FPGA debug notes

1. FPGA env, download and usage

1.1 Prepare power supply DC9.0V;

1.2 Prepare two USB cables, one for downloading bitfile, the other one for images;

1.3 Prepare and install usb driver, serial comm driver and trace32 tools;

1.4 Download bootrom via trace32;

1.5 Check ddr is right or wrong;

1.6 Find out BitFile and download to FPGA;

1.7 Choose the corresponding android version for FPGA, such as sprdroid4.4_3.10_sharkl_dev

1.8 Choose the corresponding compilation project, such as scx35_sp9630fpga-userdebug-native

1.9 Compile the source code, such as make bootloader or make bootimage

1.10 Download boot.img(kernel) and u-boot.bin(u-boot);

1.11 Use trace32 to run u-boot;

2. Light up panel of nt35516 in u-boot on FPGA platform

2.1 Pay attention to the following files

include/configs/sp8830ec.h, /* the similar to these files related to chip name, these configs will write to out/target/product/scx35_sp9630fpga/obj/u-boot/include/autoconf.mk */


If you add a directory, some fields in Makefile in Rootdir and in the corresponding dir should be added, as following:
LIBS += drivers/video/sprdfb/libsprdfb.o
LIBS += drivers/video/sprdfb/dsi_1_21a/libsprdfb_dsi.o
LIBS += drivers/video/sprdfb/dsi_1_10a/libsprdfb_dsi.o
LIBS += drivers/video/sprdfb/lcd/liblcd.o
LIBS += property/libproperty.o
include $(TOPDIR)/config.mk
LIB     := $(obj)libsprdfb_dsi.o
COBJS-$(CONFIG_DSIH_VERSION_1P21A) += mipi_dsih_api.o mipi_dsih_dphy.o mipi_dsih_hal.o
COBJS   := $(COBJS-y)
SRCS    := $(COBJS:.o=.c)
OBJS    := $(addprefix $(obj),$(COBJS))

all:    $(LIB)

$(LIB): $(obj).depend $(OBJS)
        $(call cmd_link_o_target, $(OBJS))


# defines $(obj).depend target
include $(SRCTREE)/rules.mk

sinclude $(obj).depend

3 lvds work global setting

// enable
0x20e0_0000: bit[0] // DISPC en
0x402e_0004: bit[11] // Matrix en

// CLK cfg
0x7130_0000: bit[18] // CLK cfg en
0x2150_002c: bit[1:0] // CLK src (0-153.6M, 1-192M, 2-256M, 3-307.2M)
0x2150_002c: bit[10:8] // Dividor
0x2150_0030: bit[1:0] // CLK src (0-128M, 1-153.6M, 2-192M, 3-256M)
0x2150_0030: bit[10:8] // Dividor
0x2150_0034: bit[1:0] // CLK src (0-128M, 1-153.6M, 2-192M, 3-256M)
0x2150_0034: bit[10:8] // Dividor
0x2150_0034: bit[16] // CLK from LVDS TX (need set when in LVDS mode)

// RST
0x20e0_0004: bit[0] // DISPC reset
0x20e0_0004: bit[4] // Matrix reset

// LVDS cfg
0x402b_00a4: bit[0] // LVDS AP select
0x402e_3060: bit[0] // LVDS TX power down (active '1')

0x402e_0064: // LVDS PLL CFG1 (cfg later)
0x402e_0068: // LVDS PLL CFG2 (cfg later)

// IRQ
INTC1: bit[14]

/* Configure RGB mode, such as timing, data width, LCD reset, color, resolution, dpi and so on */
/* bit[16] clk from LVDS TX (need set when in LVDS mode) */
REG_SET(0x21500034, 16, 1);
/* a4, bit[0]: LVDS AP select */
/* 60, bit[0]: LVDS TX power down (active '1') */
REG_SET(0x402b00a4, 0, 1);
REG_SET(0x402e3060, 0, 1);
/* '0': R/G/B[1:0] sent by lan3; '1': RGB[7:6] sent by lan3 */

DISPC refresh background color:
0x20800020 -> 0x0  // IMG_CTRL: Image layer configuration(YUV)
0x20800040 -> 0x0 // OSD_CTRL: OSD layer configuration(UI). OSD_BASE_ADDR's content is FB's address in DDR.
0x20800004 -> DISPC_SIZE_XY
0x2080003c -> 0xff0000 // red, reg: BG_COLOR: Background color R [23:16] / G [15:8] / B[7:0]
0x20800080: 0x80(24bits) -> 0xa0 (bit5 set to 1) // DPI_CTRL[5] should be set to 1. Write '1' to update current registers to shadow registers, the update will be synchronized VSYNC and it will be cleared by HW.

DPI related: 0x20800080 - 0x20800090
OSD related: 0x20800040 - 0x20800058
IMG related: 0x20800020 - 0x20800038
INTERRUPT related: 0x20800070 - 0x2080007c

4 trace32 using skill

4.1 data dump


data.dump <address>

data.dump address++len

data.dump 0x20800000++100

data.dump address--address

data.dump 0x20800000--0x20801000

4.2 data.list and data.load

list source code and assemble.

