基于GPS/DR的嵌入式车载导航系统研究 位不能够连续地为运动车辆提供导航定位信息。因此采用了组合定位技术解决上述问题,下面具体分析。 航位推算(DR,Dead-Reckoning) 是一种常用的导航定位技术, 其基本原理是利用方向传感器和速度传感器来推算车辆的瞬时位置, 可以实现 navigation, dead reckoning (also ded (for deduced) reckoning or DR) is the process of calculating one's current position by using a previously determined position, or fix, and advancing that position based upon known or estimated speeds over elapsed time, and course.
floor plann.建筑的平面图
Evacuation Plans:撤离图,比如消防撤离图,Emergency evacuation plans are developed to ensure the safest and most efficient evacuation time of all expected residents of a structure, city, or region. A benchmark "evacuation time" for different hazards and conditions is established.