ExtJS课程内容 for v4.0

ExtJS4Up—ExtJS 4 升级课程Upgrading to Ext JS 4

ExtJS4Up—ExtJS 4 升级课程Upgrading to Ext JS 4本课程针对 ExtJS 3 的程序员而设。通过本课程可以快速掌握 ExtJS 4 的新技术,包括Ext Core的类机制、数据模型、表单、布局、图标和绘图、Grid 强大的功能、SASS 主题以及 Sencha MVC 等等。

Learn from the experts and upgrade to Ext JS 4 Fast! We’ve been working with Ext JS 4 all year and can show you how to use the great new features of Ext JS 4 quickly and efficiently. This hands-on course is designed for experienced Ext JS 3 developers and covers the new features in Ext JS 4, including the Ext Core Class System, the new Data Model, Forms, Layouts, Charting and Drawing, new Grid features, Theming with SASS, and Sencha MVC.

ExtJS4GettingStarted with Ext JS 4
  • 更新在线文档。Reviewingthe online docs

  • 加载库。Loading theLibrary

  • 核心内容。The Core

  • 无须适配器。No moreadapters

  • Ext3的兼容性。Ext3 Compatibility

  • 沙箱模型。SandboxMode

  • 理解 ExtCoreUnderstanding theExt Core

  • 类系统。Class System

  • 类定义。ClassDefinition

  • 类加载。Class Loading

  • 多态。Mixins

  • 静态化。Statics

  • 为配置项属性自动生成gettersetterAutomaticallygenerating getters and setters with the config property

  • 语言包的使用。Usingthe Lang Package

  • 读取浏览器信息的EnvParsingInformation about the Browser with Env

  • 提供 ARIA的支持。Makingyour applications accessible with ARIA support

客户端数据Workingwith Data
  • 定义模型。DefiningModels

  • 数据验证。Validatingyour Data

  • 定义关系。DefiningAssociations

  • 定义 Proxy对象。DefiningProxies

  • 定义数据容器。DefiningStores

  • 表单。Working withForms

  • 理解表单布局。UnderstandingForm Layout

  • FormPanel vs. BasicForm

  • 固定式定位。Anchor

  • 字段容器。FieldContainer

  • “多态”方式下使用字段对象。UsingField as Mixin

  • 应用验证器。ApplyingValidations

  • 与应用服务器同步数据。SynchronizingData to/from an Application Server

  • 利用 DataView输出数据。OutputtingData with DataView

GUI的布局Laying out your GUI
  • 定义面板。DefiningPanels

  • Docking

  • 头部。Headers

  • 工具。Tools

  • 调整面板大小。ResizingPanels

  • 定义工具栏。DefiningToolbars

  • 定义布局。DefiningLayouts

  • 水平箱子。HBOX

  • 垂直箱子。VBOX

  • 分割器。Splitter

  • 多标签页。Tabs

Grid用法Getting on the Grid
  • 介绍Grid各种功能。Introducinggrid features

  • 定义一个只读的GridDefininga read-only grid

  • 可编辑的GridEditingwithin a grid

  • canvas标签动态描绘Programaticallydrawing on a canvas

  • 图标数据 Chartingdata

  • 学习SASSGettingstarted with SASS

  • 结合使用CompassSASSUsingCompass and SASS

  • 重构企业级的应用程序和ExtJS4的最佳实践。RefactorEnterprise Applications to use Ext JS 4 Best Practices

  • 引入 SenchaMVC模式。IntroducingSencha MVC

  • SenchaCommand 工具介绍。IntroducingSencha Command

ExtJS241—Fast Track to Ext JS 4 Development

This hands-on course provides in-depth coverage of the Ext JS 4 framework and UI components, including Charting, Grids, the new Data Model, Forms, Layouts, and Theming. It is targeted for those who have a solid understanding of JavaScript and CSS and who want to get a jumpstart to being immediately productive with Ext JS. This course also provides extended coverage of the Ext JS framework. It includes custom component creation, creating Ext themes using CSS, and UI prototyping. The course includes intensive hands-on labs and by the end of the course, you will have built a functioning user interface with Ext JS 4 which connects to live data feeds using JSON. Learn Application Architecture best practices to design and refactor applications.