The following two commands can be added to load excutable files and load source codes

D.LOAD \path\..axf

D.LOAD \path\...axf /nocode /STRIPPART 4 /SOURCEPATH \path\source codes

4.3 breakpoint

1). break.list // watch the list of breakpoint, meanwhile, the breakpoint can be disabled or enabled on this interface;

2). you just need to press "go", then the breaked code will be shown automatically, meanwhile, breakpoint can be added or deleted dynamically;

3). Show stack can show what is called currently;

4). "F4" -> Go Next;     "F2" -> Come into every function;      "F7"  ->  Go;    "F8"  -> Break;

5). If you wanna modify Break's implementation, click down: Break-> Implementation -> OnChip

4.4 show picture on trace32

# data.image 0x80080000 1024. 600. /RGB565LE
This command can be used to show a picture.

4.5 save and load picture

D.LOAD PATH/pic.raw addr
D.SAVE.BINARY PATH/pic.raw addr++offset
e.g: 1024 * 600 * 2 == 0x12c000
D.SAVE.BINARY "D:\pic.raw" 0x80003718++0x12c000

4.6 example

 Note: DDR2 or DDR1 should be initialized before loading axf file.


system.mode down

system.jtagclock 20mhz ; jtag clock should be set larger.

system.cpu CORTEXA53
system.config CORENUMBER 1.
core.assign 1

system.config corebase 0x80410000
system.config ctibase 0x80420000
system.config MEMORYACCESSPORT 0
system.config DEBUGACCESSPORT 1

system.mode Prepare

system.mode Up

WAIT 1.s
D.LOAD "&BOOT" ; this axf should be after ddr1 or ddr2 is initialized.

WAIT 2.s

; init DDR2

WAIT 6.s
; This position can initialize axf too

D.LOAD D:\...\minicode.axf
D.LOAD D:\...\minicode.axf /nocode /STRIPPART 4 /SOURCEPATH \PATH\minicode

Break.Set test_entry

; start x,y and width, height
WinPOS 0. 0. 80. 40.
data.dump 0x20800000
WinPOS 0. 40. 80. 40.
data.dump 0x21800000
WinPOS 40. 0. 80. 40.
V.WATCH dispc_regs


5 mipi panel debug notes

1) dispc module enable;

2) dispc clock enable and set divider

3) dispc reset

4) dsi host reset

5) dispc internal enable // after DSI reset

6) set timing (HFP/HBP; VFP/VBP)

7) data width // 24bits / 18bits / 16bits

8) reset lcd

9) set dispc interface mode to DPI or eDPI

10) ...


6 dispc debug notes

6.1 refresh background color

0xFF0000: Red

0x00FF00: Green

0x0000FF: Blue

0xFFFFFF: White

0x000000: Black

0x20 -> 0x0; 0x40 -> 0x0;  0x3c -> 0xff0000;  0x80 BIT[5] -> 1

6.2 synopsys d-phy status (GENERAL 1, dsi host 1.21a)

6.2.1. When FPGA is powered up, the following leds are lighten up






6.2.2. call mipi_dsih_dsih_open.

1). First, call mipi_dsih_dphy_open

mipi_dsih_dphy_reset(phy, 0); // place the digital section of D-PHY in the reset state;

mipi_dsih_dphy_stop_wait_time(phy, 0x1C); //stop wait time and initialize lane number  to one lane;

mipi_dsih_dphy_no_of_lanes(phy, 1); // init to 1 lane first

mipi_dsih_dphy_clock_en(phy, 1); // Enable D-PHY Clock lane module,;

mipi_dsih_dphy_shutdown(phy, 1); // place D-PHY macro in power-on state;

mipi_dsih_dphy_reset(phy, 1); // place the digital section of D-PHY in ON state;

2). Second, configure dsi register, such as PLL, the commands transmision mode and so on.

mipi_dsih_hal_power(instance, 0); // Configure power status of DSI Host core, 1: ON; 0: OFF

mipi_dsih_hal_dpi_color_mode_pol(instance, !instance->color_mode_polarity); // Set DPI color mode pin polarity. 1: Active low; 0: Active High

mipi_dsih_hal_dpi_shut_down_pol(instance, !instance->shutdown_polarity); // DPI shutdown pin polarity. 1: Active low; 0: Active Low

mipi_dsih_hal_int_mask_0(instance, 0xffffffff);

mipi_dsih_hal_int_mask_1(instanec, 0xffffffff);

mipi_dsih_hal_phy_bta_time(instanec, instance->max_bta_cycles);

mipi_dsih_hal_dpi_lp_during_hfp(instance, 1); // By default, return to LP11 during ALL, unless specified

mipi_dsih_hal_dpi_lp_during_hbp(instance, 1);

mipi_dsih_hal_dpi_lp_during_vactive(instance, 1);

mipi_dsih_hal_dpi_lp_during_vfp(instance, 1);

mipi_dsih_hal_dpi_lp_during_vfp(instance, 1);

mipi_dsih_hal_dpi_lp_during_vsync(instance, 1);

mipi_dsih_hal_dcs_wr_tx_type(instance, 0, 1); // By default, all commands are sent in LP mode

mipi_dsih_hal_dcs_wr_tx_type(instance, 1, 1); // The second para is number of param

mipi_dsih_hal_dcs_wr_tx_type(instance, 3, 1); // long packet

DCS read/write commands and General read/write Commands are the same

By default, RX_VC=0, NO EOTp, EOTn, BTA, ECC rx and CRC rx.

mipi_dsih_hal_power(instance, 1); configure the core to power up;

mipi_dsih_hal_tx_escape_division(instance, 6); //Dividing by 6is aimed for max PHY frequency, 1GHz.

3). Last, call mipi+dsih_dphy_configure to configure D-PHY.

mipi_dsih_dphy_configure(&(instance->phy_instance), 1, DEFAULT_BYTE_CLOCK);


After mipi_dsih_dphy_open is called successfully, the following leds are lighten up:

TX_RXZis on

ENABLE_1 is off

LOCK is on

RSTZ is on


6.2.3. Calling mipi_dsih_dphy_configure(&p_instance->phy_instance, p_instance->max_lanes, LANE_CLOCK_FREQ); // 190MHz

Then Check if PHY_STATUS(0xB0) is 0x5. 


6.2.4. If the interface is DPI, dpi should be configured as follow:

Configure number of lanes, virtual channel, video mode(burst or non burst mode), byte_clock, pixel_clock, color_coding(24bits), polarity, h_active_pixels, porch, and so on.


