Analysis of undocumented Windows function NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid

The function NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid is derived from the DLL IPHLPAPI. Its effect is to obtain device interface name according corresponding GUID. Such as the network interface card GUID for "94 C913BF-EFA9-419-B-8506-BB88B0F3B34F", and the corresponding device interface name as "local connection". However, Microsoft does not publish . Dynamic debuging with Ollydbg, I have got the use method of this functionu. Here, I'd like to share it with you.


Firstly, provide the function prototype and parameter explanation:

DWORD __stdcall NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid(GUID* guid, // device GUID   
                    char* buf, // buffer for abtain the name of device interface 
                    DWORD* buflen, // length of buffer  in byte
                    DWORD unknown1/*=0*/, // unknown,pass 0  
                    DWORD unknown2/*=1*/) // unknown,pass 1



typedef DWORD (__stdcall *type_NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid)(GUID* guid, char* buf, DWORD* buflen, DWORD unknown1/*=0*/, DWORD unknown2/*=1*/);  
        HMODULE hDll = LoadLibrary(_T("Iphlpapi.dll"));  
        type_NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid = (type_NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid)GetProcAddress(hDll,"NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid");  
        GUID guid;  
        TCHAR buf[100] = {0};  
        DWORD len = sizeof(buf);  
        DWORD ret = NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid(&guid, (char*)buf, &len, 0, 1);  
        if(ret == 0)  
            // success,string "local connection" is stored in buf.  

Code of function GUIDFormString:

void GUIDFormString(const char*pszGuid,GUID &guid)
	int  temp[3];
	guid.Data4[5] = (unsigned char)temp[0];
	guid.Data4[6] = (unsigned char)temp[1];
	guid.Data4[7] = (unsigned char)temp[2];

Analysis process:

Load taskmgr. exe by Ollydbg, set break point on function NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid. Press F9 to run it, it will break when calls < JMP. And IPHLPAPI. NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid >.  The Assembly codes are as following:

<pre class="cpp" name="code">0082166D  /$  8BFF          mov     edi, edi
0082166F  |.  55            push    ebp
00821670  |.  8BEC          mov     ebp, esp
00821672  |.  81EC 0C020000 sub     esp, 20C
00821678  |.  A1 8CE08200   mov     eax, dword ptr [82E08C]
0082167D  |.  33C5          xor     eax, ebp
0082167F  |.  8945 FC       mov     dword ptr [ebp-4], eax
00821682  |.  8B45 08       mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp+8]
00821685  |.  56            push    esi
00821686  |.  8B75 0C       mov     esi, dword ptr [ebp+C]
00821689  |.  85C0          test    eax, eax
0082168B  |.  75 07         jnz     short 00821694
0082168D  |.  B8 57000780   mov     eax, 80070057
00821692  |.  EB 44         jmp     short 008216D8
00821694  |>  33C9          xor     ecx, ecx                                           ;  ecx清零
00821696  |.  6A 01         push    1                                                  ;  第五个参数,固定传1
00821698  |.  51            push    ecx                                                ;  第四个参数,固定传0
00821699  |.  66:894D F8    mov     word ptr [ebp-8], cx
0082169D  |.  8D8D F4FDFFFF lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-20C]                           ;  第三个参数,某局部变量的地址
008216A3  |.  51            push    ecx
008216A4  |.  8D8D F8FDFFFF lea     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-208]                           ;  第二个参数,某局部变量的地址
008216AA  |.  51            push    ecx
008216AB  |.  50            push    eax                                                ;  第一个参数,观察eax对应的内存,发现是GUID变量的地址
008216AC  |.  C785 F4FDFFFF>mov     dword ptr [ebp-20C], 200                           ;  给第三参数对应的局部变量赋值为200
008216B6  |.  E8 3D9C0000   call    <jmp.&IPHLPAPI.NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid>   ;  调用函数
008216BB  |.  85C0          test    eax, eax                                           ;  检测函数返回值,0为成功
008216BD  |.  75 14         jnz     short 008216D3
008216BF  |.  8D85 F8FDFFFF lea     eax, dword ptr [ebp-208]                           ;  观察内存,确定第二个参数为对应内存中保存了函数获取的接口名称
008216C5  |.  50            push    eax
008216C6  |.  FF75 10       push    dword ptr [ebp+10]
008216C9  |.  56            push    esi
008216CA  |.  E8 4C03FFFF   call    00811A1B
008216CF  |.  33C0          xor     eax, eax
008216D1  |.  EB 05         jmp     short 008216D8
008216D3  |>  B8 05400080   mov     eax, 80004005
008216D8  |>  8B4D FC       mov     ecx, dword ptr [ebp-4]
008216DB  |.  33CD          xor     ecx, ebp
008216DD  |.  5E            pop     esi
008216DE  |.  E8 96FFFEFF   call    00811679
008216E3  |.  C9            leave
008216E4  \.  C2 0C00       retn    0C

你可能感兴趣的:(Analysis of undocumented Windows function NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid)