
Windows CE 6.0 & into the future... 

Windows CE 6.0 continues to evolve and innovate the Windows CE base into a more robust and scalable embedded operating system. Designed to be the complimentary release to Windows Vista, CE 6.0 delivers significant low level changes to the Windows CE formula, substantially booting the capabilities of the embedded format and opening up significant avenues of future market growth for Windows Embedded and Microsoft partners .

Windows CE 6.0 was originally slated for release in the second quarter of 2005, under the convention of the whisky inspired codename of Cardhu. The release cycle of Windows CE 5.0 itself slipped considerably as resources were diverted into the Windows Mobile 5.0 release and other Windows Embedded projects and in late 2005 the Cardhu programme was cancelled in favour of a new initiative for the release under the project group name of Yamazaki.

Yamazaki was scheduled for release during the second half of 2006 and delivered on time with an Release To Manufacturing date of the 15th September 2006. The primary focus of the release is without a doubt the extension of the capabilities of Windows CE's kernel. With CE 6.0 Microsoft are removing some of the most restrictive limitations of the platform, limitations that have been a constant throughout all of the previous incarnations of CE.

The most significant low level change is in the kernel addressing and resource allocation. In previous releases the kernel has been limited to the Windows CE 32/32 limit, that is, 32 processes with each process being limited to addressing 32MB of Virtual Memory (VM). Under Windows CE 6.0, this limit has been removed and as part of a next generation kernel initiative which has seen changes in the process, addressing, driver and application interaction enabling the macro kernel increased support for up to 32,000 unique or virtual processes with a potential upper limit of 2GB of Virtual Memory per process. This in addition to the already established 2GB upper limit of Kernel addressable memory from Windows CE 5.0.

Microsoft Embedded's philosophy for the release has been to concentrate on boasting the predominantly low level changes with which they will attempt to see the next generation of Windows CE to the consumer, as below

  • Feature parity with Windows CE 5.0 (and more)
  • Updated development tools
  • Next-generation kernel
  • Backward compatibility
  • Enhanced robustness and security
  • User-mode driver model
  • Enhanced wireless networking support
  • Networked media device features
  • No regressions on performance and size

In addition to these low level changes, the beta release of Yamazaki, unveiled for the first time on 9th May at the 2006 Mobile Developers Conference MEDC contains significant functional improvements, far beyond the sparse user layer applications added by its predecessor.

Firstly, Windows CE 6 continues to focus its attentions on the ARM architecture, with new BSP and compiler support for the next generation of ARM series or ARM6 processors. Windows CE 6.0 will be the first Microsoft operating system to support Microsoft's 21st Century extensions to the dates File Allocation Table (FAT) file system in the form of the little discussed ExFAT While full details of ExFAT have yet to be revealed, it is known that the file system is aimed - at least from Windows CE's point of view - at catering for external storage medium's which compliment the Windows CE Object Store as external storage, such as Solid State CF and SD cards. The ExFAT addressing system will be optimised for embedded device use and crucially remove the 32GB volume limitation imposed artificially upon the FAT specification by Microsoft themselves. Additionally, in the age of digital multimedia, ExFAT will see away with the 2GB file size limit for which in the Windows world NTFS is currently required to remedie, a fact which Microsoft are pinning hopes of increased adoption of Windows Automotive for the Windows CE 6.0 run.

In a similar fashion to Windows XP's NTFS counterpart, file system enhancements to CE6 will allow OEM's to implement file system encryption at the file level or at the volume level, improving future mobile device security, particularly for enterprises on the device as well as in the digital communications realm. Microsoft have also set the groundwork for user permission support in Windows CE's object store. A permissions feature will not be included in Windows CE's Platform Builder at the time of release, however the foundations for support have already been added and will be include as a feature pack for Windows CE 6.0, or in the next release. It is not currently known whether ExFAT will be capable of supporting a permissions based file access schema.

Windows CE 6.0 continues to push for the virtues of Voice over IP (VoIP), offering continued integration and functionality in the application layer directly from the base OS. New Control Panel settings, along with Exchange/Outlook synchronisation support are designed to enable OEM's to implement VoIP over both cellular, wireless and wired network mediums as appropriate to the circumstances of the user. The adoption of VoIP as a centric part of the new release's aspirations comes from the expanded networking stack. 802.11i, WPA2, 802.11e (QoS over Wireless), AES security for Bluetooth and A2DP / AVRCP bluetooth configurations are now supported, enshrining the promise of roaming, secure, stable and reliable voice and data communications from the embedded system.