6.2.5. Enable rx, ecc_rx, eotp_rx, eotp_tx and send initial commands to panel in LP mode

mipi_dsih_gen_wr_cmd(p_instance, 0, init->data, init->reg & LCM_TAG_MASK); // ((1<<24) - 1)


6.2.6. Choose video mode via setting HOST_MODE_CFG register, then power down,  power up DSI HOST


6.2.7. Calling mipi_dsi_enable_hs_clk will trigger that LPCLK_CTRL is wroten to 1, that is, HS clock will be enabled.



6.2.8. As soon as DISPC is begun to transmit data from internal to dsi host, the following leds will be triggered.

If the lane number is 2, and lane name is 0 and 1,

TXREADY_RXACTIVE_HS_0 will be lighten up

TXREADY_RXACTIVE_HS_1 will be lighten up


6.3 dispc refresh OSD layer

DISPC base address: 0x20800000

0x004(SIZE_XY): Panel width and height. e.g. (540 * 960)

0x044(OSD_BASE_ADDRESS): base address of phyical DDR address. e.g. 0x82800000

D.LOAD "\PATH\565.raw" 0x82800000

0x048(OSD_SIZE_XY): OSD layer vertical and horizontal size. e.g. (540 * 960)

0x04c(OSD_PITCH): OSD layer pitch. It is pixel unit. e.g. 540

0x050(OSD_DISP_XY): OSD layer vertical and horizontal start position. e.g. 0x0

0x054(OSD_ALPHA): OSD layer alpha. e.g. 0xff

0x058(OSD_CK): OSD color key(R/ G/ B). e.g. 0x0


0x040(OSD_CTRL): Image layer configuration for RGB. e.g. 0x255



OSD_SWTICH [BIT9:8]: 0-{B0,B1,B2,B3}; 1-{B3,B2,B1,B0}; 2-{B2,B3,B0,B1}; 3-{B1,B0,B3,B2}

OSD_FORMAT [BIT7:4]: 0011-RGB888; 0101-RGB565

OSD_ALPHA_SEL [BIT3:2]: 0-pixel alpha; 1-block alpha; 2-combo alpha(pixel alpha * block alpha)

OSD_CK_EN BIT[1]: 1-color key enable

OSD_EN [BIT0]: 1-image layer enable


Last, set 0x80 to 0xa0, start to run dispc: set 0x0 to 0x11


6.4 dispc refresh IMG layer

0x020(IMG_CTRL): Image layer configuration for YUV e.g. 0x501

BIT[15](IMG_RB_SWITCH): 1 -> Exchange R and B; 0 -> Don't switch (Used for RGB data)

BIT[13:12](IMG_V_SWITCH): 0 - {B0, B1, B2, B3}; 1 - {B3, B2, B1, B0}; 2 - {B2, B3, B0, B1}; 3 - {B1, B0, B3, B2} (Used for YUV data)

BIT[11:10](IMG_UV_SWITCH): 0 - {B0, B1, B2, B3}; 1 - {B3, B2, B1, B0}; 2 - {B2, B3, B0, B1}; 3 - {B1, B0, B3, B2} (Used for YUV data)

BIT[9:8](IMG_Y_SWITCH): 0 - {B0, B1, B2, B3}; 1 - {B3, B2, B1, B0}; 2 - {B2, B3, B0, B1}; 3 - {B1, B0, B3, B2} (Used for YUV data)

BIT[7:4](IMG_FORMAT): 0000 - YUV422; 0001 - YUV420; 0011 - RGB888; 0101 - RGB565; 1000 - 3plane YUV422; 1001 -3plane YUV420

BIT[0](IMG_EN): 1 - Enable




0x002C: IMG_V_BASE_ADDR If the image format is YUV 3 plane, this address should be set.

0x0030: IMG_SIZE_XY

0x0034: IMG_PITCH It is pixel unit, e.g. 540

0x0038: IMG_DISP_XY Image layer start position. It is oftern 0x0


Last, set 0x80 to 0xa0, start to run dispc: set 0x0 to 0x11

If 0x80 is set to 0xa0, then the corresponding registers, such as: base address, background color and so on,  will be set.After these registers are updated successfully, 0x80 will be set to 0x80 again. If not, maybe dpi clockisn't enabled.


7 Pack system image and boot image

packsys # pack system image
packboot # pack boot image

The following commands are In android root/out/host/linux-x86/bin, such asadb, mkbootfs

aapt  aprotoc         checkpolicy  clang-tblgen  dexdeps  dmtracedump  hierarchyviewer1  llvm-as      minigzip        mkuserimg.sh  sqlite3
acp   bcc_strip_attr  checkseapp   dalvik        dexdump  dx           hprof-conv        llvm-link    mkbootfs        oatdump       tblgen
adb   bsdiff          clang        dalvikvm      dexlist  e2fsck       imgdiff           llvm-rs-cc   mkbootimg       rs-spec-gen   zipalign
aidl  checkfc         clang++      dex2oat       dexopt   fastboot     insertkeys.py     make_ext4fs  mksnapshot.arm  simg2img


8.1 how to check DDR map

Add a file named dispc.scat, whose content is as following:

ROM_LOAD0 0x80000000
        ROM_EXEC0 +0x0
                init.o (Init, +FIRST)
                * (+RO)  ; code and read only data
                * (+RW,+ZI) ; Read/Write variables and uninitialized variables 

Add this ENTRY address to DISPC.mk, as following:

ENTRY = 0x80000000

After adding these fields, we can check if the address is right, according to open generated map file: SHARKL_AP_FPGA_DISPC_test.map.

Meanwhile, SHARKL_AP_FPGA_DISPC_test.axf is generated too.

