virtual void characters ( const XMLCh* const chars , const XMLSize_t length );
Receive notification of character data inside an element. 在一个元素中接收字符数据的通知 |
virtual void endDocument();
Receive notification of the end of the document. 接收文档结束的通知 |
virtual void endElement ( const XMLCh* const uri, const XMLCh* const localname, const XMLCh* const qname );
Receive notification of the end of an element. 接收一个元素的结束的通知 |
virtual void ignorableWhitespace ( const XMLCh* const chars , const XMLSize_t length );
Receive notification of ignorable whitespace in element content. 接收元素内容中可忽略的空白的通知 |
virtual void processingInstruction ( const XMLCh* const target , const XMLCh* const data );
Receive notification of a processing instruction. 接收处理指令的通知 |
virtual void resetDocument();
Reset the Document object on its reuse 重设文件对象 |
virtual void setDocumentLocator(const Locator* const locator);
Receive a Locator object for document events. 接收文档事件的Locator对象。 |
virtual void startDocument();
Receive notification of the beginning of the document. 收到通知的开头的文件。 |
virtual void startPrefixMapping ( const XMLCh* const prefix, const XMLCh* const uri ) ;
Receive notification of the start of an element. 收到命名空间前缀映射开始的通知。 |
virtual void endPrefixMapping ( const XMLCh* const prefix ) ;
Receive notification of the end of an namespace prefix mapping. 收到命名空间前缀映射结束的通知。
virtual void skippedEntity ( const XMLCh* const name ) ;
Receive notification of a skipped entity。 接收跳过的实体的通知 |
virtual InputSource* resolveEntity ( const XMLCh* const publicId , const XMLCh* const systemId );
Resolve an external entity. 解析外部实体。 |
virtual void error(const SAXParseException& exc);
Receive notification of a recoverable parser error. 接收可恢复的解析器错误的通知。 |
virtual void fatalError(const SAXParseException& exc);
Report a fatal XML parsing error. 报告严重的XML解析错误。 |
virtual void warning(const SAXParseException& exc);
Receive notification of a parser warning. 收到通知的解析器警告。 |
virtual void resetErrors();
Reset the Error handler object on its reuse 重置的错误处理程序对象重用 |
virtual void notationDecl ( const XMLCh* const name , const XMLCh* const publicId , const XMLCh* const systemId );
Receive notification of a notation declaration. 收到通知的一个符号声明。 |
virtual void resetDocType();
Reset the DTD object on its reuse 重设DTD对象的重用 |
virtual void unparsedEntityDecl ( const XMLCh* const name , const XMLCh* const publicId , const XMLCh* const systemId , const XMLCh* const notationName );
Receive notification of an unparsed entity declaration. 收到通知的一个未解析的实体声明。 |
virtual void comment ( const XMLCh* const chars , const XMLSize_t length );
Receive notification of comments. 收到注释事件。 |
virtual void endCDATA ();
Receive notification of the end of a CDATA section. 收到通知的一个CDATA部分。 |
virtual void endDTD ();
Receive notification of the end of the DTD declarations. 收到通知的DTD声明。 |
virtual void endEntity (const XMLCh* const name);
Receive notification of the end of an entity. 接收一个实体的结束的通知。 |
virtual void startCDATA ();
Receive notification of the start of a CDATA section. 接收通知的CDATA节开始。 |
virtual void startDTD ( const XMLCh* const name , const XMLCh* const publicId , const XMLCh* const systemId );
Receive notification of the start of the DTD declarations. 收到通知的DTD声明的开始。 |
virtual void startEntity (const XMLCh* const name);
Receive notification of the start of an entity. 接收通知开始一个实体。 |
virtual void elementDecl ( const XMLCh* const name , const XMLCh* const model );
Report an element type declaration. 报告一个元素类型声明。 |
virtual void attributeDecl ( const XMLCh* const eName , const XMLCh* const aName , const XMLCh* const type , const XMLCh* const mode , const XMLCh* const value );
Report an attribute type declaration. 报告属性类型声明。 |
virtual void internalEntityDecl ( const XMLCh* const name , const XMLCh* const value );
Report an internal entity declaration. 报告内部实体声明。 |
virtual void externalEntityDecl ( const XMLCh* const name , const XMLCh* const publicId , const XMLCh* const systemId );
Report a parsed external entity declaration. 报告分析的外部实体声明。 |