对camera 进行自动白平衡、color constancy (色彩恒常),有很多方法,
在“Computational Color Constancy: Survey and Experiments” ---Arjan Gijsenij2011
和 书 “Color Constancy”---Marc Ebner_Wiley 2007
中详细说明了分为3类 算法。static methods, gamut-based methods and learning-based methods.
Grey world
Max white path
Gamut mapping (Learning-Based Method)
Color by Correlation (Learning-Based Method)
Combination method
二、这些方法一般分别以 Lambertian assumption 和dichromatical reflectance model 为基础进行color constancy
the light source I(λ),
the surface reflectance S(x, λ),
the camera sensitivity function ρ(λ) = (ρR(λ), ρG(λ), ρB(λ))T ,
the scale factors of body reflectance mb(x)
the scale factors of specular reflectance ms(x)
三、并且,多数算法都是 假设 环境illumination是均匀的(uniform).
都是2阶段设置(illuminant estimation followed by image correction))
四、 White-Patch 和 Grey-World algorithms 能够用 明可夫斯基 等式统一起来
五、评价算法,常用 angular error 、Euclidean diatance、median/trimean、 significance tests/box plots 和 Wilcoxon sign test等来度量结果。
六、数据集(Data sets), 常用 高光谱图(hyperspectral data) 和 普通RGB图( RGB-images).
七 、在 计算色彩恒常时,下列准则非常重要:
the requirement of training data,
the accuracy of the estimation,
the computational runtime of the method,
the transparency of the approach,
the complexity of the implementation ,
the number of tunable parameters.
1. http://colorconstancy.com/ 这个网站有各种算法的 Source Code
2. “Computational Color Constancy: Survey and Experiments” ---Arjan Gijsenij2011
3. 书 “Color Constancy”---Marc Ebner_Wiley 2007
4. Color balancing http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_balance
相关资料:(这些在Computational Color Constancy: Survey and Experiments中都有链接!)
1. http://staff.science.uva.nl/~gijsenij/blog/ Arjan Gijsenij的个人网站。
2. http://personalpages.manchester.ac.uk/staff/david.foster/ David H Foster的个人网站。
3. http://www.cs.sfu.ca/~colour/data/ Dr.Brian Funt 研究组。
4. http://www.imatest.com/ 一个很强的应用软件imatest。camera必备,Aptina的camera直接可以在线分析参数(色彩,noise,exposure,focus,......)。
http://www.ivl.disco.unimib.it/materials.html Imaging & Vision Laboratory
http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/mleone/web/how-to.html advice on Research and Writing (at CMU)
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