
uses StrUtils; function MakeFileList(Path, FileExt: string): TStringList; var sch: TSearchrec; begin Result := TStringlist.Create; if (rightStr(trim(Path), 1)) <> '/' then Path := trim(Path) + '/' else Path := trim(Path); if not DirectoryExists(Path) then begin Result.Clear; exit; end; if FindFirst(Path + '*', faAnyfile, sch) = 0 then begin repeat Application.ProcessMessages; if ((sch.Name = '.') or (sch.Name = '..')) then Continue; if DirectoryExists(Path + sch.Name) then begin Result.AddStrings(MakeFileList(Path + sch.Name, FileExt)); end else begin if (UpperCase(extractfileext(Path + sch.Name)) = UpperCase(FileExt)) or (FileExt = '.*') then Result.Add(Path + sch.Name); end; until FindNext(sch) <> 0; SysUtils.FindClose(sch); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i, d: integer; St, Sr: TstringList; s, t: string; begin St := TstringList.Create; Sr := TstringList.Create; s := DriveComBOBox1.Items.DelimitedText; St.DelimitedText := s; try for d := 0 to st.Count - 1 do begin T := LeftStr(st[d], 2); //取字符前两个字符 Sr := MakeFileList(T, '.tt'); for i := 0 to sr.Count - 1 do Memo1.Lines.Add(Sr[i]); end; showmessage('搜索完成'); finally St.Free; Sr.Free; end; end;
