gimp photocopy(影印) 算法

gimp photocopy(影印) 算法_第1张图片

origin website:



i checked the description from gimp photocopy.c

* Photocopy algorithm
* -----------------
* Mask radius = radius of pixel neighborhood for intensity comparison
* Threshold = relative intensity difference which will result in darkening
* Ramp = amount of relative intensity difference before total black
* Blur radius = mask radius / 3.0
* Algorithm:
* For each pixel, calculate pixel intensity value to be: avg (blur radius)
* relative diff = pixel intensity / avg (mask radius)
* If relative diff < Threshold
* intensity mult = (Ramp - MIN (Ramp, (Threshold - relative diff))) / Ramp
* pixel intensity *= intensity mult
* Else
* pixel intensity = white

i don't really get what they are doing based on that though.

however, based on the picture from  I would say something like:

convert taj_orig.jpg -colorspace gray -contrast-stretch 10%x0% ( +clone -blur 0x2 ) +swap -compose divide -composite test.png


(adjust -contrast-stretch 10%x0% and -blur 0x2 accordingly. For larger pictures a larger blur is needed)

convert taj_orig.jpg -colorspace gray -contrast-stretch 4%x0% ( +clone -blur 0x3 ) +swap -compose divide -composite -blur 0x1 -unsharp 0x20 test.png
seems to be closer, althought I am not sure if the last blur is desirable:

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