# Kezhiheng,experiment 5,test confidence,1 tcp flow,2 bkgrd traffic # Usage lab5.tcl on-off_rate ex_seq # ex: ns lab5.tcl 100 1 (rate为100,第1次实验) if {$argc!=2} { puts "Usage: ns lab5.tcl rate_ no_" exit } set par1 [lindex $argv 0] set par2 [lindex $argv 1] #Create a simulator object set ns [new Simulator] set tracefd [open data/zout-$par1-$par2.tr w] $ns trace-all $tracefd set namtracefd [open out.nam w] $ns namtrace-all $namtracefd proc finish {} { global ns tracefd namtracefd $ns flush-trace close $tracefd close $namtracefd #exec nam out.nam & exit 0 } # Set router nodes set r1 [$ns node] set r2 [$ns node] $ns duplex-link $r1 $r2 1Mb 10ms DropTail #$ns queue-limit $r1 $r2 10 # Set TCP src, dest, link for {set i 1} {$i<=3} {incr i} { set s($i) [$ns node] set d($i) [$ns node] $ns duplex-link $s($i) $r1 10Mb 1ms DropTail $ns duplex-link $r2 $d($i) 10Mb 1ms DropTail } # Set TCP agent and FTP traffic for {set i 1} {$i<=2} {incr i} { set tcp($i) [new Agent/TCP] set sink($i) [new Agent/TCPSink] $ns attach-agent $s($i) $tcp($i) $ns attach-agent $d($i) $sink($i) $ns connect $tcp($i) $sink($i) set ftp($i) [new Application/FTP] $ftp($i) attach-agent $tcp($i) $ftp($i) set type_ FTP } # Setup a on-off noisy traffic, exponetial distr set i 3; set udp($i) [new Agent/UDP] set null($i) [new Agent/Null] $ns attach-agent $s($i) $udp($i) $ns attach-agent $d($i) $null($i) $ns connect $udp($i) $null($i) set traffic [new Application/Traffic/Exponential] $traffic set packetSize_ 1000 $traffic set burst_time_ 0.5 $traffic set idle_time_ 0 $traffic set rate_ [expr $par1*1000] $traffic attach-agent $udp(3) # Let rng diff set rng [new RNG] $rng seed 0 set rvStart [new RandomVariable/Uniform] $rvStart use-rng $rng $rvStart set min_ 3 $rvStart set max_ 4 # 随机决定第一条flow的开始时刻3~4s set startT [expr [$rvStart value]] #puts "startT $startT sec" # 先让干扰的数据流消耗网络资源 $ns at 0.0 "$ftp(2) start" $ns at 0.0 "$traffic start" $ns at $startT "$ftp(1) start" $ns at 11.0 "$ftp(1) stop" $ns at 11.5 "$ftp(2) stop" $ns at 11.5 "$traffic stop" $ns at 12.0 "finish" $ns run View Code
# Measure the throughput by the trace file BEGIN{ # program initialize init = 0; startT=0; endT=0; } { action = $1; time = $2; from = $3; to = $4; type = $5; pktsize = $6; flow_id = $8; src = $9; dst = $10; seq_no = $11; packet_id = $12; # Record s1->d1 recv byte cnt, time 5s~10s if(action=="r" && type=="tcp" && time>=5.0 && time<=10.0 && \ ( (from==1 && to==3) ) ) { if(init==0) { startT = time; init = 1; } pkt_byte_sum += pktsize; endT=time; } } END { # When read over, start to calculate #printf("startT:%f,endT:%f\n",startT,endT); #printf("pkt_byte_sum:%d\n",pkt_byte_sum); time = endT-startT; throughput=pkt_byte_sum * 8 / time / 1000; printf("%f\n", throughput); } View Code
BEGIN{ cnt=0; sum=0; } { cnt++ sum=sum+$1 } END{ printf("%d %f\n", rate, sum/cnt); } View Code
#!/usr/bin/perl #1. on-off add step is 100kbps #2. in every step, run 30 times, record to resultxxx #3. rerun, remember to delete resultxxx #3. awk > 每次新建文件 >> 每次追加内容 my $ratemax=500; my $expertime=10; # 执行ns and awk提取数据 for ($i=100; $i<=$ratemax; $i=$i+100) { print " i=$i\n"; for ($j=1; $j<=$expertime; $j++) { system("ns lab5.tcl $i $j"); $f1="data/zout-$i-$j.tr"; $f2="data/zresult-$i"; system("awk -f lab5_th.awk $f1 >> $f2"); print "j=$j\n"; } } # awk计算平均值 print "Start to calc average...\n"; for ($i=100; $i<=$ratemax; $i=$i+100) { print " i=$i\n"; $f1="data/zresult-$i"; $f2="data/zresult-ave"; system("awk -v rate=$i -f avg.awk $f1 >> $f2"); } View Code
BEGIN{ ln=0 s2=0 } { ln++ d=$1-t s2=s2+d*d } END{ s=sqrt(s2/(ln-1)) # print "sample variance:"s"\nConf.Int.95%:"t"+/-"1.96*s/sqrt(ln) printf("%f\n", 1.96*s/sqrt(ln)) } View Code
#!/bin/bash awk -v t=107.095215 -f confint95.awk data/zresult-500
100 459.092 2.01183 200 409.815 2.59063 300 321.663 24.3013 400 190.156 3.37999 500 104.476 2.65695
#!/bin/bash gnuplot -persist<<EOF set terminal gif set output "throughput.gif" set title "throughput" set xlabel "on-off flow rate/kbps" set ylabel "s1-d1 throughput/kbps" set xrange [0:600] set xtics 0,100,600 unset key plot "data/zresult-ave" using 1:2:3 with errorbars, "data/zresult-ave" with linespoints EOF View Code
#!/usr/bin/perl $a=457.802985; system("awk -v t=$a -f confint95.awk data/zresult-100"); my $a=1.0; # awk计算方差 print "Start to calc variance...\n"; # 读如平均值文件 open(IN, "data/zresult-ave"); for ($i=100; $i<=100; $i=$i+100) { print " i=$i\n"; $line=<IN>; @ele=split(/ /, $line); $a=$ele[1]; print "$a"; # 如果没有上面这句话,会出错,-f not found,应该是$ele[1]是字符串,而t要求是数值,产生错误 # 没找到字符串转浮点数的方法。咳,弱类型语言很迷茫啊!~~~还是好好学习shell吧!!! # $a=457.802985; print "$a"; $f1="data/zresult-$i"; $f2="data/zresult-var"; system("awk -v t=$a -f confint95.awk data/zresult-100"); } close(IN); View Code