Finally from the users perspective, Windows CE 6.0 expands upon the previous promises of Windows CE's newly acquired multimedia capabilities, adding Windows Media 10 player support (which will be enhanced to the 11 specification come RTM), native integration of the Networked Multimedia Device specification for the first time in a Platform Builder release adds Mobile Media Centre support, and rich content multimedia driven application support along with Windows Media Connect 2.0 compatibility for seamless remote integration into Windows Vista, XBox 360 and other distributed multimedia devices.

Other significant advances in the multimedia capabilities of Windows CE 6.0 include:

  • TIFF codec support
  • HD-DVD codec compatibility
  • DVD (MPEG-2) codec's
  • Additional audio/video format support
  • UDF 2.5 read drivers
  • Virtual surround sound engine
  • Multi-channel audio capabilities
  • DirectDraw enhancements allowing for Interlacing support on television systems
  • USB On-the-Go (OTG) functionality (allowing a single USB port to negotiate both host and client roles ad-hoc)

With Windows CE 6.0 promising to deliver such a broad range of new low-level and user layer functionality, the release also promises to do so with less than a 5% increase in the size of the underlying operating system footprint, keeping CE itself a robust, modular and compact version of the Windows environment.

To convince OEM's, developers and opening markets of the capabilities of the Windows CE 6.0 base, Microsoft have worked hard to demonstrate continued compatibility with existing code, without any additional overhead in performance in doing so. As part of their efforts, and as a conclusive proof of concept for the 23rd-25th May 2006 Windows Hardware Engineering Conference, Microsoft had internally ported and were able to demonstrate the Windows CE 5.0 base and user layer of Windows Mobile 5.0 over running stably against the beta of Windows CE 6.0.

Windows CE 6.0延续了演变和创新的趋势,使Widnows CE成为一个更加稳健和具备扩展性的嵌入式操作系统,作为与WindowsVista一同推出的版本,CE 6.0对Windows CE明显的改变了Windows CE的定位,确立了嵌入式的标准并为Windows Mobile和微软的合作伙伴们提供了未来的成长空间。

Windows CE 6.0原定于在2005年的第二季度释放,根据威士忌灵感公约其代号叫做Cardhu。由于Windows CE 5.0的发行周期需要投入更多资源用于Windows Mobile 5.0版本以及其他的Windows嵌入式项目。在2005年年底Cardhu计划被取消,合并入Yamazaki小组开展一个新的计划。

Yamazaki原定于2006年下半年推出,并在2006年9月15日交付生产版本(RTM)。这一版本最受关注的焦点是它将打消对Windows CE内核扩展能力的怀疑,微软对CE6.0移除了大多数对平台的严格限制,包括许多之前贯穿所有版本CE的限制

最大的低层改变是在内核寻址和资源分配上,之前版本的内核有一个限制叫Windows CE 32/32限制,就是系统只能有32个进程,而每个进程被限制寻址32MB虚拟内存(VM)。在Windows CE 6.0中,这一限制被消除,作为下一代核心在处理、寻址、驱动和应用程序互动方便所独创的变化,允许宏内核支持高达32000个独立或虚拟的进程,每个进程的虚拟内存上限也达到2GB。而在Windows CE5.0中,内核可寻址的内存已经被限定为2GB.

微软的嵌入式理念在这一版本集中体现于优秀的低层改变,他们试图让下一代的Windows CE消费者看到:

*与Windows CE 5.0等同的功能(或更多)


首先,Windows CE6仍然将开发的注意力集中于ARM架构,包括对新一代ARM系列或arm6处理器的BSP和编译器支持。Windows CE 6将是微软第一款可以支持ExFAT的操作系统,这是微软在新世纪中对FAT的最新扩展,而ExFAT的全部细节尚未公开,据目前所知道的该文件系统的目的是:至少对于WindowsCE的来说,是为了适应WindowsCE 对象存储对外部存储介质的要求,例如固态CF和SD卡。ExFAT处理系统将为嵌入式设备的使用作优化,关键是删除了微软人为加入的最大32GB的卷容量限制。另外在这个数字多媒体的时代,ExFAT也将摆脱2GB的文件尺寸限制,因为Windows世界的NTFS目前正需要修正,一个事实表明微软寄希望于有更多的采用基于WindowsCE 6.0的WindowsAutomotive在运行。