9 arm compiler used for minicode

a. ARM DS-5 ARMv8 -> Eclipse for DS-5 ARMv8

b. ARM -> ARM Workbench IDE v4.0 (It is exactly Eclipse)

              -> RealView Development Suite v4.1/3.1

              -> RealView Profiler v1.0

              -> RealView ICE v3.2/4.1

c. Cygwin

10 General Knowledges

10.1 Chip size, chip POP(DDR+SOC)

half ram, half stardard cell

10.2 FPGA can't verify analog circuit

10.3 Wafer test is necessory. This can improve yield rate.

10.4 The way of naming arm process is odd, A53(V8 instruction set and 64-bit),A57, A9, A7(V7 instruction set and 32-bit) and so on.

11 guide for debugging android source codes(SPREADTRUM)

11.1 概念及流程介绍



fdl1 :初始化ddr,与pc通信下载fdl2到ddr,并运行fdl2
fdl2 : 初始化nand(emmc),与pc通信下载其它image到nand(emmc)


rocode: 判断是开机,复制spl到IRAM, 并运行spl
SPL : 初始化ddr,复制u-boot到ddr,并运行u-boot
u-boot: 部分设备初始化,复制其它的iamge到ddr,判断开机模式进入相应模式

11.2 基本环境搭建

fpga 需要的相关文件在内网已共享:
bit: 请根据是ddr1还是ddr2分别选择相应的bitfile文件
img: android相关的image
tools: HSDL SecureCRT download tools
cmms: trace32 脚本文件

11.3 注意事项

11.3.1 bitfile分ddr1和的ddr2,带romcode或者不带,请确认是否选择正确

11.3.2 ddr1需要使用1.8v电压,ddr2是1.2v,需要调整拨码开关

11.3.3 download android source code(shanghai)

repo init -u [email protected]:android/platform/manifest.git -b sprdroid4.4_3.10_sharkl_dev [email protected]:tools/newrepo.git 

11.3.4 compilation error

make: *** No rule to make target 'init.s', needed by 'init.o', stop

This error  is often caused by the wrong file name or the wrong file directory.

12 mipi burst and non burst mode of synopsis

12.1 Burst Mode

In this mode, the entire active pixel line is buffered into a FIFO and transmitted in a single packet with no interruptions. This transmission mode requires that the DPI Pixel FIFO has the capacity to store a full line of active pixel data inside it.This mode is optimally used if the difference between the pixel required bandwidth and DSI link bandwidth is very different. This enables the DWC_mipi_dsi_host to quicky dispatch the entire video line in a single burst of data and then return to low-power mode.

12.2 Non-Burst Mode

In this mode, the processor uses the partitioning properties of the DWC_mipi_dsi_host to divide the video line thansmission into several DSI packets. This is done to match the pixle required bandwidth with the DSI link bandwidth. With this mode, the controller configuration does not require a full line of pixel data to be stored inside the DPI Pixel FIFO. It requires only the content of one video packet.

12.3 Guidelines for Selecting the Burst or Non-Burst Mode

Selecting the Burst and Non-Burst mode is mainly dependent on the system configuration and the device requirements. Choose the video transmission mode that suits the application scenario. The Burst mode is more beneficial because it increases the probability of the link spending more time in the low-power mode, decreasing power consumption. However, the following conditions should be met for availing(有益于) the maximum benefits from the Burst mode of operation:

1. The DWC_mipi_dsi_host core should have sufficient pixel memory to store an entire pixel line to avoid the overflow of the internal FIFOs.

2. The display device should support receiving a full pixel line in a single packet burst to avoid the overflow on the reception buffer.

3. The DSI output bandwidth should be higher than the DPI system interface input bandwidth in a relation that enables the link to go to low-power once per line.


If the system cannot meet these requirements, it is likely that the pixel data will be lost causing the malfunctioning of the display device while using the Burst mode. These errors are related to the capabilities of the system to store the temporary pixel data.


If all the conditions for using the Burst mode cannot be met, use the Non-Burst mode to avoid the errors caused by the Burst mode. The Non-Burst mode provides a better matching of rates for pixel transmission, enabling:

1. Only a certain amount of pixels to be stored in the memory and not requiring a full pixel line (lesser DPI RAM requirements in the DWC_mipi_dsi_host)

2. Operation with devices that support only a small amount of pixel buffering (less than a full pixel line)


The DSI Non-Burst mode should be configured in such way that the DSI output pixel ratio matches with the DPI input pixel ratio, reducing the memory requirements on both dsi host and/or device side. This is achieved by dividing a pixel line into several chunks of pixels and optionally interleaving them with null packets.


The folling equations show how the DWC_mipi_dsi_host core transmission parameters should be programmed in Non-Burst mode to match the DSI link pixel output ration (left hand side of the "=" sign) and DPI pixel input (right hand side of the "=" sign).

When the null packets are enabled:

lanebyteclkperiod * vid_num_chunks (vid_pkt_size * bytes_per_pixel + 12 + vid_null_size) / number_of_lanes = pixels_per_lines * dpipclkperiod

When the null packets are disabled:

lanebyteclkperiod * vid_num_chunks (vid_pkt_size * bytes_per_pixel + 6) / number_of_lanes = pixels_per_lines * dpipclkperiod

12.4 Config Burst mode and Non-Burst mode

a. Burst Mode

VID_MODE_CFG[vid_mode_type] = 0x2'b1x

VID_PKT_SIZE[vid_pkt_size] = sizeof(active line period, measured in pixels)

vid_num_chunks and vid_null_size are ignored by the DWC_mipi_dsi_host

b. Non-Burst mode

VID_MODE_CFG[vid_mode_type] = 2'b0x

VID_MODE_CFG[vid_mode_type] = 2'b00 to enable the transmission of sync pulses

VID_MODE_CFG[vid_mode_type] = 2'b01 to enable the transmission of sync events

VID_MODE_CFG[vid_pkt_size] = the number of pixels to be transmitted in a single packet

VID_NUM_CHUNKS[vid_num_chunks] = the number of packets to be transmitted per video line. The value of vid_pkt_size * vid_num_chunks is the number of pixels per line of video, except if vid_num_chunks is 0, which disables the multi-packets. If you set it to 1, there is still only one packet per line, but it can be part of a chunk, followed by a null packet.

