[RHCE training] 1st day

May 5th, 9:00AM-5:00PM,Sunday, Room 304, YangBang Shanghai

In the morning,

           Introduced the environment of RHCE experiment, also emphasized how necessary it is to join this RHCE training course.

At noon,

          Fast food in FamilyMart. After that, a short break.

In the afternoon,

         RHCE training started at 1:00PM.

 I picked up some points as follows.

1         passwd/useradd

2         run_level

           0-      halt

           1-      textmode. Needn't authentication.

           2-      Textmode.Need authentication. Enable Network service.

           3-      Textmode. Need authentication. Enable Network service.It’s not able to switch to level 5 without reboot.

           4-      Reserve

           5-      Xwindow. Need authentication. Enable Network service.It’s able to switch to level 3 even without reboot.

           6-      Reboot.

3          How to switch to root

           3.1   su root

          3.2   su – root

          The difference between above two cases. New shell or not.

4          User type

            Super user       – root, id=0

            System user      -eg, Apache, Id=[0,500],

            Normal user     -eg, Allen, id >=500

            Notice: By default, it’s enabled to login linux with root or normal user, but disabled to login with system user. Why? Pls refer to /etc/shadow.

5       View user information


         Id username

6       Selinux

         To be frankly, my daily work is not involved with Selinuxtoo much. Very often,I disable this function to avoid some potentail unknown issues.

7       linux option rule

         ls- - all

         ls- a

         --, following string

         -, following char

8       linux command last/history

9       man

         man1   Executable programs or shell commands

         man2   System calls (functions provided by thekernel)

         man3   Library calls (functions within programlibraries)

         man4   Special files (usually found in /dev)

         man5   File formats and conventions eg /etc/passwd

        man6   Games

        man7   Miscellaneous  (including macro  packages and convenâ€tions),e.g. man(7), groff(7)

        man8   System administration commands (usually onlyfor root)

        man9   Kernel routines [Non standard]

         The difference between below two cases

         1          man ls

         2          man 1 ls

10     How to get information.

         For example,linux command grep

         1          whatis grep

         2          grep - - help

         3          man grep

         4          info grep

        Absolutely, man will be my first choice.