开始进入 ExtJS4 Getting Started with Ext JS 4
  • 浏览在线文档。 Reviewingthe online docs

  • 加载库。Loading theLibrary

  • Ext 3 的兼容性。Ext3 Compatibility

  • 沙箱模式。SandboxMode

基础类 FundamentalClasses
  • Ext.Element

  • Ext.CompositeElement

  • Ext.DomHelper

  • Ext.DomQuery

事件处理 EventHandling
  • Ext 的事件与DOM 事件。Eventsin Ext & DOM Events

  • 观察者类。Observableclasses

  • 自定义事件。CustomEvents

  • 事件处理器与事件委托的处理。EventHandlers & Delegated Event Handling

组件模型 ComponentModel
  • 概述。Overview

  • 组件管理器。ComponentManager

  • 延时渲染。DeferredRendering

  • 组件 vs 元素。Componentvs. Element

  • 组件配置项。Componentconfiguration

GUI的布局Laying out your GUI
  • 定义面板。DefiningPanels

  • Docking

  • 头部。Headers

  • 工具。Tools

  • 调整面板大小。ResizingPanels

  • 定义工具栏。DefiningToolbars

  • 定义布局。DefiningLayouts

  • 水平箱子。HBOX

  • 垂直箱子。VBOX

  • 分割器。Splitter

  • 多标签页。Tabs

手把手介绍组件的用法Hands-onExperience w/ Common Components
  • 视口。Viewport

  • 多标签页。TabPanel

  • 数据表格。GridPanel

  • 表单。FormPanel

客户端数据Workingwith Data
  • 定义模型。DefiningModels

  • 数据验证。Validatingyour Data

  • 定义关系。DefiningAssociations

  • 定义 Proxy对象。DefiningProxies

  • 定义数据容器。DefiningStores

  • 表单。Working withForms

  • 理解表单布局。UnderstandingForm Layout

  • FormPanel vs. BasicForm

  • 固定式定位。Anchor

  • 字段容器。FieldContainer

  • “多态”方式下使用字段对象。UsingField as Mixin

  • 应用验证器。ApplyingValidations

  • 与应用服务器同步数据。SynchronizingData to/from an Application Server

  • 利用 DataView输出数据。OutputtingData with DataView

Grid用法Getting on the Grid
  • 介绍Grid各种功能。Introducinggrid features

  • 定义一个只读的GridDefininga read-only grid

  • 可编辑的GridEditingwithin a grid

  • canvas标签动态描绘Programaticallydrawing on a canvas

  • 图标数据 Chartingdata

UI的状态Persisting UI State
  • 有态化组件。StatefulComponents

  • 供应器与管理器之间的比较。Providervs. Manager

  • 设置一个供应器。Settinga Provider

  • 围绕应用程序的有态化管理。ApplicationSpecific State Management

工具函数 UtilityFunctions
  • Ext.apply

  • Ext.util.Format

创建于扩展类Creating& Extending Classes
  • 创建一个类并扩展一个类。Creatinga Class & Extending a Class

  • 扩展一个组件。Extendinga Component

  • 理解 ExtCoreUnderstanding theExt Core

  • 类系统。Class System

  • 类定义。ClassDefinition

  • 类加载。Class Loading

  • 多态。Mixins

  • 静态化。Statics

  • 为配置项属性自动生成gettersetterAutomaticallygenerating getters and setters with the config property

  • 语言包的使用。Usingthe Lang Package

  • 读取浏览器信息的EnvParsingInformation about the Browser with Env

  • 提供 ARIA的支持。Makingyour applications accessible with ARIA support

国际化和可访问性。Internationalizationand Accessibility
  • 激活本地化的支持。EnablingLocale Support

  • 已支持的本地化。SupportedLocales

  • 全球化你的组件。Globalizingyour Components

  • 让你的程序带有 ARIA的支持。Making yourapplications accessible with ARIA support

拖放 Drag &Drop
  • 实现自定义拖放。ImplementCustom Drag and Drop

  • 学习SASSGettingstarted with SASS

  • 结合使用CompassSASSUsingCompass and SASS

  • 设计与重构应用程序 Designand Refactor Applications

  • ExtJS 4的最佳实践。ApplicationBest Practices

  • 引入 SenchaMVC模式。IntroducingSencha MVC

  • SenchaCommand 工具介绍。IntroducingSencha Command

构建 Ext 与你的项目Building Ext And Your Project
  • 设置、维护和部署 JSCSSSetup,Maintain and Deploy the JavaScript & CSS

  • 生成压缩的 JSCSSGenerateCompressed JavaScript & CSS