与Windows XP对应的NTFS表现出一种趋势,CE6文件系统扩展将允许OEM厂商实现文件级别或卷级别的文件系统加密,改进未来移动设备的安全性,特别是在企业设备和数字通信领域。微软同时为Windows CE对象存储的用户权限支持奠定了基础。在Windows CE的Platform Builder发布之时并不会包含权限功能,但支持它的基础已经被添加并作为Windows CE 6.0的功能包,或被添加于下一版本中。目前并不确定知道ExFAT是否能够支持基于权限的文件访问模式。

Windows CE 6.0继续积极推动IP语音电话(VoIP),继续通过操作系统直接提供应用层的整合和功能。新的控制面板设置,随着Exchange/Outlook同步支持被设计为允许OEM厂商通过手机网络实施VoIP,无线和优先媒体将被在适当的情况下使用,VoIP成为新版本扩大网络协议栈的一个中心,802.11i,WPA2,802.11e(无线QoS),蓝牙的AES安全和A2DP/AVRCP蓝牙配置现在都被支持,体现嵌入式系统所承诺的漫游功能,安全性,稳定可靠的语音数据通信。

最终从使用者的角度来看,WindowsCE扩展提供了先前承诺的WindowsCE新添加的多媒体功能,添加了WindowsMedia 10播放器支持(RTM发行时可能会提升至版本11),原生集成网络多媒体设备特性,第一次在Platfrom Builder版本中添加了移动媒体中心支持,以及丰富内容多媒体驱动应用程序支持和WindowsMedia Connect 2.0,实现了与WindowsVista,XBox 360以及其他分布式多媒体装置的无缝远程融合。

Windows CE 6.0在多媒体方面的其他重大进展包括

    *TIFF codec 支持
    *HD-DVD codec 兼容
    *DVD (MPEG-2) codec's
    *额外的 音频/视频 格式支持
    *UDF 2.5 读取驱动
    *DirectDraw 增强,支持隔行电视系统
    *USB On-the-Go (OTG) 功能(允许单个 USB 以ad-hoc方式协商主机和客户机的规则)

Windows CE 6.0承诺将提供广泛的底层和用户层功能更新,这一版本同时承诺系统消耗的增长少于5%,保持CE自身作为一个稳定,模块化而且小型化版本的Windows环境。

为了说服OEM厂商、开发者和开放市场接受Windows CE 6.0,微软一直在努力不懈的展示其与现有代码的兼容性,而无需任何额外的性能开销。作为其成果的一部分,并证明作为一个决定性的概念在2006年5月23-25日的Windows硬件工程师大会上,微软已经在内部移植并展示了基于Windows CE 5.0的Windows CE 5.0用户层可以稳定的运行于beta版的Windows CE6.0

Windows CE 6.0 Release History

  • CE 6.0 Core (Yamazaki (formerly Cardhu), 15th September 2006)
  • Windows Mobile Vista 6.0 (Photon, 2007 est)
  • CE 6.0 R2 Core, 14th November 2007)

AcitveSync 4.x is the formal Sync Client for Windows CE 5.0 generation devices. For more on the lineage of ActiveSync 4.xclick here.

Into the Future

The future certainty of Windows CE is currently unwritten. As the consumer market is changing rapidly, and the technology which under pin the embedded market draws inexorably closer in many scenarios to the fully featured device sector, the role that Windows CE will have to play is going to need to be redressed. Microsoft have demonstrated that making kernel level cuts to their flagship Windows XP operating system is a viable method to create a scaled down, streamlined operating system. Case studies focusing on Windows XP embedded and the numerous versions of Windows XP manufactured to comply with the European Union have eroded Microsoft's position when they claim that Windows cannot be altered.