VID_NULL_SIZE[vid_null_size] = the size of null packets to be inserted as part of the chunks. Setting it to 0 to disables null packets.

13 scat

a. dispc.scat 64bit

ROM_LOAD0 0x80000000
    ROM_EXEC0 +0x0
        init.o (BOOT, +FIRST)
        * (+RO, +RW, +ZI)
; app stack and heap must be 128-byte aligned
    ARM_LIB_STACKHEAP +0 ALIGN 128 EMPTY 0x10000000 {}


ifeq ($(strip $(COMPILER)), DS-5_64BIT)
MINCPATH += inc/common/DS-5_64bit
MINCPATH += inc/common/DS-5_32bit
# makefile
Q =
AR="$PATH/DS-5 ARMv8/bin/armar"
AR="$PATH/DS-5 ARMv8/bin/armasm"
AR="$PATH/DS-5 ARMv8/bin/armcc"
AR="$PATH/DS-5 ARMv8/bin/armlink"
AR="$PATH/DS-5 ARMv8/bin/fromelf"


# DISPC.mk
ifeq ($(strip (COMPILER)), DS-5_64BIT)
ENTRY = 0x800000000
SCF_PATH = DS-5_64bit
ENTRY = 0x800000000
SCF_PATH = DS-5_32bit






SOURCES += init.s \
isr_vec.s \
handle.s \
arm_isr.s \
main.c \


b. dispc.scat 32bit

ROM_LOAD0 0x80000000
    ROM_EXEC0 +0x0
        init.o (Init, +First)
        * (+RO, +RW, +ZI)

ROM_LOAD1 0x00000000
    ROM_EXEC1 +0x0
        isr_vec.o (Vector, +First)

 14 bringup sharkl FPGA

Note the directory:  vendor/xxxx/open-source/libs/mali
-rw-r--r--  1     1314 Mar 20 16:21 Android.mk
drwxr-xr-x  5     4096 Mar 20 16:21 driver/
-rw-r--r--  1      428 Apr  3 16:10 egl.cfg
-rw-r--r--  1      388 Mar 20 16:21 libboost.so
-rwxr-xr-x  1    13348 Mar 20 16:21 libEGL_mali.so*
-rwxr-xr-x  1    25644 Mar 20 16:21 libGLESv1_CM_mali.so*
-rwxr-xr-x  1    21544 Mar 20 16:21 libGLESv2_mali.so*
-rwxr-xr-x  1  1070552 Mar 20 16:21 libMali.so*
drwxr-xr-x  3     4096 Mar 20 16:21 src/
drwxr-xr-x  2     4096 Mar 20 16:21 tools/

And egl.cfg can be edited, such as
 0 0 android
#0 1 mali

And BoardConfigCommon.mk should be modified, as following
diff --git a/scx35/BoardConfigCommon.mk b/scx35/BoardConfigCommon.mk
index 428ae05..598fc74 100644
--- a/scx35/BoardConfigCommon.mk
+++ b/scx35/BoardConfigCommon.mk
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ USE_BOOT_AT_DIAG := true
 # graphics
 # ota
 TARGET_RELEASETOOLS_EXTENSIONS := vendor/sprd/open-source/tools/ota

And device.mk should be modified
diff --git a/scx35/device.mk b/scx35/device.mk
index 20a9c2c..700861c 100644
--- a/scx35/device.mk
+++ b/scx35/device.mk
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \
        libGLESv1_CM_mali.so \
        libGLESv2_mali.so \
        libMali.so \
-       libboost.so \
-       mali.ko
+       libboost.so
 # video modules
And init.sc9930.rc should be modified
diff --git a/scx35/init.sc8830.rc b/scx35/init.sc8830.rc
index ceb4edb..cf9d63c 100644
--- a/scx35/init.sc8830.rc
+++ b/scx35/init.sc8830.rc
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ on fs
 on post-fs
     chown system system /productinfo
     chmod 0774 /productinfo
-    insmod /system/lib/modules/mali.ko
+#    insmod /system/lib/modules/mali.ko
     insmod /system/lib/modules/trout_fm.ko
 on post-fs-data

And init.board.rc should be modified
diff --git a/scx35l_sp9630fpga/init.board.rc b/scx35l_sp9630fpga/init.board.rc
index dd02dd1..20c4350 100644
--- a/scx35l_sp9630fpga/init.board.rc
+++ b/scx35l_sp9630fpga/init.board.rc
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ on boot
     mkdir /data/misc/dhcp 0770 dhcp dhcp
     chown dhcp dhcp /data/misc/dhcp
     setprop wifi.interface wlan0
+       setprop ro.kernel.qemu 1
     mkdir /data/cg/ 0777 system system
     mkdir /data/cg/online 0777 system system

And system.prop should be modified
diff --git a/scx35l_sp9630fpga/system.prop b/scx35l_sp9630fpga/system.prop
index f03227e..ba523b3 100644
--- a/scx35l_sp9630fpga/system.prop
+++ b/scx35l_sp9630fpga/system.prop
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

And ION should be used in kernel_config, such as CONFIG_ION, CONFIG_ION_SPRD, CONFIG_FB,  and so on.

 15 synopsis lp2hs and hs2lp time adjusting


0x09C - PHY_TMR_CFG This register sets the time that the DWC_mipi_dsi_host assumes in calculations for the data lanes to switch between high-speed and low-power.

[31:24] - phy_hs2lp_time Maximum time that D-PHY data lanes take to go from high-speed to low-power transmission measured in lane byte clock cycles

[23:16] - phy_lp2hs_time Maximum time that D-PHY data lanes take to go from low-power to high-speed transmission measured in lane byte clock cycles

[15] - reserved

[14:0] - max_rd_time This field configures the maximum time required to perform a read command in lane byte clock cycles.

