SAP BSP vs Web Dynpro ABAP

SAP WEB 开发的两种技术: BSP 和 WEB Dynpro ABAP. 刚刚接触,把

SAP Community Network Forums上面好的回答总结在这里:





ABAP offers various options for GUI programming:

1 Web Dynpro for ABAP,

2 Business Server Pages (BSPs),

3 Classical GUI techniques using classic dynpros or screens,

4 GUI Controls (example: ALV lists).

here is the comparison as per my understanding and some search on SDN together with sm work experience :

1)BSP and WebDynpro are used for the development of web-based applications.

2)With BSP, we would need the comprehensive knowledge in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript etc.
In BSP, ABAP - based script code &HTML are combined whereas in Webdynpro for ABAP,
We would need expertise in ABAP and the Webdynpro for ABAP framework would generate HTML code for you and your application would be rendered in web browsers.

3)We can consider BSP in similar lines to Java Server Pages or Active Server Pages.

4)The implementation in BSP programming is complex and one also has to do with granular details like HTTP Request/Response ,which is not the case with Webdynpro and framework does it for us.

5)For some older SAP releases or on special purposes, the use of some other UI technology may be inevitable.SAP is now dedicated to using webdynpro as its internet platform of the future. This indicates that it aims to eventually retire such things as BSP. WD ABAP its going to replace all other web based application development methodologies . WebDynpro is the standard, and BSP is old technology.





I have worked in both areas WebDynpro For Abap and BSP.
Now why WebDynpro For ABAP .In my view BSP and WebDynpro ABAP are two distinct and Complex areas . So Instead of putting efforts and energy to explore BSP and trying to apply that Logic in WD ABAP won’t be right deal .

Now let me make you one thing clear . WebDynpro ABAP programming is much more different than BSP .It strictly follows MVC (Model View Controller ) .Not just that you need to have good sense of OOABAP,classes and methods , interfaces etc.
May at time Achieving some functionality with BSP over web will be easy deal compare to same thing in WebDynpro ABAP .ut as your thinking in Context of WD ABAP will mature you will find it easier .

There might be reason for going for BSP development .
In my view there are to possible reason
1) Based on current skill sets of SAP resources and Complexity of thing .Many time if less web Services are there and if you have existing BSP resources then its better for BSP development.
2) Amount you want use other things like HTML or javascript .You can more easily use things in BSP .

I will suggest you to go through following links,

Web Dynpro ABAP
As the name suggests Web Dynpro for ABAP uses exactly the same meta model as its cousin Web Dynpro for Java. A Web Dynpro component, a Web Dynpro view, a Web Dynpro model, a Web Dynpro controller have the same semantics both for ABAP and Java. The main difference is the designtime environment, the development infrastructure and the runtime environment.
The designtime environment is properly embedded in the ABAP Workbench where Web Dynpro artifacts are simply a new category like BSP applications or classical dynpro based applications before. Also no surprises regarding the development infrastructure. The correction and transport system keeps track on all changes that are done, versions them and helps to propagate the Web Dynpro application from development to production like you would do with ordinary BSP or dynpro-based applications.
Last not least the execution platform is the ABAP server that produces application content ready to be integrated in the NetWeaver Portal seamlessly. Features like portal eventing can be used between applications written in ABAP or applications developed with Java.

In my view WebDynpro ABAP and Wd Java are not same.
Basically WebDynpro ABAP and Java are two different webDynpro provided by NetWeaver Stack.
Basic conceptual base of WD ABAP and WD Java is same.I mean to say concepts like Context binding , node , elements , Layout both support are same.
But when you provide background functionality to your Web Screen then Java or ABAP come in to picture.Just take case , you want do some thing on click of some button then
1) in case of java may you will call some ejb or you will may write some java code on click.
2) but in case of WD ABAP you have to do same thing with ABAP classes . You will call some call or some method of some system defined class.

Ulimately point I want make
1) WD ABAP and WD java 's Base is same but you code in completely different way.
2) Purpose for which SAP came with two different WDynpro is different. Java can be used for developing quite sophistcated Web services.

Hope I have clear your Doubt.






There are several architectural differences between BSP and WDA. WDA may have some more advanced features compared to BSP. but it is a far more restrictive framework. First of all, WDA is stateful only. BSP supports bothe stateful and stateless programming models. Stateless programming is essential to high-performance internet-facing applications.

WDA is also designed to be future-proof, obscuring the specific client's rendering technology. As a consequence, the tool does not allow low-level access to include your own custom HTML, JavaScript, or other controls. WDA targets the browser today, but tommorrow is might well be running within a smart client using entirely different technologies(such as XML and native UI controls). To keep this technology switch possible, the rendering logic is completely hidden from the developer, presenting only an abstract UI layer with abstract controls. On the other hand BSP has no such restrictions. BSP is strictly centered on browser-based deployment and therefore allows an extreme level of custom rendering. This makes BSP a perfect platform for applications theat require pixel-perfect layout or specialized UI elemnets.

The other aspect ot consider is that Web dynpro ABAP will not be available until NetWeaver'04S. Therefore, you must upgrade your existing system to be able to use these new development tools. BSP, on hte other hand, has been available for several years and is included in the vast majority of supported SAP product releases. For several more years, BSP may be your only choice for Web development using the ABAP language.

