
1 段落和页面元素通过空行来分割(open lines)

A file contains a sequence of paragraphs and "displays'' (non paragraphs such as tables) separated by open lines.


2 一个段落由连续的文本行组成

A paragraph is simply a sequence of consecutive text lines


3 段落中第一行的缩进是APT处理器识别段落类型的主要依据,例如:章节标题不能有缩进

The indentation of the first line of a paragraph is the main method used by an APT processor to recognize the type of the paragraph. For example, a section title must not be indented at all.


4 一个简单(plain)的段落必须有一定量的空格缩进,例如:不包含在列表中的一个简短的段落可能具有2个空格的缩进

A "plain'' paragraph must be indented by a certain amount of space. For example, a plain paragraph which is not contained in a list may be indented by two spaces.


5 缩进没有严格规定,任意多个空格都可以。在你整个的文档中,根本不需要使用前后一致的缩进。APT处理器真正关注的是一个段落是否根本就没有缩进,或者在一个列表中,一个段落比第一个列表项有更多还是更少的缩进。

Indentation is not rigid. Any amount of space will do. You don't even need to use a consistent indentation all over your document. What really matters for an APT processor is whether the paragraph is not indented at all or, when inside a list, whether a paragraph is more or less indented than the first item of the list (more about this later).


6 一个tab被扩展为8个空格

Note that tabs are expanded with a tab width set to 8.


7 块级元素包含:标题(Title)、段落(Paragraph)、章节(Section)、列表(List)、预格式化文本(Verbatim text)、图形(Figure)、表格(Table)、水平线(Horizontal rule)、分页符(Page break)


8 行内元素包含:字体(Font)、超链接(Anchor and link)、换行符(Line break)、Non breaking space、转义字符(Special character)、注释(Comment)









