Package Bnd Bnd_Box

Bnd_Box Class Reference

Describes a bounding box in 3D space. 
A bounding box is parallel to the axes of the coordinates 
system. If it is finite, it is defined by the three intervals: 

  • [ Xmin,Xmax ], 
  • [ Ymin,Ymax ], 
  • [ Zmin,Zmax ]. 
    A bounding box may be infinite (i.e. open) in one or more 
    directions. It is said to be: 
  • OpenXmin if it is infinite on the negative side of the "X Direction"; 
  • OpenXmax if it is infinite on the positive side of the "X Direction"; 
  • OpenYmin if it is infinite on the negative side of the "Y Direction"; 
  • OpenYmax if it is infinite on the positive side of the "Y Direction"; 
  • OpenZmin if it is infinite on the negative side of the "Z Direction"; 
  • OpenZmax if it is infinite on the positive side of the "Z Direction"; 
  • WholeSpace if it is infinite in all six directions. In this 
    case, any point of the space is inside the box; 
  • Void if it is empty. In this case, there is no point included in the box. 
    A bounding box is defined by: 
  • six bounds (Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax, Zmin and 
    Zmax) which limit the bounding box if it is finite, 
  • eight flags (OpenXmin, OpenXmax, OpenYmin, 
    OpenYmax, OpenZmin, OpenZmax, 
    WholeSpace and Void) which describe the 
    bounding box if it is infinite or empty, and 
  • a gap, which is included on both sides in any direction 
    when consulting the finite bounds of the box. 

#include <Bnd_Box.hxx>

Public Member Functions
