1 |
Boost库通过SourceForge文件发布系统来发布。点击这里从SourceForge下载发布版本。并把它解压倒一个合适的地方。 |
Boost CVS库
通过命令行或图形客户端访问Boost CVS
如果安装了CVS客户端,也可以从公共Boost CVS库获得该库。自由命令行客户端(通常在Linux/Unix系统中已经安装)在许多系统中现成可用,自由GUI客户端在Windows、Mac等其他系统中免费可用。
cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/boost login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/boost checkout boost
cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/boost logout
通过浏览器访问Boost CVS
可以用现在的网页浏览器或网页浏览器接口来访问Boost CVS存档文件。仅仅通过颜色的不同就可以看到某个文件被更新了多少次。注意:这个接口只是用来显示个别文件的及其修改历史。
有些Boost文档由CVS库里面的BoostBook XML源代码生成,并没有作为可阅读的HTML文件直接出现在CVS树中。可以在试用生成文档网页上看生成的HTML文件的试用运行版。在CVS树的HTML文件缺失之处,可以尝试通过包含试用运行版来补充。但是如果不能进行网络连接,可以通过从之前提到的网页下载生成的文件存档,使得可以在离线状态下浏览文件。
推荐使用Boost.Build这个Boost编译系统来编译安装Boost库。本说明的剩余部分解释它的用法,但是用与不用这个方法取决于自己。注意,除包含用Boost.Build编译的所有需要的文件外,一些库也包含非Boost.Build makefiles文件和/或工程文件。
2 |
编译系统使用Boost.Jam这个Perforce Jam的可移植的make的替代品。如果使用Boost发行版本,推荐到SourceForge下载已编译成可执行的Boost.Jam,如果没有为正使用的平台提供或者使用的Boost源文件还处于未发布状态,就需要由源文件编译成bjam,该源文件包含在Boost源文件树里。通过把可执行的bjam文件拷贝到可访问的PATH下来安装。 |
3 |
面是Boost.Build支持的工具集,要得到配置各工具集的信息,可以点击左栏里它的名字。 |
TOOLS Name |
Description |
borland |
Borland C++ |
como |
Comeau C++ compiler front-end for non-Windows platforms |
como-win32 |
Comeau C++ compiler front-end for Windows, using Microsoft Visual C++as a back-end. |
cw |
Metrowerks CodeWarrior Pro 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, and 9.x command-line tools |
darwin |
Apple Darwin OS hosted GNU GCC |
dmc |
Digital Mars C++. |
dmc-stlport |
Digital Mars C++, using the STLport standard library implementation |
edg |
Edison Design Group compiler front-end (evaluation version) |
gcc |
GNU GCC on Unix and Cygwin. |
gcc-stlport |
GNU GCC on Unix and Cygwin, using the STLport standard library implementation |
gcc-nocygwin |
GNU GCC Cygwin command line compiler tools running in "no-cygwin" mode (produces commercially redistributable objects) |
intel-linux |
Intel C++ for Linux |
intel-win32 |
Intel C++ for Windows using the Dinkumware standard library in the Intel-required Microsoft Visual C++ 6 or 7 installation |
kcc |
KAI C++ |
kylix |
Borland C++ for Linux (Kylix). |
mingw |
GNU GCC and associated tools in MinGW configuration (produces commercially redistributable objects) |
mingw-stlport |
GNU GCC and associated tools in MinGW configuration (produces commercially redistributable objects), using the STLport standard library implementation |
mipspro |
SGI MIPSpro C and C++ |
msvc |
Microsoft Visual C++ version 6 command-line tools. NOTE; For version 7.x (the .NET series) use the vc7, vc-7_1, or vc-8_0 toolsets below. |
msvc-stlport |
Microsoft Visual C++ version 6 command-line tools, using the STLport standard library implementation. NOTE; For version 7.x (the .NET series) use the vc7-stlport or vc-7_1-stlport toolsets below. |
sunpro |
SunPRO C++ compiler |
tru64cxx |
Compaq C++ for Tru64 UNIX (versions prior to 6.5) |
tru64cxx65 |
Compaq C++ Version 6.5 for Tru64 UNIX |
vacpp |
IBM Visual Age C++ command-line tools |
vc7 |
Microsoft Visual C++ command-line tools from Visual Studio .NET. |
vc7-stlport |
Microsoft Visual C++ command-line tools from Visual Studio .NET + STLPort. |
vc-7_1 |
Microsoft Visual C++ command-line tools from Visual Studio .NET 2003. |
vc-7_1-stlport |
Microsoft Visual C++ command-line tools from Visual Studio .NET 2003 + STLPort. |
vc-8_0 |
