Person re-identification by Local Maximal Occurrence representation and metric learning

这是中科院关于Person re-identification CVPR 2015

  1. Local Maximal Occurrence Feature
    3.1. Dealing with Illumination Variations
    首先对图像使用 Retinex 进行了预处理,前后结果如下图所示:
    Person re-identification by Local Maximal Occurrence representation and metric learning_第1张图片

对处理后的图像,我们通过计算 HSV color histogram 来提取颜色特征。
In addition to color description, we also apply the Scale Invariant Local Ternary Pattern (SILTP) [26] descriptor for illumination invariant texture description

3.2. Dealing with Viewpoint Changes

4.Cross-view Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
4.1. Bayesian Face and KISSME Revisit
这里简单介绍了一下我们参考的两个方法,Bayesian Face and KISSME

4.2. XQDA

5 Experiments
