上周技术关注:AJAX != web 2.0

  • [ajax; web2.0] AJAX != web 2.0 #
    Web 2.0 is about making websites machine readable so that content can squirt seamlessly between unrelated sites. Technologies like RSS, RESTian APIs, and XHTML/CSS are the core of Web 2.0. Social networks and tagging and attention are at the core of Web 2.0. Not rich client technologies like AJAX.
  • [ajax] WebServices and Ajax.NET #
    Some developers asked me if it is possible to use WebServices (WebMethods) in Ajax.NET. Yes, of course, you can add the AjaxMethod attribute to the method. Ok, you do not want to change the WebService source code? My next release will include the possibility to add a simple JavaScript line in your HTML page to access your web services from the client side.
  • [.NET开发; RSS] Atom.NET -- An open source library to generate and parse Atom xml feeds. #
    Atom.NET is an open source library entirely developed in C# aimed to handle Atom feeds in an handy way. It provides an object model to write and parse Atom feeds. It's compatible only with the 0.3 Atom draft specification.
  • [.NET开发; RSS] RSS.NET: An open-source .NET class library for RSS feeds #
    RSS.NET is an open-source .NET class library for RSS feeds. It provides a reusable object model for parsing and writing RSS feeds. It is fully compatible with RSS versions 0.90, 0.91, 0.92, and 2.0.1, implementing all constructs.
  • [sql_server] 怎样判断两个相同类型的记录集中包含相同的数据 #
  • [SQL_Server] Begginer questions frequently asked... and answered... #
    This is a list of some stuff (mostly begginer) i've learned here on SQLTeam forums and i've written them down over time... i've posted it in forums here and on Madhivanan gave the idea to blog it... so i did. :)) maybe this will help in the planned begginers forum :))
  • [.NET开发] ASP.NET 2.0 Tips(1):跨页提交 #
    在ASP.NET 1.x的时候,很多朋友可能需要进行跨页提交的处理,也就是从页面A能够提交到页面B,甚至不同的Control其目标处理页面也各不相同。尤其是从ASP/JSP/PHP转过来的开发人员,可能更有这种需求。但很不幸,在ASP.NET 1.x的时候,处理这种跨页请求是十分丑陋的,需要非常多的“技巧化”处理。在ASP.NET 2.0的时候,对于跨页提交已经有了非常合理的解决方案,以下就是一个示例。
  • [敏捷; 软件工程] Martin Fowler:设计已死? #
    对很多粗略接触到 Extreme Programming 的人来说,XP 似乎 宣告了软件设计的死刑。不只很多的设计被嘲笑为 'Big Up Front Design',连很多技术像UML、富有弹性的程序架构 (framework),甚至连模式 (pattern) 都不受重视,或是近似忽略了。事实上,XP内含很多设计理念,但是它与现有的软件流程有着不同的运作方式。XP藉由多种实务技巧 (practice) 赋予演进式设计 (evolutionary design) 崭新的风貌,让演进变成一种实用的设计方法。它也让设计者 (designer[译注2]) 面临新的挑战与技巧,学习如何使设计精简,如何使用重构来保持一个设计的清楚易懂,以及如何逐步地套用模式。
  • [IT业界; 融资并购] 甲骨文拟6.5亿美元控股印软件公司 #
  • [sns; 搜索市场] 搜索引擎“本土化”(下) #
  • [搜索市场] 搜索引擎“本土化”(上) #
    全球本地信息是互联网“长尾巴”的一部分,即大量高度专门化的产品或信息,对这些产品和信息的需求可能有限,但加起来却占所有在线活动的很大比例。这种专门化信息比其它任何信息都更有价值,它带来了最明显的互联网商业成功,即人们看到相关广告后的“点进率”。“搜索结果越具体,转化成顾客的几率(conversion rate)就越高,”斯特林先生表示。搜索某个街区的一家餐厅或一位医生“清楚表明了用户的意图”,他补充说:这是个清晰信号,表明了消费者打算做什么。
  • [javascript; CSS; 网站设计] Drag & Drop Sortable Lists with JavaScript and CSS #
    In Web applications I've seen numerous — and personally implemented a few — ways to rearrange items in a list. All of those were indirect interactions typically involving something like up/down arrows next to each item. The most heinous require server roundtrips for each modification...boo.Then I came across Simon Cozens' example of rearranging a list via drag & drop. I was so inspired I had to try it out myself.
  • [网站设计; 图书] Web Style Guide, 2nd Edition #
    WEB STYLE GUIDE, 2nd edition
  • [互联网] We Are the Web #
    Ten years ago, Netscape's explosive IPO ignited huge piles of money. The brilliant flash revealed what had been invisible only a moment before: the World Wide Web. As Eric Schmidt (then at Sun, now at Google) noted, the day before the IPO, nothing about the Web; the day after, everything.
  • [javascript] JavaScript Cheat Sheet - JavaScript #
    The JavaScript cheat sheet is designed to act as a reminder and reference sheet, listing methods and functions of JavaScript. It includes reference material for regular expressions in JavaScript, as well as a short guide to the XMLHttpRequest object. A description of what is on the cheat sheet follows, or if you are impatient, you can go straight to the full size JavaScript cheat sheet.
  • [计算机图书] 最受程序员欢迎的5本书 #
  • [搜索技术; yahoo; Technorati; RSS] 雅虎开发博客搜索技术 抢Technorati饭碗 #
    弗雷斯特的网志说,“Jeremy Zawodny很感兴趣地谈了许多问题,他说传闻称雅虎正在开发一种博客搜索引擎Technorati的杀手级技术确有其事。雅虎聚合支持Microformats及RSS扩展,其中包括雅虎竞争对手的一些扩展,雅虎将会开放更多的APIs。看来Zawodny又没能保守雅虎的秘密,还谈到Konfabulator的收购的事,雅虎计划将RSS/Atom作为一种API,不仅仅是一种聚合格式。 ”



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