Microsoft Visual C++ command-line tools from Visual Studio .NET 2005. |
4 |
首先需要进入下载的Boost发行版的目录。例如: chdir boost-1.31.0 |
默认情况下,Boost将试图编译全部的库并且把库和头文件安装到默认的路径中去。在Unix系统中,默认的路径是“/usr/local”。 而Windows系统则是 “C:/Boost”。会在这些文件夹的“lib”子文件夹下面安装Boost库。而头文件则被安装在“include/boost-1_31”子文件夹下面。它反应出了安装的发布版的版本。
5 |
调用编译系统来指定用来编译和安装的工具集。比如说GNU/GCC: bjam "-sTOOLS=gcc" install 如果只对编译好的库有兴趣,可以编译这些库并把它们收集在同一个文件夹下而不必安装。 bjam "-sTOOLS=gcc" stage |
可以通过和GNU风格类似的参数集来控制编译和安装系统。这些命令参数可以用来改变安装目录,不安装某一个库等等。还可以用bjam --help"来查看这些参数概要。命令引用的形式:
bjam [options...] [install|stage]
Action |
none |
Only builds the Boost libraries. This lets you do the first part of what the install action normally does without copying the built libraries to the install location. |
install |
Builds and installs Boost libraries and headers. |
stage |
Builds the Boost libraries and copies them into a common directory. |
Option |
--help |
Shows a short summary of the options and syntax of the command. |
-sTOOLS=<toolsets> |
The list of tools to compile with. Usually only one is needed. |
--prefix=PREFIX |
Install architecture independent files here. |
--exec-prefix=EPREFIX |
Install architecture dependent files here. |
--libdir=DIR |
Install libraries here. |
--includedir=DIR |
Install source headers here. The Boost headers are installed in a version specific "boost-<version>" subdirectory in this directory. |
--builddir=DIR |
Build in this location instead of building within the distribution tree. This moves where the sources for the libraries are compiled to before they are installed. Recommended! |
--stagedir=DIR |
When staging only, with the "stage" action, copy to the given location. |
--without-<library> |
Do not build, stage, or install the specified library. |
--with-<library> |
Build, stage, or install the specified library. This changes the default from trying to build all possible libraries, to only building the specified libraries. |
--with-python-root[=PYTHON_ROOT] |
Build Boost.Python libraries with the Python devel packages located at PYTHON_ROOT. The Boost.Python libraries are built only if the build can find the Python development package at this location. |
--with-python-version[=2.4] |
Build Boost.Python libraries with the Python version indicated. |
--with-pydebug |
Build Boost.Python libraries using the Python debug runtime. This builds an additional set of libraries for use with the debug version of Python. The regular versions of the Boost.Python libraries are also built. |
-sHAVE_ICU=1 |
Build Boost.Regex libraries with Unicode support provided by the ICU libraries. ICU must have been built with the same compiler that you are using to build Boost, and must be installed into your compiler's include and library search paths. See the Boost.Regex installation documentation for more information. |
-sICU_PATH=path |
Build Boost.Regex libraries with Unicode support provided by the ICU libraries. ICU must have been built with the same compiler that you are using to build Boost, and must have been built (or installed to) directory path. For example if you configured ICU with --prefix=/usr/local/icu/3.3, then use -sICU_PATH=/usr/local/icu/3.3. See the Boost.Regex installation documentation for more information. |