Released in the Summer of 2004, Windows CE 5.0 is now significantly behind its contemporaries and the embedded developer community has ultimately failed to innovate based upon its promises despite Microsoft's efforts at refreshing some of the Core technologies, and adding new user layer functionality through feature packs and the Platform Builder QFE cycle.
What we anticipate to be Windows CE 6.0 - mainly to match the Windows Vista numbering as NT 6.0 - and is currently codename Yamazaki will continue to build upon the success of Windows CE in its own niche areas. Yamazaki will ultimately fall into part of the Windows Vista product group, providing individual embedded OEM System builders with the tools required to create companion devices based around the blurring of the line between embedded and non-embedded OS.
The main region of development for Windows CE will inevitably come from the Windows Mobile line as Microsoft push for the idea of a hassle free, streamlined 'Digital Life'. As the Windows Mobile consumer division is clearly in the sights of Microsoft's Vista aspirations, any reassessment of Windows CE's future for the time being has been shelved however, Windows Embedded are still failing to break-even, and the long term patience of Microsoft corporate may mean significant changes to what we in the Windows CE community perceive the platform to be. The haemorrhaging division, which at the end of the Microsoft 2004 financial year lost $46 million (US) and lost a staggering $219 million (US) in the previous fiscal term has never made a profit for Microsoft. Unless the distinction between Windows CE and Windows Mobile on the one hand, and the increasingly cautious embedded system developer community on the other can be clarified, Windows CE itself may be in danger if forthcoming releases fail to stimulate the market.

It cannot be ruled out at this point, given the perceivable lack of enthusiasm in the Windows Mobile world, that the pedestal afforded to the historic Windows CE based Platform will steadily begin to dissolve, being absorbed instead into the steadily widening set of licensing options available to all Microsoft Embedded developers who already have access to the traditional Handheld PC shell and the new Embedded Media Centre sample shell.
If such restrictions continue, then they will do so to the detriment of Windows CE itself, hindering adoption and continuing to add confusion in the form of over-bearing economic factors. In a world when innovation from Embedded linux community continues to drive adoption, and where the prestigious Apple Computers is debating entering the embedded device world Microsoft can ill-afford to continue to restrict access to its interface and shell technologies.

As a consequence, the future of Windows CE itself rests not with developers or large OEM's, but internally to Microsoft and with the bureaucracy of Windows Mobile.

Windows CE 6.0 版本历史
    *CE 6.0 Core (Yamazaki (前身是Cardhu), 2006年9月15日)
    *Windows Mobile Vista 6.0 (Photon, 2007年预计)
AcitveSync 4.x是Windows CE 5.0时代设备的正式客户端.


Windows CE的未来仍然不确定,因为消费市场的变化很快,未来的嵌入式市场要求设备与新技术结合的更加紧密,Windows CE所扮演的角色将发生变化,微软已经证实对旗舰级的WindowsXP操作系统的内核进行修剪,是创造一个小规模的,精简的操作系统的可行的办法。案例研究侧重于Windows XP embedded和众多的为了适应欧盟抵制微软策略的Windows XP版本,他们声称Windows是无法修改的。

发行于2004年夏天的Windows CE 5.0已经明显落后于当今时代,而嵌入式开发者社区最终未能得到微软所承诺的创新,尽管微软努力的更新了一些内核技术,并添加了一些新的用户层功能通过feature packs和Platform Builder QFE周期
我们预期Windows CE6.0,主要为配合版本号为NT6.0的Windows Vista,当前的代号为Yamazaki将继续在Windows CE的自有领域中获得成功。Yamazaki最终将成为Windows Vista产品群的一部分,提供个别嵌入式OEM系统的Builders及需要的工具软件,并且创建已经模糊了嵌入式和非嵌入式边界的设备。

Windows CE开发的主要区域将是来自于Windows Mobile路线以协助微软推动以简单易用为目标的“数字生活”

由于WindowsMobile客户被明确的区分为期待微软的Vista前景,任何关于Windows CE评估在未来一段时间内被搁置,Windows Embedded仍然不能收支平衡,微软公司长期以来的耐心可能意味着Windows CE平台的社会认知将发生巨大变化。这一大出血的部门,使微软在2004财政年度结束时亏损4600万美元,并且由于其在过去从未创造出利润而使微软惊人的损失了2.19亿美元。除非将Windows CE和Windows Mobile分离,并且日益谨慎的嵌入式系统开发者社区可以被澄清,如果新版本不能刺激市场,Windows CE将处于危险之中。

