error 1718: was rejected by digital signature policy

我在新装的windows server 2003上面安装VNware(vmware-server-2.0.2-203138.exe)的时候出现了以下提示:

Error 1718 File C:/WINDOWS/Installer/8f6a93f3.msp was rejected by digital signature policy.


This technote explains workarounds for users unable to install IBM® Rational® ClearQuest®, due to security or digital signature errors on the Microsoft® Windows® 2003 server.
When applying the ClearQuest to a release area on a Windows® 2003 server, the following error has been known to occur:

Error 1718 File C:/WINDOWS/Installer/8f6a93f3.msp was rejected by digital signature policy.

On Windows 2003 Terminal Server:
Error 1718 File c:/winnt/installer/ba9024.msp was rejected by digital signature policy.

The security settings and local security policies may not be configured correctly.
Resolving the problem
Here are a couple workarounds to help address this issue.

Verify that security settings and local security policies are configured correctly on the Windows 2003 server.
  1. Open Local Security Setting by, Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy.
  2. In Local Security Setting MSC, click on Software Restriction Policies, The right pane should list "No Software Restriction Policies Defined ".
  3. Right-click the Software Restriction Policies, and select New Software Restriction Policies .
  4. Double-click on the Enforcement entry to open Enforcement Properties dialogue box.
  5. Under "Apply software restriction policies to the following: " section, keep "All software files except libraries (such as DLLs) " option checked.
  6. Under "Apply software restriction polices to the following users: " section, change to "All users except local administrators " option.
  7. Exit the Administrator Tools.
  8. Reboot the workstation or server.
  9. Re-try the CQ install.The error should no longer occur and you should be able to proceed with the install.

