主要的功能包括:提供了丰富的,功能齐全且易于使用的API 、运行在所有Oracle平台、是用纯的ISO C代码与本地的ISO ç Unicode支持、OCI封装(甲骨文调用接口) 、是最完整的可保监包装。
int mtmain(int argc, mtarg* argv[]) { mtext home[SIZE_STR+1] = MT(""); mtext dbs [SIZE_STR+1] = MT(""); mtext usr [SIZE_STR+1] = MT(""); mtext pwd [SIZE_STR+1] = MT(""); size_t i; //模拟参数 argc = 5; argv[0] = ""; argv[1] = ""; argv[2] = ""; argv[3] = ""; argv[4] = ""; /* CHECK COMMAND LINE --------------------------------------------------- */ if (argc < (ARG_COUNT-1)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* GET ARGUMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------*/ GET_ARG(dbs, ARG_DB); GET_ARG(usr, ARG_USER); GET_ARG(pwd, ARG_PWD); if(argc == ARG_COUNT) GET_ARG(home, ARG_HOME); /* INITIALIZE OCI ------------------------------------------------------- */ //初始化操作 if (!OCI_Initialize(err_handler, home, OCI_ENV_DEFAULT)) return EXIT_FAILURE; OCI_EnableWarnings(TRUE); /* CONNECTION TO SERVER ------------------------------------------------- */ print_text("Connecting to "); print_args(usr); print_text("/"); print_args(pwd); print_text("@"); print_args(dbs); print_text("\n\n"); //创建连接 cn = OCI_ConnectionCreate(dbs, usr, pwd, OCI_SESSION_DEFAULT); if (cn) { //声明 st = OCI_StatementCreate(cn); //输出版本 print_version(); //创建表 create_tables(); /* execute tests */ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(tab_test); i++) { //执行语句 if (tab_test[i].execute) tab_test[i].proc(); } //删表 drop_tables(); //断开 disconnect(); } else { print_mstr(OCI_ErrorGetString(OCI_GetLastError())); } //释放资源 cleanup(); print_text("\npress any key to exit..."); getchar(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
//错误处理函数 void err_handler(OCI_Error *err) { int err_type = OCI_ErrorGetType(err); print_text("\n"); if (err_type == OCI_ERR_WARNING) { print_text("> WARNING : "); nb_warn++; } else { print_text("> ERROR : "); nb_err++; } print_mstr(OCI_ErrorGetString(err)); print_text("\n"); }
//清除 void cleanup(void) { OCI_Cleanup(); print_frmt("\n%i errors \n", nb_err); print_frmt("\n%i warnings \n\n", nb_warn); }
//断开 释放资源 void disconnect(void) { OCI_ConnectionFree(cn); }
//输出版本信息 void print_version(void) { print_text("\n>>>>> OCILIB BUILD INFORMATION \n\n"); if (OCI_GetImportMode() == OCI_IMPORT_MODE_LINKAGE) print_text("OCI import mode : LINKAGE\n"); else print_text("OCI import mode : RUNTIME\n"); if (OCI_GetCharsetMetaData() == OCI_CHAR_ANSI) print_text("MetaData char type : ANSI\n"); else print_text("MetaData char type : WIDE\n"); if (OCI_GetCharsetUserData() == OCI_CHAR_ANSI) print_text("UserData char type : ANSI\n"); else print_text("UserData char type : WIDE\n"); print_text("\n>>>>> VERSIONS INFORMATION \n\n"); print_frmt("OCILIB major version : %i\n", OCILIB_MAJOR_VERSION); print_frmt("OCILIB minor version : %i\n", OCILIB_MINOR_VERSION); print_frmt("OCILIB revision version : %i\n\n", OCILIB_REVISION_VERSION); /* print all versions */ print_frmt("OCI compile version : %i\n", OCI_VER_MAJ(OCI_GetOCICompileVersion())); print_frmt("OCI runtime version : %i\n\n", OCI_VER_MAJ(OCI_GetOCIRuntimeVersion())); print_frmt("Server major version : %i\n", OCI_GetServerMajorVersion(cn)); print_frmt("Server minor version : %i\n", OCI_GetServerMinorVersion(cn)); print_frmt("Server revision version : %i\n\n", OCI_GetServerRevisionVersion(cn)); print_frmt("Connection version : %i\n\n", OCI_GetVersionConnection(cn)); print_text("\n>>>>> SERVER VERSION BANNER \n\n"); /* print server string version */ print_mstr(OCI_GetVersionServer(cn)); print_text("\n\n"); }
