Step 1:下载插件之后,直接解压目录,发现有features和plugins两个目录,直接把对应目录的所有文件扔进Eclipse3.3-- WTP2.0中对应的目录.
2.启动Eclipse ,发现没有Cypal Studio的痕迹,关闭Eclipse.
顺次点击Meau-->Windows-->Preferences,惊奇发现Cypal的存在(有Cypal Studio选项).
I didn't mean to use Cypal Studio , and I didn't know anything about Cypal Studio too.
I just kept searching a eclipse plugin to help me to write GWT-Application...
At fist, I found GWT-Designer and Goolipse,and I prefered to Goolipse which is free and open-source.
But , when I open its page ,I found Googlipse is no more...Faint...Oh, It rename to Cypal Studio.
Step 1: Create a " Dynamic Web Project " project in WTP2.0,named "SimpleAJAX".
Tick the "Cypal's GWT Facet" item,also and add it lately.
Step 2: Create Gwt Module
Right Click the project -->New-->Other-->Cypal Studio -->
(to be continue...)