NServiceBus翻译之持久化技术(二):Using RavenDB In NServiceBus – Installing

Last Updated: Apr 04, 2013 12:38PM IDT



1.      Download and installRavenDB your self

2.      LetNServiceBus do it for you


#2 Auto installation by NServiceBus ofRavenDB

RavenDB已经被包含在NServiceBus binaries中了,NServiceBus有一个基础设施安装器 installers ,如果你激活这个安装器,那么它可以确保RavenDB被安装在本地机器上。


1.      Ravenpersistence is configured for the endpoint

2.      A customconnection string is not specified by the user

3.      The currentendpoint has no master node specified

4.      Port 8080 isavailable

5.      Raven is notalready installed

6.      The installis done using the explicit /installInfrastructure

#3 对于第三点解释如下: 如果有master节点被定义,那就是在告诉NServiceBus所有的数据都存储在server端。 这就意味着我们期望RavenDB服务器运行在远端机器上,而不是本地机器(你运行这个installer的机器)上。


(2013-8-21补充,我之前的一个AsA_Server/Client终结点运行在客户端,启动的时候老是报RavenDB连接的错误,然后我就想,TM这个终结点是运行的客户端的,我不能让每个客户都去装RavenDB吧,就算有信息要存也要存在服务器端吧,然后就想解决这个问题,我的运行在客户端的终结点程序本身也不需要使用RavenDB。 后来我发现启动参数里面竟然填了NServiceBus.Master,然后我将它去掉,就好了!!!!)


对于如何管理和操作RavenDB服务器的指令,请参考RavenDB的文档: http://ravendb.net/docs/server/administration

Upgrading RavenDB


1.      Back up yourRaven database

2.      Shut down theRavenDB service

3.      Replace thebinaries with the ones in the /Server folder in the download

4.      Make sure tonot replace the Raven.Server.exe.config if you have modified it

5.      Restart theRavenDB service


Which versions of RavenDB is compatible

NServiceBus 3.X is tested and compatiblewith all RavenDB from version 616 up to 992.  It has also been testedagainst RavenDB v2, so it is also a supported setup.  We stronglyrecommend that you run your NServiceBus endpoints against 992 since it hasbetter support for transaction recovery.  This versioncan be downloaded here:

RavenDBServer - 992


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