我们不能排除一种可能,由于WindowsMobile领域的不积极,WindowsCE平台的市场基础将分崩离析,然后被吸收进一个广泛而稳定的授权集,并提供给所有开发传统的Handheld PC外壳以及新的嵌入式媒体中心外壳样本的微软嵌入式开发者

如果这种限制持续下去,这种做法将有损于Windows CE本身的发展,阻碍了新技术的假如并带来了不利的经济因素,当今世界越来越多的采纳来自于嵌入式Linux社区的创新,并且富有声望的苹果电脑也在考虑进入嵌入式设备领域,微软将无法继续阻止他们进入接口和外壳技术领域。

总之,Windows CE的未来并非决定于开发者和大型OEM厂商,而是取决于微软内部负责Windows Mobile的官员们。


The History of Windows CE:
Windows CE 5.0


Windows CE 5.0, Codename Macallan was announced at the beginning of 2003. While not scheduled for release until Q3/4 2004 some details of the release are known.

Macallan was originally to be billed against the Windows codename Longhorn release. Due to delays in the Windows release time line caused by Windows XP security concerns, and the subsequent extended internal audit which pushed the Windows developer groups to spending time on Windows XP SP2 instead of Longhorn development. The Windows CE 5.0 release happened well in advance of heavily delayed Longhorn (not expected mid 2006).

Some of the main achievements of CE5 have been to improve the Storage capabilities of Mobile devices, as well as improving the file system that the Operating System uses.
With Windows CE 5, technologies have been made available to OEM's, particularly the Platform OEM's for the Windows Mobile 5.0 release which allow for in-place patching (QFE) of the FlashROM based operating system. In past releases OEM's needed to either issue a completely new Flash image complete with bug fixes and updates, or issue a memory resident patch, which would be lost at the point of complete power failure.
This technology should see consumer Windows Mobile 5.0 devices reach a new level of security and robustness, though at the time of writing on devices are commercially available which make use of the technology.
One speculative wish that hasn't been addressed for the Windows CE 5.0 release, is a solution to the Storage Card / Internal Memory separation. Where by all volumes are mounted as unique entities in the main fling system, rather than being seen to augment main memory. Despite the apparent difficulties with achieving this - when approaching it from the view of the Windows filing system architecture, this is something that the original Pegasus team said they would address back in 1996 after the Windows CE 1.0 release.

CE5 will compliment Longhorn in other ways. Through the adoption and refinement of new and existing communications protocols, Macallan supports the Smart Display Remote Protocol (Codenamed Mira), allowing the CE5 based 'remote display' device to act as an extension to the desktop PC workspace through the use of the Remote Desktop Protocol.

Improved developer tools are also part of the Windows CE 5.0 mantra. For the first time in the history of Windows, Microsoft has opted to provide Platform Builders the ability to view and modify over 2.5 million lines of the Windows CE source code. Named the Microsoft Shared Source Directive (MSSD), device developers can make custom modifications to the underlying makeup of the operating system, without any obligation to share those changes back to Microsoft. Unlike the Open Source world, dominated by the GNU GPL concept. Platform Builders are not obligated to share their modifications with other OEM's or competitors.
Work has also been undertaken on the expandability of the Platform Builder. New ways of integrating technological advances that emerge post CE5 RTM have been tackled. This new functionality will allow OEM's, for the first time to incorporate new hardware technology specifications into their devices, even if the original CE5 platform doesn't support it. 802.11i, 802.11n and WPA2 are all examples of augmentable technology which can be written into the Platform Builder.

A certain amount of device 'intelligence' is also incorporated into CE5. Improved UPnP support will make devices location aware, better supporting different networks and security systems. A new system called Location Services will allow applications on the device to adapt to the users physical presence. For example having one layout while at home and a more formal ergonomic layout and display of information while in the office.

For the mobile gamer the Macallan release promises to provide significant advancement. While DirectX subsets have been incorporated into Windows CE since the 3.0 Platform Builder refresh. CE5 boasts full DirectX 8 Direct3D support in the form of Direct3D Mobile. Allowing mobile devices and game developers to make use of advanced 3D graphics.

Windows Mobile 5.0

Windows Mobile 5.0 extends upon the Windows Embedded platform lineage bringing greater functionality and performance improvements to the struggling Pocket PC and SmartPhone product lines.

