off'); % Now blur outwards shade = 1 - (1-shade)*0.6; x = (x-mid_x)*scaling + mid_x; y = (y-mid_y)*scaling + mid_y; z = z - 0.01; end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------% function [r,theta] = takeBite( theta ) %takeBite: take a bite out of a pie slice % % [r,theta] = takeBite(theta) % Make bite r = ones( size( theta ) ); % Create arc thetaRange = (max(theta)-min(theta)); theta0 = min(theta) + thetaRange/2; ratio = zeros(numel(theta),1); if thetaRange > pi/4 % Too big, so select just the centre pi/4 startIdx = find( theta0 - theta < pi/8, 1, 'first' ); endIdx = find( theta - theta0 < pi/8, 1, 'last' ); thetaRange = theta(endIdx) - theta(startIdx); else startIdx = 1; endIdx = numel(theta); end biteDepth = 0.7*thetaRange; numAngles = endIdx - startIdx + 1; myRatio = linspace( -0.65, 0.65, numAngles )'; myRatio = (1-myRatio.^2); rBite = biteDepth * myRatio; rBite = rBite - min(rBite); ratio(startIdx:endIdx) = rBite; % Teeth marks teethDepth = 0.05; edges = linspace( -1, 1, 7 )'; spacing = mean( diff( edges ) ); positions = linspace( -1, 1, numAngles )'; dists = inf( numel( positions ), 1 ); for ii=1:numel( edges ) dists = min( dists, abs(positions-edges(ii))/spacing ); end rTeeth = teethDepth*sqrt(dists); ratio(startIdx:endIdx) = ratio(startIdx:endIdx) + rTeeth; % Add zero point r = [0;r-ratio;0]; theta = [theta0;theta;theta0];