python3 下的一个模糊化测试模块

Fusil is a Python library used to write fuzzing programs. It helps to start process with a prepared environment (limit memory, environment variables, redirect stdout, etc.), start network client or server, and create mangled files. Fusil has many probes to detect program crash: watch process exit code, watch process stdout and syslog for text patterns (eg. "segmentation fault"), watch session duration, watch cpu usage (process and system load), etc.



Fusil is a library and a set of fuzzers called "fusil-...". To run a fuzzer, call it by its name. Example:

$ fusil-gettext
Fusil version 0.9.1 -- GNU GPL v2
[0][session 13] Start session
[0][session 13] ------------------------------------------------------------
[0][session 13] PID: 16989
[0][session 13] Signal: SIGSEGV
[0][session 13] Invalid read from 0x0c1086e0
[0][session 13] - instruction: CMP EDX, [EAX]
[0][session 13] - mapping: 0x0c1086e0 is not mapped in memory
[0][session 13] - register eax=0x0c1086e0
[0][session 13] - register edx=0x00000019
[0][session 13] ------------------------------------------------------------
[0][session 13] End of session: score=100.0%, duration=3.806 second
Success 1/1!
Project done: 13 sessions in 5.4 seconds (414.5 ms per session), total 5.9 seconds, aggresssivity: 19.0%
Total: 1 success
Keep non-empty directory: /home/haypo/prog/SVN/fusil/trunk/run-3

你可能感兴趣的:(python3 下的一个模糊化测试模块)