Windows CE 5.0 Release History

  • CE 5.0 Core (Macallan, 9th July 2004)
  • CE 5.0 Windows Mobile 5.0 (Magneto, Beta 1t Feb 16th 2005, RTM 10th May 2005, P/PC & SmartPhone release)
  • CE 5.0 Windows Automotive 5.0 (12th July 2005; Successor to Windows Automotive .net)
  • CE 5.0 Networked Media Device (NMD) Feature Pack (Tomatin, 4th April 2006)
  • CE 5.0 Windows Mobile 5.0 Second Edition (Crossbow)

AcitveSync 4.x is the formal Sync Client for Windows CE 5.0 generation devices. For more on the lineage of ActiveSync 4.xclick here.

Windows CE 5.0

代号为Macallan的Windows CE 5.0开发计划公布于2003年初。虽然一直到2004年下半年它并未如期发布,但是我们此前已经知道了其中的一些细节

Macallan原先计划与代号为Longhorn的桌面版本一起发布。但由于对Windows XP安全性的关注,这一版本的Windows被推迟发布,并且随后扩大了内部审核使得Windows开发小组花费更多的时间在Windows XP SP2而非Longhorn的开发上,Windows CE 5.0的发行远远早于屡次跳票的Longhorn。


在Windows CE 5中,一项新技术提供给OEM厂商,特别是平台OEM厂商, Windows Mobile 5.0版可以对基于FlashROM的操作系统打补丁(QFE),而之前的版本则需要OEM厂商提供一个包含了错误修正与升级的完整的新Flash镜像,或者提供一个放置于内存的补丁,而这种补丁在电源失效时会丢失。

这一技术使消费者能够看到WindowsMobile 5.0设备的安全性和稳健性达到了一个新的高度,使用这一技术写入设备此时已经可以商用。

但一个问题在WindowsCE 5.0中并未解决,这就是将存储卡和内置存储的分离开来。使系统中所有的卷被作为一个单独的实体,而非作为对主内存的扩充。实现这一点有相当的困难-虽然看起来Windows文件系统架构与之接近,而且在1996年Windows CE 1.0发布后Pegasus小组就说过要实现它。

CE5配合Longhorn的另一方面,是通过制定新的通信协议,并完善现有的通信协议,Macallan支持Smart Display Remote Protocol (代号Mira),允许基于CE 5的“远程显示器”设备使用远程桌面协议以作为对桌面PC的工作空间的扩展。

改进的开发工具成为WindowsCE 5.0的一大卖点。在Windows的历史上,微软第一次允许在Platform Builder中查看和修改超过250万行的Windows CE源代码。这被称作 Microsoft Shared SourceDirective (MSSD),设备开发者可以订制修改操作系统的底层,并且没有将他们的修改共享给微软的义务,这不同于被GNU GPL所约束的开源群体,平台开发者没有必须和其他的OEM厂商或竞争对手分享他的改进的义务。

对PlatformBuilder的扩展工作也同时开展,CE5RTM集成发布了许多之前被封闭的新技术,现在这些技术被允许提供给OEM厂商,这也使得许多新的硬件技术被添加到设备当中,包括一些并非CE5原生支持的技术,例如802.11i,802.11n和WPA2,这些技术扩充都可以写入Platform Builder当中。


Macallan兑现了对移动游戏玩家提所承诺的改进,从3.0 Platfrom Builder中就被加入的DirectX子集被全面更新,CE5在DirectX 3DMobile框架中提供完整的DirectX8 DirectX 3D支持,使得移动设备及游戏开发者可以使用高级3D图形。

经过WindowsMobile 5.0的扩展和改良,Windows嵌入式平台为奋斗中的Pocket PC和SmartPhone产品线带来了巨大的功能和性能的提升。

Windows CE 5.0 版本历史

    *CE 5.0 Core (Macallan,2004年7月9日)
    *CE 5.0 Windows Mobile 5.0 (Magneto, Beta 1t 2005年2月16日,RTM 2005年5月10日,P/PC & SmartPhone 版本)
    *CE 5.0 Windows Automotive 5.0 (2005年7月12日;取代了 to WindowsAutomotive .net)
    *CE 5.0 Networked Media Device (NMD) Feature Pack (Tomatin, 4th April 2006)
    *CE 5.0 Windows Mobile 5.0 Second Edition(Crossbow)

Windows CE 5.0时代的设备正式的同步客户端是AcitveSync 4.x
