program ex3; uses math; type xl=record x,y:longint end; var h,dp:array[0..5000] of xl; jd:array[0..10000] of real; c,e,a:array[0..600,0..600] of boolean; d,p,b,g,s,v,q,go,fo,fir,next:array[-1..10000] of longint; t,n,m,i,j,k,l,dt,mt,time:longint; ss,tt,t1:xl; t2:real; operator /(a,b:xl)c:longint;begin c:=a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y end; operator *(a,b:xl)c:longint;begin c:=a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x end; function mo(a:xl):real;begin mo:=sqrt(a.x*a.x+a.y*a.y) end; operator -(a,b:xl)c:xl;begin c.x:=a.x-b.x;c.y:=a.y-b.y end; function jiao(a,b:xl):real; begin jiao:=(a/b)/(mo(a)*mo(b)); if jiao=1 then jiao:=0 else jiao:=arccos(jiao); if a*b<0 then jiao:=-jiao; end; function find(dd:xl):longint;var i:longint; begin for i:=1 to dt do if (dd.x=dp[i].x)and(dd.y=dp[i].y) then exit(i); inc(dt);dp[dt]:=dd;find:=dt; end; procedure link(i,j:longint); begin inc(t);next[t]:=d[i];d[i]:=t;p[t]:=j;b[t]:=t+1; inc(t);next[t]:=d[j];d[j]:=t;p[t]:=i;b[t]:=t-1; end; begin assign(input,'risk.in');reset(input); assign(output,'risk.out');rewrite(output); readln(n,m); for i:=1 to n do readln(h[i].x,h[i].y); for i:=1 to m do begin readln(ss.x,ss.y,tt.x,tt.y); link(find(ss),find(tt)); end; for i:=1 to t do begin jd[i]:=-9; k:=d[p[i]];j:=p[k]; t1:=dp[p[i]]-dp[p[b[i]]]; while k<>0 do begin if k<>b[i] then begin t2:=jiao(t1,dp[j]-dp[p[i]]); if t2>jd[i] then begin jd[i]:=t2; go[i]:=k; end; end; k:=next[k];j:=p[k]; end; end; for i:=1 to t do if fo[i]=0 then begin k:=i; t2:=0; inc(mt); v[mt]:=0; repeat t2:=t2+jd[k]; inc(v[mt]); k:=go[k]; until i=k; if t2>0 then begin repeat fo[k]:=mt; k:=go[k]; until i=k; fir[mt]:=i; end else begin repeat fo[k]:=-1; k:=go[k]; until i=k; dec(mt); end; end; for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to mt do begin k:=fir[j]; t2:=0; repeat t2:=t2+jiao(dp[p[b[k]]]-h[i], dp[p[k]]-h[i]); k:=go[k]; until k=fir[j]; c[i,j]:=abs(t2-2*pi)<1e-6; inc(g[j],ord(c[i,j])); a[i,j]:=c[i,j]; end; for l:=1 to n do begin for i:=1 to mt do if g[i]=1 then break; for j:=1 to n do if c[j,i] then break; s[i]:=j;q[j]:=i; for k:=1 to mt do dec(g[k],ord(c[j,k])); for k:=1 to mt do c[j,k]:=false; for j:=1 to n do if (j<>s[i])and a[j,i] and (v[q[j]]<>0) then begin v[q[j]]:=0; e[s[i],j]:=true; e[j,s[i]]:=true; end; k:=fir[i]; repeat dec(v[fo[b[k]]]); k:=go[k]; until k=fir[i]; end; for i:=1 to mt do begin k:=fir[i]; repeat e[s[fo[b[k]]],s[i]]:=true; k:=go[k]; until k=fir[i]; end; for i:=1 to n do begin t:=0; for j:=1 to n do inc(t,ord(e[i,j])); write(t,' '); for j:=1 to n do if e[i,j] then write(j,' '); writeln; end; close(input);close(output); end.