招行信用卡绑定Google Checkout

使用招行信用卡购买了Google的$5/年的20GB存储空间!没有办法,Google Checkout不支持中国(P.R.C),所以只能"被"成为香港(Hong.Kong)公民了,因为只能购买一年的,Google提示是:您目前的方案將在 2011/1/20自動續約。目前已经增容成功,关键一点就是害怕,会不会因为卡片的注册地不在香港被停止这张信用卡在Google Checkout的使用,明年会自动续费么?这些都得等明年才知道了。


  1. 您尾号XXXX的招行信用卡于1月21日10时15分网上交易当地币8.00元;
  2. 您尾号XXXX的招行信用卡于1月21日10时36分网上交易美元5.00元。


Authorizations occur between our billing system and your bank's billing system to ensure that the card is valid and the necessary funds are available in your account before the order is charged. Because the order has been cancelled, the pending authorization will not result in a charge. 
You may also notice a $1.00 transaction from Google, which is actually a pending authorization request between our billing system and the bank that issued your credit or debit card, so you won't end up paying the extra $1.00. 
When you check your bank account or credit card statement, payment authorizations are often listed as "pending." These transactions might remain in your account between 1-14 business days, depending on your card-issuing bank. Please keep in mind they are authorization requests only, not actual charges. 
Authorizations can remain in your account anywhere from 24 hours up to 14 business days, depending on the bank. You may contact your bank to confirm the charge for your purchase with Google or to check on the authorization status.

购买的截图,注意Outlying IslandsHong Kong这两个地址哈:

招行信用卡绑定Google Checkout_第1张图片

P.S :上面的图片就是用Google Docs(经数次测试,图片链接不是固定链接,过一段时间就会变化,无法外部引用,只能用来存储了……)附:上传界面:

招行信用卡绑定Google Checkout_第2张图片

关于信用卡是否会被停用Google Checkout和订单是否会被退订

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