//创建表 void create_tables(void) { print_text("\n>>>>> CREATE TABLES FOR DEMO \n\n"); /* create types for the demo */ OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("create type type_t as OBJECT (id int, name varchar2(50))")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("create type test_t as object ") MT("( ") MT(" val_int number, ") MT(" val_flt float, ") MT(" val_dbl float, ") MT(" val_str varchar2(30), ") MT(" val_date date, ") MT(" val_lob clob, ") MT(" val_file bfile, ") MT(" val_obj type_t, ") MT(" val_raw raw(10) ") MT(")")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("create type t_tab1_emp as VARRAY(100) of varchar2(50)")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("create type t_tab2_emp as table of varchar2(50)")); /* create table for the demo */ OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("create table test_fetch(code int, article ") MT("varchar2(30), price float, creation date)")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("create table test_long_raw(code int, content long raw)")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("create table test_long_str(code int, content long)")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("create table test_lob(code int, content clob)")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("create table test_object(val test_t)")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("create table test_table_obj of type_t")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("create table test_array ") MT("( ") MT(" val_int number, ") MT(" val_dbl float, ") MT(" val_flt float, ") MT(" val_str varchar2(30), ") MT(" val_date date, ") MT(" val_lob clob, ") MT(" val_file bfile ") MT(")") ); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("create table test_coll_varray ") MT("( ") MT(" departement number, ") MT(" employees t_tab1_emp ") MT(")") ); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("create table test_coll_nested ") MT("( ") MT(" departement number, ") MT(" employees t_tab2_emp ") MT(") nested table employees store as test_table_emp") ); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("create table test_directpath(val_int number(8,4), ") MT(" val_str varchar2(30), val_date date)")); /* insert data into the demo tables */ OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("insert into test_fetch ") MT("(code, article, price, creation) ") MT("values (1, 'shoes', 3.14, to_date('1978-12-23', 'YYYY-MM-DD'))")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("insert into test_fetch ") MT("(code, article, price, creation) ") MT("values (2, 'shirt', 5.99, to_date('1999-09-12', 'YYYY-MM-DD'))")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("insert into test_lob(code,content) ") MT("values (1, EMPTY_CLOB())")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("insert into test_long_str(code,content) ") MT("values (1, 'Rugby rocks !')")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("insert into test_coll_varray(departement,employees) ") MT("values (1, t_tab1_emp('Peter', 'John', 'Paula', 'Gina'))")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("insert into test_coll_varray(departement,employees) ") MT("values (2, t_tab1_emp('Ben', 'Alice', 'Joel', 'Maria'))")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("insert into test_coll_nested(departement,employees) ") MT("values (1, t_tab2_emp('Vince', 'Richard', 'Rita', 'Sophia'))")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("insert into test_coll_nested(departement,employees) ") MT("values (2, t_tab2_emp('Paul', 'Sarah', 'Robert', 'Zoe'))")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("insert into test_table_obj values(type_t(1, 'shoes'))")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("insert into test_table_obj values(type_t(2, 'pen'))")); OCI_Commit(cn); }
