#include "algs_preamble.h"
#include <fstream>
using std::ifstream;
#include <cstddef>
using std::size_t;
// comparison function to be used to sort by word length
bool isShorter(const string &s1, const string &s2)
return s1.size() < s2.size();
// determine whether a given word is greater than length 6
// will reimplement later as a more general version using function objects
bool GT6(const string &s)
return s.size() >= 6;
inline double
percent(double numerator, double denominator)
return 100 * numerator/denominator;
// report number of words greater than 6
// later chapter will reimplement to be more general
void report_complexity(vector<string>::iterator beg,
vector<string>::iterator end,
ostream &output = cout)
vector<string>::difference_type cnt = count_if(beg, end, GT6);//count_if 根据GT6 标准统计vector中元素个数
output << "Number of unique words in the input "
<< end - beg << endl;
output << cnt << " "
<< make_plural(cnt, "word", "s")
<< " 6 characters or longer" << endl;
output << "Percentage of words 6 characters or more "
<< percent(cnt, end - beg) << endl;
ifstream &open_file(ifstream&, const string&);
ifstream &prompt_user(ifstream &stream)
// loops until we get a valid stream or the user asks to quit
while (true) {
// ask for name of the file to open
string filename;
cout << "Please enter file name."
<< "Hit Enter to quit: \n";
getline(cin, filename); // read the filename
// terminate the loop on either empty line or eof
if (!cin || filename == "") {
// set condition state to indicate failure & eof
ifstream::eofbit | ifstream::failbit);
return stream;
// use getline in case user enters a filename with spaces
if (open_file(stream, filename)) return stream;
// otherwise, stream wasn't valid, prompt user to try again
cerr << "oops! unable to open file"
<< filename
<< " please try again!" << endl;
// calls open_file to ask the user for the next book to process
// builds a vector<book> that contains the contents of each book
vector<string> get_books()
ifstream infile; // stream bound to the next book file
vector<string> ret; // data structure we'll return to our caller
// prompt_user asks user for next book and binds infile to it
while (prompt_user(infile)) {
// iterator to read the text of the book
istream_iterator<string> in_iter(infile), eos;//这里意思是创建 从输入流infile中读取string 的istream_iterator对象
// read contents of the book into this book's vector
ret.insert(ret.end(), in_iter, eos);
infile.close(); // close the file when we're done with it
return ret;
int main()
// read the contents of the books to analyze
vector<string> words = get_books();
// sort the input so that we can eliminate duplicates
sort(words.begin(), words.end());//排序算法
// unique reorders elements and returns iterator to end of unique range
// erase uses that iterator to erase non-unique elements
words.erase(unique(words.begin(), words.end()), //erase 和unique一起 删除指定vector中的重复元素
// sort the words by size, but maintain alphabetic order for words of the same size
stable_sort(words.begin(), words.end(), isShorter);//stable_sort按照某个标准排序
// analyze complexity: report frequency of words of each size
// and total number/% of words greaten than length 6
report_complexity(words.begin(), words.end());
return 0;
// write one string per line to the standard output
ostream_iterator<string> out_iter(cout, "\n");
// read strings from standard input and the end iterator
istream_iterator<string> in_iter(cin), eof;
// read until eof and write what was read to the standard output
while (in_iter != eof)
// write value of in_iter to standard output
// and then increment the iterator to get the next value from cin
*out_iter++ = *in_iter++; //这个得意思是先读取cin ,再输入到cout
vector<int> vec;
istream_iterator<int> in_iter(cin); // read ints from cin
istream_iterator<int> eof; // istream ``end'' iterator
// read until end of file, storing what was read in vec
while (in_iter != eof)
// increment advances the stream to the next value
// dereference reads next value from the istream
// print what we got
for (vector<int>::const_iterator it = vec.begin();
it != vec.end(); ++it)
cout << *it << " ";
cout << endl;
// find last element in a comma-separated list
string::reverse_iterator rcomma = //反向迭代器
find(line.rbegin(), line.rend(), ',');
// wrong: will generate the word in reverse order
cout << string(line.rbegin(), rcomma) << endl;
// ok: get a forward iterator and read to end of line
cout << string(rcomma.base(), line.end()) << endl;