Build Boost.Iostreams without support for the compression filters which rely on the non-Boost libraries zlib and libbz2. If you use Windows, this option is enabled by default. If you use UNIX, the compression filters will likely work with no configuration, so this option should not be necessary. For full details see Boost.Iostreams Installation. |
有一些Boost.Build和Boost.Jam支持的附加参数。其中最重要的可能就是允许你覆盖默认的编译的"-sBUILD=<features/variants>"参数。参数值"<features/variants>"是一个在编译请求时可以用用空格分隔参数的列表。特征以一个标签和一个或多个值的方式出现;变量则是特征选择的一个简单符号名字。例如默认的编译请求是"debug release <runtime-link>static/dynamic <threading>single/multi",其中"debug" 和 "release"就是变量,余下的每一个特征都会带有这两个变量。
如果些关于编译安装过程的反馈,请通过Boost.Build mailing list写信给我们。我们对它能否在你的平台上工作和是不是有些方面你觉得可以做得跟好非常感兴趣。
编译后的生成物以下列形式存在:静态库、动态库。而且不同的平台库的名称也不一样。单个Boost库默认编译后将会产生八个不同的库。 例如Boost.Datetime库在Unix类系统下面将会生成:
lib |
boost_date_time |
- |
gcc |
- |
mt |
- |
d |
- |
1_31 |
.a |
*.dll |
动态库版本 |
*.lib |
Dll导入库 |
lib*.lib |
静态库版本 |
编译器名基于用来编译的编译器的缩写。它是由编译器的名称的缩写(2-4个字符)和该编译器的大小版本号(如果存在小版本号)组成的。例如,如果你的编译器是“gcc-3_2_3” 那么编译器的标号就会是“gcc32”。各个编译器的缩写如下:
TOOLS Name |
Abbreviation |
borland |
bcb |
como |
como |
como-win32 |
como |
cw |
cw |
darwin |
osx |
dmc |
dmc |
dmc-stlport |
dmc |
edg |
edg |
gcc |
gcc |
gcc-stlport |
gcc |
gcc-nocygwin |
gcc |
intel-linux |
il |
intel-win32 |
iw |
kcc |
kcc |
kylix |
bck |
mingw |
mgw |
mingw-stlport |
mgw |
mipspro |
mp |
msvc |
vc |
msvc-stlport |
vc |
sunpro |
sw |
tru64cxx |
tru |
tru64cxx65 |
tru |
vacpp |
xlc |
vc7 |
vc |
vc7-stlport |
vc |
vc-7_1 |
vc |
vc-7_1-stlport |
vc |
vc-8_0 |
vc |
Others |
The first part of the toolset name. |
Key |
Feature |
s |
Static link to runtime. |
g |
Debug runtime. |
y |
Debug Python system. |
d |
Debug enabled code. |
p |
STLport runtime, instead of the vendor toolset runtime. |
n |
STLport runtime using the "native" IO streams instead of the STLport IO streams. |
扩展名标识了库的类型,这依据平台需求。在windows平台上共享库是“.dll” ,静态库包括导入库则是“.lib”。在Unix平台上,静态库(存档)是“.a”,共享库则是“.so”。Unix平台支持的工具器集会有符号链接的全版本扩展名(如“.so.1.31.0”)的库。
因为大部分Boost库拥有独立的源代码,所以引入对应的库的头文件可以使正确的编译变量自动链接。对于这种工作特性而言,编译器必须支持#pragma comment(lib, name)特性(Microsoft Visual C++、Intel C++、Metrowerks C++和Borland C++都支持)。
如果链接到动态运行库,那么可以选择链接到一个静态或动态的Boost库,默认是静态链接。可以通过为某个特定的库Boost库定义 BOOST_WHATEVER_DYN_LINK宏强制它改变为动态链接。或者,可以通过定义BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK宏来强制所有的Boost库为动态链接。
如果想看库的链接情况,可以通过定义 BOOST_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC宏的方式来使得自动链接的代码在每次选作链接的时候产生一个#pragma信息。
Library |
Static Link |
Dynamic Link |
Default linkage |
Automatic library selection |
Comments |
Date-Time |
Yes |
Yes |
static |
Yes |
Filesystem |
Yes |
Yes |
static |
Yes |
Graph |
Yes |
No |
static |
No |
The separate Graph library source is needed only when reading an AT&T graphviz file. |
Iostreams |
Yes |
Yes |
static |
Yes |
Program Options |
Yes |
Yes |
static |
Yes |
Python |
Yes |
Yes |
dynamic |
No |
Since all Python extensions are DLL's it makes sense to dynamic link to the Boost Python library by default (static linking is only really an option if you are embedding python). |
Regex |
Yes |
Yes |
static |
Yes |
Serialization |
Yes |
Yes |
static |
Yes |
Signals |
Yes |
Yes |
static |
Yes |
Test |
Yes |
No |
static |
No |
Which library you link to depends upon which program entry point you define, rather than which Boost.Test features you use. |
Thread |
Partial |
Yes |
static (Visual C++), otherwise dynamic |
Yes |
For technical reasons static linking is supported on only one Windows compiler (Visual C++). |
Wave |
Yes |
Yes |
static |
Yes |