15.2 D-PHY

0x22 - AFE/BIAS/Bandgap Analog Programmability

This test code controls the various parameters in the DWC MIPI D-PHY Bidir 4L.

BIT 7: Program selector

    0 - Set 0 is programmed  11'bxxxx0000000

    1 - Set 1 is programmed  11'b0000xxxxxxx

BITs 6...0: Analog programmability

10 - 1.5Gbps support



5:3: Adjust LP TX bias current


	data[0] = 0x8B;
	mipi_dsih_dphy_write(phy, 0x22, data, 1);

	data[0] = 0x3B;
//	data[0] = 0x38; // increase LP TX bias current to 166.7%
//	data[0] = 0x1B; // increase LP TX bias current to 100%
	mipi_dsih_dphy_write(phy, 0x22, data, 1);

 * Write to D-PHY module (encapsulating the digital interface)
 * @param instance pointer to structure which holds information about the d-phy
 * module
 * @param address offset inside the D-PHY digital interface
 * @param data array of bytes to be written to D-PHY
 * @param data_length of the data array
void mipi_dsih_dphy_write(dphy_t * instance, uint8_t address, uint8_t * data, uint8_t data_length)
    unsigned i = 0;
    if (data != 0)
#if ((defined DWC_MIPI_DPHY_BIDIR_TSMC40LP) || (defined DPHY2Btql) || (defined GEN_2))
        /* set the TESTCLK input high in preparation to latch in the desired test mode */
        mipi_dsih_dphy_test_clock(instance, 1);
        /* set the desired test code in the input 8-bit bus TESTDIN[7:0] */
        mipi_dsih_dphy_test_data_in(instance, address);
        /* set TESTEN input high  */
        mipi_dsih_dphy_test_en(instance, 1);
        /* drive the TESTCLK input low; the falling edge captures the chosen test code into the transceiver */
        mipi_dsih_dphy_test_clock(instance, 0);
        /* set TESTEN input low to disable further test mode code latching  */
        mipi_dsih_dphy_test_en(instance, 0);
        /* start writing MSB first */
        for (i = data_length; i > 0; i--)
            /* set TESTDIN[7:0] to the desired test data appropriate to the chosen test mode */
            mipi_dsih_dphy_test_data_in(instance, data[i - 1]);
            /* pulse TESTCLK high to capture this test data into the macrocell; repeat these two steps as necessary */
            mipi_dsih_dphy_test_clock(instance, 1);
            mipi_dsih_dphy_test_clock(instance, 0);

    /* for all Gen2 testchips, bypass LP TX enable idle low power (save power consumption) */
    data[0] = 0x80;
    mipi_dsih_dphy_write(phy, 0x32, data, 1);
    mipi_dsih_dphy_write(phy, 0x42, data, 1);
    mipi_dsih_dphy_write(phy, 0x52, data, 1);
    mipi_dsih_dphy_write(phy, 0x82, data, 1);
    mipi_dsih_dphy_write(phy, 0x92, data, 1);

	/* 0x03: HS request(LP01), actual: about 45ns
	 * 0x04: actual: about 51ns
	 * 0x1f: bigger than 512ns
	data[0] =  0x9f;
	mipi_dsih_dphy_write(phy, 0x60, data, 1);
	mipi_dsih_dphy_write(phy, 0x70, data, 1);
	/* 0x26: HS-EXIT = Treot + LP11, actual: Treot 39ns, LP11 is too long */
	/* 0x23: Treot = 40ns */
	/* 0x21: Treot = 35ns */
	data[0] =  0x21;
	mipi_dsih_dphy_write(phy, 0x64, data, 1);
	mipi_dsih_dphy_write(phy, 0x74, data, 1);

0x60 - 0x65

0x70 - 0x75

    1.       TREOT Fail
      a.       The measurement will be performed using the ZID = 100 ohms termination case only, so please check.

      b.      Please modify testcode 0x22 Analog programmability[10:0] to the following values:
    [10]: 0 for PLL speed lower than 1G; 1 for PLL speed larger than 1G;
    [9:7]: 011 - 100%
    [6]: 0 - 100%
    [5:3]: 011 - 100%
    [2:0]: 011 - 100%
      c.       Please check if the common mode capacitor Ccm is 47pf.
    2.       VCMTX(LF) Fail
      a.       The measurement will be performed using the ZID = 100 ohms termination case only, so please check.
      b.      Please check if the common mode capacitor is connected properly and the common mode capacitor Ccm is 47pf.
      c.       Please check if a 8th-order Butterworth IIR bandpass filter is used as the test filter, with –3dB cutoff frequencies of 50 and 450MHz.
      d.      Please check if the DPHY receiver is as the attached file "DPHY_Receiver_Termination.pdf".
      e.      Since the results of VCMTX test are not stable, could you please check if the test fixture setup is not stable, and could you please provide a photo of your setup?
    3.       Please check if the calibration was done without errors by reading the testcode 0x21.

    4.       Could you please provide the raw data of one complete Burst using the maximum memory depth of the scope to get the maximum duration and keep the sampling rate (resolution) around 12.5GS/s.
    Attached file "extractwaveforms.pdf" is a guideline on how to export the waveforms(.bin format).
    These should be captured with differential probes. The captures of interest are:
                                 - Data_P, Data_N and CLK_D (differential);
                                - CLK_P, CLK_N
                        Just a remark that all the data measurement should be done single ended with clean ground.

