
   最近在看《编程珠玑》一书,在书中第五章,出现了scaffolding一词,见中文版书中翻译为“脚手架”,不解其意。在书中的原句为“Wise programmers instead build scaffolding to give them easy access to the function.”,"Once we have the code ,we'll probe it with scaffolding,then move on to test it more thoroughly and conduct experiments on its running time."。在5.2节中“Five lines of C sacffolding can do the job:...(省略的部分是测试代码)”。

   查阅了一些资料。在Hibernate in Action中有这样一句话“These attributes and method that manipulate their values are called scaffolding code.”在这里翻译为支撑代码。《编程珠玑》5.2的标题为“A Test Harness”。Test Harness是一个提供了自动化测试程序核心或者系统核心的一种工具. scaffolding意思是用于测试程序逻辑功能的支撑(或支持)代码.在《编程珠玑》书可以译为“测试代码”。《编程珠玑》中文版书中的“脚手架”用“测试代码”来替换显示更贴切容懂。
