I'm going to give up. (我想放弃了。)
--You should finish what you start. (你别半途而废。)
--Don't leave things half done. *也可用half done来表示“半途而废”。?
You failed the exam again. (你又没考上。)
--I'm ready to throw in the towel. (我认输了。)? *throw in the towel这是一句拳击用语,用来比喻“认输”。
I don't think she's mean. (我没觉得她有什么恶意。)
--You'll see. (你终究会明白的。)
--You'll find out soon enough.
--Time will tell. (时间会证明一切。)
That's the most important thing.
That's the name of the game.
Don't bite off more than you can chew. *bite off more than one can chew 直译是“咬下了自己嚼不了的东西”,常用来表示“接受自己力所不及的工作”、“接受超过自己能力的事情”。
Don't attempt more than you are capable of.
There isn't much merit in doing so.
There is no reason to do so.
I don't see the point (of doing that).
Respect yourself.?
I don't think I can do it. (我觉得我做不了。)
I hope you'll be more positive overall. (我希望你事事要积极。)
I hope you'll be more positive in every way.
I wish you'd be more positive.
You should be more optimistic. (希望你能乐观点儿。) *optimistic “积极的”、“乐天派的”。?
Did you pass the exam? (考试都通过了?)
How did you know? (你怎么知道的?)
It’s written all over your face.
I can see it in your eyes. *你的眼睛告诉了我。
It's obvious. (明显地能看出来。) *obvious “一眼就能看出来的,明显的”。
Just think of it!
Just imagine. (想像一下。)?
The newspapers say that the yen will go up soon. (报纸上说,日元马上就会升值。)
--Don't trust it. (别轻信!)
--Be cautious. (请慎重。)
--Be careful. (要多加小心。)
--Trust it. (请相信。)
My boss scolded me today. (今天被老板训斥了一顿。)
--You asked for it! You didn't finish your report on time again. (自作自受,你又没有按时交报告。)?
My boss criticized my sloppy personal appearance. (我的老板批评我穿得邋遢。)
--Well, if the shoe fits, wear it. (如果批评得对,你就接受吧。)
I want to buy this car. (我真想买这辆汽车。)
--Let me give you a piece of advice. (我得提醒你一句。)
--Let me tell you something.
--I think you should know...?
Hold on to me tight.
Don't let go! (别松手!)
Hold me tightly.?
Watch out for him! (要提防着点儿他!)
Be careful of him.
Keep your eye on him.?
--Why? (为什么?)
That sounds easy. (好像很简单。)
--Well, there's a little catch. (可是,有点蹊跷。) *“小心有陷阱,圈套”。
--There's something to it.
--It's not as easy as it sounds. (并不像听起来的那么容易。)
Easy does it, doesn't drop the TV. (动作轻点儿,小心别把电视掉下来。)
--Don't worry. I won't. (放心吧,掉不下来。)
--Be careful. (小心啊!)?
Please go easy on me. *出自于新手和没有实力的人的口中。 也可用于体育运动go easy on... 常用于命令句, 表示“对……要手软”、 “对人或东西要珍惜”、 “对……要留有余地”。
--It's my first time, please go easy on me. (我这是第一次,请手下留情。)
Alright, I'll try. (知道了,我会的。)
Let's not jump the gun. *gun为“手枪”,而jump the gun是固定词组,表示比赛枪响前就跑出去的意思。即“抢跑”、“抢先……”之意。
I think I've got the job. Let's celebrate! (我想我已经找到了工作。我们来庆祝一下吧!)
--Let's not jump the gun. (为之过早了吧。)
--Let's not be too hasty.
--Let's not rush into things.
--Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. *“别在小鸡孵出之前就数鸡”,常用于口语中。
Let's not go overboard. *go overboard “做过了”、“超限度”。
I bought four dozen eggs. (我买了四打鸡蛋。)
--Let's not go overboard. (别太离谱呀!)
--Let's not go too far.
--Let's not be extreme.?
Let's wait and see how things go. *用于各种情况。
Let's wait and see.?
Don't jump to conclusions! *jump to conclusions直译是“随便下结论”,即“过早地下结论”、“贸然断定”。
So, I think she's pregnant. (所以,我想她已经怀孕了。)
--Don't jump to conclusions! (别这么快地下结论。)
--Don't prejudge it! (别凭想像判断。)
--Don't make assumptions! (不能主观臆断。)
--Don't get the wrong idea. (不要抱有那种错误想法。)
Hold it down!
Be quiet! *用于一般情况下。
Keep it down!
Keep it quiet!
Silence! *用于学校老师对学生。
I'm going to dance. (我想去跳舞。)
---Don't make a fool of yourself. (别丢人现眼了!)
--Don't play the fool.
--Don't make an ass out of yourself.
--Stop acting like a fool.
Think about where you are.
You should consider where you are.?
Act your age. *一般用在父母等上年纪的人教育年轻人时。“做和自己年龄相符的举止、行为”。
How do you like my new red skirt? (你觉得我这条新的红裙子怎么样?)
--Act your age. (你也不看看你多大了。)
--You should act your age. *比较温和的说法。
--Behave in accordance with what is expected of your age!
--You should behave more maturely. (你该表现得更成熟些。)
--You shouldn't act like a child. (别像个孩子似的。)?
Don't be stuck-up. *stuck-up “骄傲自满”、“自高自大”。
Don't be so pompous. *pompous “装模作样的”、“自负的”、“华而不实的”。
Don't be such a snob. *snob “势利小人”、“看人行事的俗人”。
Don't act like you're better than I am.
