GitHub 示例代码地址 :
语句块都有 return 时候对于基本数据类型和引用数据类型怎么处理?why?
/** * 基本数据类型 * try{}中有异常测试 * * @return int */ private static int primitiveTypeHasException() { int temp = 0; try { temp = temp / 0; System.out.println("not have Exception ,return 0"); return temp++; } catch (Exception e) { temp += 100; System.out.println("run catch{ temp += 100; } temp=" + temp); return temp; } finally { temp++; System.out.println("run finally{ temp++; } temp=" + temp); } } /* 执行结果: run catch{ temp += 100; } temp=100 run finally{ temp++; } temp=101 return : 100 */分析过程:try 中抛出异常到 catch 语句块,执行+100操作后为temp=100 return 100.
/** * 基本数据类型 * try{}中有异常测试 * * @return int */ private static int primitiveTypeHasException() { int temp = 0; try { temp = temp / 0; System.out.println("not have Exception ,return 0"); return temp++; } catch (Exception e) { temp += 100; System.out.println("run catch{ temp += 100; } temp=" + temp); return temp; } finally { temp++; System.out.println("run finally{ temp++; } temp=" + temp); return temp; } }
/** * 引用类型 * try{}中有异常测试 * * @return Map */ public static Map<String, String> stringMapHasException() { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("Key", "init"); try { int temp = 1 / 0; return map; } catch (Exception e) { map.put("Key", "catch"); System.out.println("run catch{map.put(\"Key\", \"catch\");} map=" + map); return map; } finally { map.put("Key", "finally"); map = null; System.out.println("run finally{ map.put(\"Key\", \"finally\"); map = null;} , map=" + map); //return map; } } /* 执行结果: run catch{map.put("Key", "catch");} map={Key=catch} run finally{ map.put("Key", "finally"); map = null;} , map=null return : {Key=finally} */
/** * JAVA 值传递 or 引用传递 example * * @author wei.Li by 14-9-3. */ public class ValueOrQuoteTransfer { public int id; public String name; public ValueOrQuoteTransfer() { } public ValueOrQuoteTransfer(int id, String name) { = id; = name; } @Override protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { return super.clone(); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("ValueOrQuoteTransfer{"); sb.append("id=").append(id); sb.append(", name='").append(name).append('\''); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } /** * @return 初始化一个对象 */ private static ValueOrQuoteTransfer init() { return new ValueOrQuoteTransfer(1, "init"); } /** * 参数传入对象,只修改他的值,不改变引用 * * @param transfer 测试对象 */ private static void updateObjectValue(ValueOrQuoteTransfer transfer) { = "updateObjectValue"; } /** * 参数传入对象,只改变引用 * * @param transfer 测试对象 */ private static void updateObjectTransfer(ValueOrQuoteTransfer transfer) { transfer = new ValueOrQuoteTransfer(2, "TWO"); } public static void main(String[] args) { /** * 参数传入对象,只修改他的值,不改变引用 test 结果 * * updateObjectValue before is :ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='init'} * updateObjectValue after is :ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='updateObjectValue'} */ ValueOrQuoteTransfer transfer = init(); System.out.println("updateObjectValue before is :" + transfer); updateObjectValue(transfer); System.out.println("updateObjectValue after is :" + transfer); /** * 参数传入对象,只改变引用 test * * updateObjectTransfer before is :ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='init'} * updateObjectTransfer after is :ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='init'} */ ValueOrQuoteTransfer transfer1 = init(); System.out.println("updateObjectTransfer before is :" + transfer1); updateObjectTransfer(transfer1); System.out.println("updateObjectTransfer after is :" + transfer1); } }
传入引用对象其实是 copy 了一份引用对象的地址给方法中的形参,2个地址指向同一对象,修改值时候当然互相影响
如果是形参的引用地址改变了,例如执行 map = null; 或者 map = 其它 map;引用地址不和传入的对象一个指向了,当然不会互相影响。
对于重构来说,推荐"移除对参数的赋值" Remove Assignments to Parameters
main 方法执行 transfer2为初始化的一个对象,起线程一直修改实参对象的值 1s 修改一次
ValueOrQuoteTransfer transfer2 = init(); updateObject2Thread(transfer2);//方法内部起一线程一直打印 引用对象[transfer2] 的值 new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { Thread.sleep(1000L); = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }).start();
/** * Thread 0.5s 打印一次传入的对象 transfer * * @param transfer 测试对象 */ private static void updateObject2Thread(ValueOrQuoteTransfer transfer) { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { Thread.sleep(500L); System.out.println(transfer); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }).start(); }
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='init'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='init'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='99aade6b-cfc5-44d6-8ac7-66394493aaa9'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='99aade6b-cfc5-44d6-8ac7-66394493aaa9'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='79b71dc2-aa78-41ed-a54b-4d7b2fcfee04'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='79b71dc2-aa78-41ed-a54b-4d7b2fcfee04'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='16b5db8d-0376-4403-9d59-3252a6c00660'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='16b5db8d-0376-4403-9d59-3252a6c00660'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='abbdf6af-ee4a-4013-a541-a40351af5001'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='abbdf6af-ee4a-4013-a541-a40351af5001'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='f150d849-5313-476d-bae9-b4ea77e60601'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='f150d849-5313-476d-bae9-b4ea77e60601'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='6b76e3f3-785c-4893-a8c8-969fe613ec81'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='6b76e3f3-785c-4893-a8c8-969fe613ec81'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='499c4ce7-9333-4ba1-8f73-e1125c4e3957'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='499c4ce7-9333-4ba1-8f73-e1125c4e3957'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='c0fc60cd-2190-4777-a892-9fbd37b98c80'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='c0fc60cd-2190-4777-a892-9fbd37b98c80'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='e9bf9acb-d494-40af-a1ca-f1e313afcbf5'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='e9bf9acb-d494-40af-a1ca-f1e313afcbf5'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='56e281fc-7cd2-493f-85f1-6f937ca836dc'}
ValueOrQuoteTransfer{id=1, name='56e281fc-7cd2-493f-85f1-6f937ca836dc'}