在 programmer one 阅读了文章之后,他接着看了文章的评论,其中有一篇评论提到了leftover机制——random cache。
我是随机缓存,我随意的替换缓存实体,没人敢抱怨。你可以说那个被替换的实体很倒霉。通过这些行为,我随意的去处缓存实体。我比FIFO机制好,在某些情况下,我甚至比 LRU 好,但是,通常LRU都会比我好。
当programmer one 继续阅读评论的时候,他发现有个评论非常有趣,这个评论实现了一些缓存算法,应该说这个评论做了一个链向评论者网站的链接,programmer one顺着链接到了那个网站,接着阅读。
public class CacheElement { private Object objectValue; private Object objectKey; private int index; private int hitCount; // getters and setters }
public final synchronized void addElement(Object key,Object value) { int index; Object obj; // get the entry from the table obj = table.get(key); // If we have the entry already in our table then get it and replace only its value. if (obj != null) { CacheElement element; element = (CacheElement) obj; element.setObjectValue(value); element.setObjectKey(key); return; } }
今天的专题很特殊,因为我们有特殊的客人,事实上他们是我们想要听的与会者,但是首先,先介绍一下我们的客人:Random Cache,FIFO Cache。让我们从 Random Cache开始。
public final synchronized void addElement(Object key,Object value) { int index; Object obj; obj = table.get(key); if (obj != null) { CacheElement element; // Just replace the value. element = (CacheElement) obj; element.setObjectValue(value); element.setObjectKey(key); return; } // If we haven't filled the cache yet, put it at the end. if (!isFull()) { index = numEntries; ++numEntries; } else { // Otherwise, replace a random entry. index = (int) (cache.length * random.nextFloat()); table.remove(cache[index].getObjectKey()); } cache[index].setObjectValue(value); cache[index].setObjectKey(key); table.put(key, cache[index]); }
public final synchronized void addElement(Object key,Object value) { int index; Object obj; obj = table.get(key); if (obj != null) { CacheElement element; // Just replace the value. element = (CacheElement) obj; element.setObjectValue(value); element.setObjectKey(key); return; } // If we haven't filled the cache yet, put it at the end. if (!isFull()) { index = numEntries; ++numEntries; } else { // Otherwise, replace the current pointer, entry with the new one index = current; // in order to make Circular FIFO if (++current >= cache.length) current = 0; table.remove(cache[index].getObjectKey()); } cache[index].setObjectValue(value); cache[index].setObjectKey(key); table.put(key, cache[index]); }