Don't flatter yourself so much. (别那么自以为是。) *flatter oneself “骄傲自满”、“得意洋洋”。?
Hey, you, asshole! (你这个混蛋!)
--Watch your tongue. (嘿,说话留点神儿。)
--Watch your language.
--Watch your mouth.
--Be careful of what you say.
--Don't use bad language. (不要说脏话。)?
Stop goofing off! *这是一句俚语,用于针对在工作、学习或练习中偷懒、耍滑的人。 goof off是口语表达方式,意为“懒惰”、“偷懒”。
Get a life!
You should make something out of yourself!
Don't be a bum!
Get a job! (去找个工作。)
Grow up! (该长大成人了!/你什么时候才能长大!)
I'm sorry, I can't do that. (对不起,我做不了。)
--Don't go back on your word! (别食言。)
--Don't break your promise. (不能说话不算数。)
--You should keep your word.
You're fired!
Man, you're out of here. *严厉的说法。
I have to sack you. *温和的说法。
I have to let you go. *温和的说法。
Don't talk boastfully. *boastfully “夸耀的”、“自吹自擂的”。
Japan is a very rich country. (日本是一个富裕的国家。)
Don't talk boastfully. (别自吹自擂。)
Don't brag.
Don't boast.
You should be more modest. (你该谦虚一些。)
Make it snappy! *这是一个惯用句, “快!”、“干脆点儿!”
Hurry it up!
Look snappy. *英式英语。?
Step on it! *step on it 原意是“坐火车飞跑”现在常表示“赶紧”的意思。
Be quick!
Get a move on!
Move it!
Snap to it.
We will not take your illness into consideration. (我们没考虑到你生病。)
--Put yourself in my shoes. (你们该为我想想。)
--Try to see it from my point of view.
--Try to see it my way.
I'll give him a piece of my mind. *give...a piece of...'s mind “严厉批评、责备……”、“大声地叱责……”。
I'll give him a piece of my mind for lying! (他撒谎了,我会好好说说他的。)
I don't blame you. (我不会怪你的。)
I told you so.
I got in trouble for lying. (因为撒谎,我闯祸了。)
--I told you so. You shouldn't lie. (我早说过吧,你不该撒谎。)
--See, I told you so.
--There now, didn't I tell you?
--You should have listened to me. (你要听我的就好了。)
It is as if I had done something wrong. *as if... “好像……似的”。
It's as if it's my fault.
It's as if I'm to blame.
It's like I did something wrong.
He chickened out at the last moment.
Don't take it out on me. *take it out on... “为泄愤而冲……发火”。
Don't take your frustration out on me.
Don't treat me badly just because you had a bad day. (别因为今天你不顺就拿我撒气。)
I didn't do anything wrong! (我没有做错什么事。)
Pay up! (还我钱!)
Can you wait till next month? (能等到下个月吗?)
Pay your debt!
Pay me back!
Give me my money now! (现在你就还我钱。)
You'll pay for this. *威胁他人,带有“要报复你”的语感。?
--You're out of your mind! *直译“你失去理智了”。
--You're off your rocker.
--You're nuts.
Why are you picking on me? *表示“为什么责备我?”、 “干吗我非得挨责备?”
You've got an ugly tie on. (瞧你系这么条难看的领带。)
--Why are you picking on me? (你干吗老挑我的刺儿?)
He always finds fault with my work. *find fault with... “吹毛求疵”、“有意见”、“挑剔”。
Hold it! *用来表达“等等!”、“停下!”、“别干了!”。
Hold it! It's time for lunch. (别干了,该吃午饭了。)
--It's about time. (总算到点了。)
Cut it out!
Knock it off! *俚语,“安静!”、“别动!”
Don't cut in line! *cut in line “插到队伍里”。
Don't cut in line! (别夹塞儿!)
Sorry about that. (真对不起!)
--Don't cut!
--Get in line!
--Get to the end of the line!
--Please go to the end of the line. (请到后面排队去。)?
Don't call me names! *call... names “骂人”、“说坏话”、“说脏话”。
Don't be a blabber mouth! *“没必要说的话别喋喋不休地说”。
Don't blab this to anyone! (别对什么人都唠叨这事。)
Mum's the word! (别声张!) *要求别说出去。
Don't be so talkative! (别多嘴。) *talkative “多嘴多舌的”、“好说话的”。
Don't tell anyone my secret! (别告诉别人我的秘密。)
Keep your lips sealed. (闭上你的嘴巴。)
No funny stuff! *口语中常常使用,最好能记住。funny除“奇怪”之外,还有“怪异”和“可疑”的意思。
Drop the gun, and no funny stuff! (放下枪,不许耍花样。)
Anything you say. (照你说的做。)
Duck! *上面有危险的东西掉下来时,提醒对方注意“卧倒”、“蹲下”。
You have to duck down here. (你得躲到这儿来。) *还有时间,不太紧急的情况。
Stand back! *“一步也好两步也好,往后退退!”、“从站的地方向后退”。
Step back!
Cut it out!
Stop it!?
Spread'em! *是Spread them的口语连读形式。them 指“手脚”。
Get out of here! *四个词常连读。
Back off! *当感到对方靠近自己,给自己带来危险时。
Go away! (走远点儿!)
Leave me alone! (让我一个人呆会儿。)