关于in_addr 和inet_ntoa的用法

 struct in_addr {

  in_addr_t s_addr;
   结构体in_addr 用来表示一个32位的IPv4地址.
  in_addr_t 一般为 32位的unsigned long.
  例如192.168.3.144记为0xc0a80390,其中 c0 为192 ,a8 为 168, 03 为 3 , 90 为 144
  打印的时候可以调用 inet_ntoa()函数将其转换为char *类型.


  这次我要打印IP_MULTICAST_IF(制定外出接口)。数据类型是:in_addr{} 。 我要打印s_addr。


  struct in_addr s;
  printf("%lu\n", s.s_addr);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

int main()
  in_addr_t x;

  char *z; /* well set this equal to the IP string address returned by inet_ntoa */

  char *y = (char *)&x; /* so that we can address the individual bytes */

  y[0] = 12;
  y[1] = 34;
  y[2] = 56;
  y[3] = 78; 

  z = inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&x); /* cast x as a struct in_addr */

  printf("z = %s\n", z);

  return 0;

输出是:z  =