 16 user space transfer parameters to kernel space

Currently, the interface between kernel and userspace includes ioctl interface, sysfs interface, and read/write interface. If we wanna transfer some parameters from userspace to kernel or from kernel to userspace, function copy_from_user and copy_to_user should be added first.
static inline unsigned long __must_check copy_from_user(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n)
	if (access_ok(VERIFY_READ, from, n))
		n = __copy_from_user(to, from, n);
	else /* security hole - plug it */
		memset(to, 0, n);
	return n;

static inline unsigned long __must_check copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long n)
	if (access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, to, n))
		n = __copy_to_user(to, from, n);
	return n;

These functions will ensure that the corresponding pointer is within right range( kernel: >= 0xc0000000; userspace: <= 0xc0000000), meanwhile, what pointer points to can be identified. So if these contents is modified by userspace again, the abnormal behavior won't happen. The following system.map comes from vmlinux.
    1 00000000 t __vectors_start                                                                                                                      
    2 00000020 A cpu_v7_suspend_size
    3 00001000 t __stubs_start
    4 00001004 t vector_rst
    5 00001020 t vector_irq
    6 000010a0 t vector_dabt
    7 00001120 t vector_pabt
    8 000011a0 t vector_und
    9 00001220 t vector_addrexcptn
   10 00001224 t vector_fiq
   11 00001224 T vector_fiq_offset
   12 c0004000 A swapper_pg_dir
   13 c0008000 T _text
   14 c0008000 T stext
   15 c000807c t __create_page_tables
   16 c0008154 t __turn_mmu_on_loc
   17 c0008160 t __vet_atags
   18 c0009000 T __exception_text_start
   19 c0009000 T _stext
   20 c0009000 T asm_do_IRQ
   21 c0009004 T do_undefinstr
   22 c0009154 T do_IPI
   23 c0009158 T do_DataAbort
   24 c00091f0 T do_PrefetchAbort
   25 c0009288 t gic_handle_irq
   26 c00093ec T __exception_text_end
   27 c00093f0 t __do_fixup_smp_on_up
   28 c0009404 T fixup_smp
   29 c000941c t do_one_initcall_debug
   30 c00094c8 t run_init_process
   31 c00094dc T do_one_initcall
   32 c0009598 t match_dev_by_uuid
   33 c00095c8 T name_to_dev_t
   34 c000995c t vfp_force_reload
   35 c00099a0 t vfp_raise_sigfpe
   36 c0009a10 t vfp_enable
   37 c0009a4c t vfp_cpu_pm_notifier
   38 c0009af0 t vfp_hotplug
   39 c0009b30 t vfp_emulate_instruction.isra.2
   40 c0009bac t vfp_raise_exceptions
   41 c0009d18 T VFP_bounce
   42 c0009e3c T vfp_sync_hwstate
   43 c0009ec4 t vfp_notifier
   44 c000a024 T vfp_flush_hwstate
   45 c000a06c T vfp_preserve_user_clear_hwstate
   46 c000a0f8 T vfp_restore_user_hwstate
   47 c000a16c T do_vfp
   48 c000a188 T vfp_null_entry

17 Compilation problem

17.1 Import kernel header, issue the following command:
If this command is not issued, maybe the corresponding error will be came up, such as some kernel header files can't be found.
# kheader

Then, just make all of the images, as following:
# make -j4

Or, you can make your specific image
# make systemimage -j4
# make recoveryimage -j4
# make bootimage -j4
# make bootloader -j4
# make chipram -j4

and so on.

17.2 Compile kernel separately, issue the following command:
# kmk -j 4

18 Enable/Disable kernel log output

Make the above field disabled.

如果你运气不太好,那么第一次启动kernel,最多看见: uncompressing linux...ok, booting the kernel 

  从串口ttyS0出来,然后你什么都没了。这总情况遇见的机会还是很多的。多数原因是内核卡住了。你可能会问,内核卡住了不要紧呀,至少没卡住的代码中的printk应该可以出来。你这样想,那就是你还没有读过printk的代码。  在串口驱动初始话前的printk语句是不会即时的打出,而是存在内存中,然后等串口初始化完毕,这些message一下就冲了出来。 问题是如果在串口初始化完毕之前,内核卡住,那么你就什么message也看不见. 因此,问题就是解决这个即时打印的问题,linux kernel其实提供了这套机制,它的相关代码用 CONFIG_DEBUG_LL 包裹着。 一旦被打开,那么printk就会call printascii()函数。 

        printacii是汇编语言写成,在kernel/arch/arm/kernel/debug.S有定义.它不做实质的动作,主要判断string的结束。这个函数会call几个函数: addruartwaituartsenduartbusyuart . 这些函数要求由汇编写成,并且和体系结构相关,一般都一定在下面的文件里 kernel/arch/arm/mach-xxx/include/mach/debug-macro.S 而且这个文件不会被单独编译,他其实就被包含在kernel/arch/arm/kernel/debug.S中: #include <mach/debug-macro.S> 打开CONFIG_DEBUG_LL这个标志以后,你就可以得到即时debug message了


以下是关于如何打开内核的low level debug 配置

make menuconfig ---> Kernel hacking ---> 选中:Kernel debugging。

当选中Kernel debugging后,才能看见Kernel low-level debugging functions. 选中即可。

Using putty on ubuntu

$ sudo putty
Choose /dev/ttyUSB1, 115200

Choose Window: lines of scrollback : 50000; column: 120; row: 40; fonts: client:Courier New 12; Default foreground: [255, 255, 255]

19 dispc referenced clock

// SharkL only support mipi and lvds interface and sharkl has only one dispc, so there is no dispc1.