//删除表 void drop_tables(void) { print_text("\n>>>>> DROPPING TABLES AND TYPES \n\n"); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("drop table test_fetch")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("drop table test_long_str")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("drop table test_long_raw")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("drop table test_lob")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("drop table test_array")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("drop table test_object")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("drop table test_coll_varray")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("drop table test_coll_nested")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("drop table test_table_obj")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("drop table test_directpath")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("drop type test_t")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("drop type type_t")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("drop type t_tab1_emp")); OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("drop type t_tab2_emp")); }
//测试格式语句 void test_format(void) { int code = 1; print_text("\n>>>>> TEST FORMATTING \n\n"); OCI_ExecuteStmtFmt(st, MT("select * from test_fetch where code = %i"), code); rs = OCI_GetResultset(st); while (OCI_FetchNext(rs)) { print_frmt("> code : %i", OCI_GetInt(rs, 1)); print_text(", action : "); print_dstr(OCI_GetString(rs, 2)); print_frmt(", price : %g", OCI_GetDouble(rs,3)); print_text(", date : "); print_dstr(OCI_GetString(rs, 4)); print_text("\n"); } print_frmt("\n%d row(s) fetched\n", OCI_GetRowCount(rs)); }
//测试直接语句 void test_immediate(void) { int code = 1; print_text("\n>>>>> TEST IMMEDIATE \n\n"); OCI_Immediate(cn, MT("select code, article from test_fetch where code = 1"), OCI_ARG_INT, &code, OCI_ARG_TEXT, temp); print_frmt("> code : %i ", code); print_text("- article : "); print_dstr(temp); print_text("\n"); }
//测试取语句 void test_fetch(void) { int i, n; print_text("\n>>>>> SIMPLE TEST FETCH WITH META DATA\n\n"); /* execute query in one go */ OCI_ExecuteStmt(st, MT("select * from test_fetch")); rs = OCI_GetResultset(st); n = OCI_GetColumnCount(rs); /* print resultset columns info */ for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) { OCI_Column *col = OCI_GetColumn(rs, i); print_frmt("> Field : #%i ", i); print_text("- Name : "); print_mstr(OCI_ColumnGetName(col)); print_text("\n"); } print_text("\n"); /* print resultset content */ while (OCI_FetchNext(rs)) { print_frmt("> code : %i", OCI_GetInt(rs, 1)); print_text(", action : "); print_dstr(OCI_GetString(rs, 2)); print_frmt(", price : %g", OCI_GetDouble(rs,3)); print_text(", date : "); print_dstr(OCI_GetString(rs, 4)); print_text("\n"); } print_frmt("\n%d row(s) fetched\n", OCI_GetRowCount(rs)); }
//测试绑定语句 void test_bind1(void) { int code = 1; print_text("\n>>>>> TEST BINDING \n\n"); /* execute query in three steps */ OCI_Prepare(st, MT("select * from test_fetch where code = :code")); OCI_BindInt(st, MT(":code"), &code); OCI_Execute(st); rs = OCI_GetResultset(st); /* print resultset content */ while (OCI_FetchNext(rs)) { print_frmt("> code : %i", OCI_GetInt(rs, 1)); print_text(", action : "); print_dstr(OCI_GetString(rs, 2)); print_frmt(", price : %g", OCI_GetDouble(rs,3)); print_text(", date : "); print_dstr(OCI_GetString(rs, 4)); print_text("\n"); } print_frmt("\n%d row(s) fetched\n", OCI_GetRowCount(rs)); }
//测试分段插入语句 void test_piecewise_insert(void) { FILE *f; print_text("\n>>>>> TEST PIECEWISE INSERTING\n\n"); /* this code could have been used with a text file in a LONG column as well... */ /* open the app file in for reading*/ f = fopen(EXE_NAME, "rb"); if (f) { int n; OCI_Long *lg; unsigned char buffer[SIZE_BUF]; fseek (f , 0 , SEEK_END); n = ftell(f); rewind (f); print_frmt("\n%d bytes to write\n", n); lg = OCI_LongCreate(st, OCI_BLONG); /* execute query in three steps */ OCI_Prepare(st, MT("insert into test_long_raw(code, content) ") MT("values (1, :data)")); OCI_BindLong(st, MT(":data"), lg, n); OCI_Execute(st); /* write data into table by chunks of 2048 bytes */ while ((n = (int) fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), f))) { OCI_LongWrite(lg, buffer, n); } print_frmt("\n%d bytes written\n", OCI_LongGetSize(lg)); fclose(f); OCI_LongFree(lg); OCI_Commit(cn); } }