Oracle 11gR2数据库已不再包含css配置命令 - localconfig

win xp上装了个oracle 11g release 2,想试验下asm,居然发现找不到localconfig这个命令。

google一把,发现localconfig已经被移到单独的grid安装文件中了,而grid没有for win32版的,



No more localconfig in 11gR2 OH – So how to create ASM instance!!!!

From Oracle 11gR2, the ASM instance runs as part of Oracle Grid Infrastructure, and few other changes have been made.ASM was designed to work with single instance as well as with RAC clusters. ASM, even in single instance, requires the use of Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) and it must be installed and started before ASM becomes available. The CSS service is required for synchronization between between an ASM instance and the database instances.

Till 11gR1 the CSS process was created using the $ORACLE_HOME/bin/localconfig script in Linux / UNIX or %ORACLE_HOME%\bin\localconfig.bat batch file in Windows.

From 11gR2, you won’t see localconfig file anymore in Oracle Home.Oracle 11gR2 introduced OHASD (Oracle High Availability Service Daemon) which gets created,at the end of the installation by running OHASD has ora.cssd service which is the CSS service used for synchronization between ASM instance and DB.

So, you need to download the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Grid Infrastructure ( for your environment.The Grid Infrastructure is not available for windows 32bit, and so i installed Oracle VM with Linux x86 and the installed Grid.