// 1.
SCI_CLK_ADD(clk_disc0, 0, REG_AP_AHB_AHB_EB, BIT(1),
	4, &clk_153m6, &clk_192m, &clk_256m, &clk_312m);

// name: "clk_disc0";
// current clk referenced source: clk_256m

// 2.
SCI_CLK_ADD(clk_disc0_dbi, 0, REG_AP_AHB_AHB_EB, BIT(1),
         4, &clk_128m, &clk_153m6, &clk_192m, &clk_256m);

// name: "clk_disc0_dbi"
// current clk referenced source: clk_256m

// 3.
SCI_CLK_ADD(clk_disc0_dpi, 0, REG_AP_AHB_AHB_EB, BIT(1),
        REG_AP_CLK_DISPC0_DPI_CFG, BIT(8)|BIT(9)|BIT(10)|BIT(11)|BIT(12)|BIT(13)|BIT(14)|BIT(15), REG_AP_CLK_DISPC0_DPI_CFG, BIT(0)|BIT(1),
        4, &clk_128m, &clk_153m6, &clk_192m, &clk_384m);

// name: "clk_disc0_dpi"
// current clk referenced source: clk_384m

// 4.
SCI_CLK_ADD(clk_disp_emc, 0, REG_AON_APB_APB_EB1, BIT(11),
        0, 0, 0, 0,
        1, &clk_aon_apb);

// name: "clk_disp_emc"
// current clk referenced source: clk_aon_apb

		clk_384m: clk_384m {
			compatible = "sprd,fixed-factor-clock";
			#clock-cells = <0>;
			clock-mult = <1>;
			clock-div = <2>;
			clocks = <&clk_tdpll>;
			clock-output-names = "clk_384m";

		clk_256m: clk_256m {
			compatible = "sprd,fixed-factor-clock";
			#clock-cells = <0>;
			clock-mult = <1>;
			clock-div = <3>;
			clocks = <&clk_tdpll>;
			clock-output-names = "clk_256m";

		clk_192m: clk_192m {
			compatible = "sprd,fixed-factor-clock";
			#clock-cells = <0>;
			clock-mult = <1>;
			clock-div = <4>;
			clocks = <&clk_tdpll>;
			clock-output-names = "clk_192m";

		clk_aon_apb: clk_aon_apb {
			compatible = "sprd,composite-dev-clock";
			#clock-cells = <0>;
			reg = <0x402d0028 0x3 0x402d0028 0x300>;	/* select reg and divider reg */
			clocks = <&ext_26m>, <&clk_76m8>, <&clk_96m>, <&clk_128m>;
			clock-output-names = "clk_aon_apb";

		clk_disp_emc: clk_disp_emc {
			compatible = "sprd,gate-clock";
			#clock-cells = <0>;
			reg = <0x402e0004 0x800>;	/* enable reg */
			clocks = <&clk_aon_apb>;
			clock-output-names = "clk_disp_emc";

		ext_26m: ext_26m {
			compatible = "sprd,fixed-clock";
			#clock-cells = <0>;
			clock-frequency = <26000000>;
			clock-output-names = "ext_26m";

		ext_32k: ext_32k {
			compatible = "sprd,fixed-clock";
			#clock-cells = <0>;
			clock-frequency = <32768>;
			clock-output-names = "ext_32k";

		clk_mpll: clk_mpll {
			compatible = "sprd,adjustable-pll-clock";
			#clock-cells = <0>;
			reg = <0x402e3070 0x7ff 0x402b0094 0x1>;	/* mult reg and prepare reg */
			clock-output-names = "clk_mpll";

		clk_dpll: clk_dpll {
			compatible = "sprd,adjustable-pll-clock";
			#clock-cells = <0>;
			reg = <0x402e3074 0x7ff 0x402b0098 0x1>;	/* mult reg and prepare reg */
			clock-output-names = "clk_dpll";

		clk_tdpll: clk_tdpll {
			compatible = "sprd,adjustable-pll-clock";
			#clock-cells = <0>;
			reg = <0x402e3078 0x7ff 0x402b009c 0x1>;	/* mult reg and prepare reg */
			clock-output-names = "clk_tdpll";

		clk_wpll: clk_wpll {
			compatible = "sprd,adjustable-pll-clock";
			#clock-cells = <0>;
			reg = <0x402e301c 0x7ff 0x402b00a0 0x1>;	/* mult reg and prepare reg */
			clock-output-names = "clk_wpll";

		clk_cpll: clk_cpll {
			compatible = "sprd,adjustable-pll-clock";
			#clock-cells = <0>;
			reg = <0x402e307c 0x7ff 0x402b00a4 0x1>;	/* mult reg and prepare reg */
			clock-output-names = "clk_cpll";

		clk_wifipll: clk_wifipll {
			compatible = "sprd,adjustable-pll-clock";
			#clock-cells = <0>;
			reg = <0x402e3080 0x7ff 0x402b00a8 0x1>;	/* mult reg and prepare reg */
			clock-output-names = "clk_wifipll";

20 Compile kernel separately

一、从linaro获取arm 64位Toolchain
cd ~/bin
tar xf gcc-linaro-aarch64-linux-gnu-4.8-2014.01_linux.tar.xz

cd kernel/
git fetch --all
git checkout -b ...

三、更新open source branch: sprdroid4.4_3.10_sharkl_dev
cd vendor/.../open-source/
git fetch --all
git checkout -b ...

sudo tar -xjf ramfs.tar.bz2
cd ramfs

export PATH=$PATH:~/bin/gcc-linaro-aarch64-linux-gnu-4.8-2014.01_linux/bin  (64位Toolchain 地址)
export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
export ARCH=arm64
cd kernel
make ARCH=arm64 ..._defconfig
在编译前,需要修 改.config文件
gedit .config
CONFIG_INITRAMFS_SOURCE="/home/.../ramfs"(ramfs 地址)
make -j4
如编译ok,生成 ../kernel/arch/arm64/boot/Image
七、由于暂时没有uboot,需要使用boot wrapper将Image做成axf文件
cd vendor/sprd/open-source/tools/boot-wrapper-aarch64
编译得到 ../vendor/sprd/open-source/tools/boot-wrapper-aarch64/linux-system.axf,即可load到FPGA的DDR2上运行。

你可能感兴趣的:(FPGA debug notes)